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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Guest idlebob

No, seriously, a sincere advice from experienced punters please!


Do not, under any circumstances, place this bet unless you have a 6 figure bankroll.


Dont think I will now.


You're welcome :)

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Aye, 3-1 @ 10/3 and 4-2 @ 9/1 still available. Get them early at HT


EDIT: Dinholad, £50 on the 3-1 and £25 on the 4-2 is a canny return for 45mins.


don't understand the odds and stuff. Sorry. :lol:


You're looking to make £150-£200 from the match?


Put £50 on R.Madrid 3-1 (returns £200)

Put £25 on R.Madrid 4-2 (returns £275)

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