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Platini Wins UEFA Presidency


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Get into the top 3 then.

We are in the top 3. As we were last season. Last season's 4th placed team, on the other hand, was in the CL final.


Agree with what you said..


But The whole champions league teams reduction aside,Platini had many harsh words to say about football in England ,no doubt he will try to change alot of things here,I personaly would be very intrested to see what he will do in his first year..


That's mostly because he hates us. He was playing for Juventus at Heysel.


I don't buy this guff about it helping the smaller nations to compete. In terms of finance, UEFA could simply cut the CL prize money and hand it out to the smaller leagues. This is preferable, because it would mean all the money doesn't land in the coffers of one club who then have every chance of pulling away from the rest of their league and becoming that league's de facto CL entrant every year.


In footballing terms, it's guff, too. Let's compare Everton and LFC. We usually end up in the qualifying rounds, as did they in 2005. Unfortunately for them, they had no experience in European competition and therefore had practically no ranking and were guaranteed a hard draw. LFC, on the other hand, when we first got into the CL, had had a couple of good UEFA Cup runs and had built up a decent enough seeding to get into the top half of the draw.


Weaker sides NEED to go into the UEFA Cup first to be able to accumulate some UEFA ranking points, otherwise they haven't got a cat in hell's chance in the CL, because they're guaranteed a tough draw in qualifying and at the group stage. I don't believe teams benefit that much from taking a pasting every year.


In all likelihood, we're only talking about 3 places in total (England, Spain and Italy have 4), but it is, in effect, replacing three of the top 10-ranked clubs in Europe with no-marks who won't win a game.


Financially, they'll be no better off because there's little chance of them getting past the 3 qualifying rounds into the group stages, which is where the prize money starts.

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Champions league should be a league of champions in which the winners of each leage qualify into a league, we will then get the best team in Eurpe winning the Champions Legaue and not Liverpool 05 again!!!

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Champions league should be a league of champions in which the winners of each leage qualify into a league, we will then get the best team in Eurpe winning the Champions Legaue and not Liverpool 05 again!!!

Hang on a minute. We beat the English and Italian champions to win it.


From what you said, I can only assume a) you have a problem with Liverpool (after all, we WERE good enough to win it), or b) you take the name too literally.


Would you have the same objections if it were still called the European Cup? Would changing the name eliminate your complaints?

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I think people prefered the days when it WAS a true Champions League


It should be renamed


The European Succesfull Clubs Competition TBH

How about the "UEFA Better than the UEFA Cup Cup"? The UEFA UEFA Cup Cup, for short.


It was never a league, though. That would be utterly unworkable, given that there would be 30+ teams in it.


I have no problem with people thinking it should only be for league winners, but it's foolish to suggest that would improve the level of the competition. Quite the opposite, in fact.


Pushing three of Europe's strongest sides into the UEFA Cup will also make that much harder to win for anyone else.

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