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Oliver pulling no punches


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What a ridiculously contradictory article. First he picks out Martins and Duff as poor performers, then states that the only difference between Roeder and Van Gaal is that Roeder is working with other people's players. If Roeder's own players (Martins and Duff) are, according to Anal, the worst on the pitch, we should probably be grateful that he hasn't been able to buy his own team. Oliver always licks Roeder's arse. He's basically saying Roeder is as good a coach as Van Gaal. Oh how I would love to smack that b******.


He obviously doesn't read his own shite or he'd have noticed, the blokes a twat of the highest order.

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Pull the punches is exactly what he does. Blame the players ahead of his mate as usual, prick.


This was my reaction after reading it, as well. In fairness to the po-faced fella, his life becomes a lot more difficult when he alienates the entire squad AND the manager. We all know how much it upsets him when players fall out with him and refuse to speak with him.

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