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Shola last night

Crumpy Gunt

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The obvious things still seemed wanting i.e first touch, staying onside, aerial ability, but those are things we've come to accept as Ameobi's inherent weaknesses.


Otherwise he seemed stronger and faster than before and showed a good deal more predatory instinct than Sibierski/Dyer. I say he's doing fine and is on course to be a good third-choice striker.


Come on, it's just Ameobi. Were you expecting a hat trick?

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Haven't seen either of them yet, but the extra muscle needn't be a bad thing. In Ameobi's case it's almost certainly good (look at Drogba for the model centre forward physique), in Owens case it depends if it affects his speed.


I remember about 15 years ago Linford Christie and John Regis both put on a pile of muscle before the athletics season and both got a lot quicker. Sprinters are either floaters or powerhouses, and I suspect floating isn't an option in premiership football. The real issue is whether it affects their stamina over 90 minutes.

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he was a bit faster since his operation.  His positioning is as bad as ever.  Poor header, should have scored, def lackin confidence.


imo loan him out, to sunderland :p


Thing is he was offside as much as Owen in the first half and by the same sort of margins half the time yet people are pulling one off over Owen and his predatory instincts and slagging Shola off for straying offside.


Also his touch just before he "dived" over the keeper was sublime, he went  a bit dodgy after that but thats fair enough just trying to bring that ball under control and if the whistle hadn't gone he would have been round the keeper.

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