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Ryan Nelson

Guest posadageordie

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

You need to be a footballer over an athelete though; look at Gooch, absolute shite he is. It doesn't matter how many college games you play in it won't give you the experience you can get in a country with a decent footall set up. I don't think England has a great football culture, great league yes but I watched some Greater Manchester teams in their cup final (friend's brother was playing) and the game was based more on athleticism and hard graft than technique. That is the difference between a country like England and a country like Argentina for instance who produce many players with great technique, and to be able to control the ball is the most important thing in football. I can't see America developing a football culture whereby you produce players like this, there just isn't the lust for the game there (from what I know at least).

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Guest JamesD

there isn't the passion for the game there now, i agree.  But wait a decade or two, and i think things will have changed significantly.

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oh its just a matter of time, but to be in the same leagues as the good majority of European leagues the MLS would have to jump light years with the other leagues falling significantly back, the latter just isnt going to happen.


Football is constantly improving, Newcastle can go out and buy 6 decent players in the summer but it wont be considerably relevant as the majority of other teams will make good purchases that move their team forward.


The good thing about the American/Canadian league is that its got so much potential and you cant even see the ceiling, and its the fastest growing sport and biggest inner city sport certainly in canada and alot of the states.


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back in '94 people said the usa would be the best footballing country on earth in 20 years. they've got 7 years left to fulfil the prophecy!


have they really made much progress in that time? in some ways they've gone backwards a bit, all their best players are getting on/retired and a younger generation hasn't appeared to take their place. the other sports in the US will always take the best and most dedicated athletes so soccer is left with the discarded. yes plenty of kids play it but they stop as soon as they reach 13 or 14 and move on to sports in which the US has a deep culture and traditionb. a lot of the newer people playing football in the US are probably hispanics from central america, and let's face it those countries are pretty crap at football and they're mad about it so i can't see hispanics in the US being any better in a country that is more apathetic towards the sport.

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Guest justin99.

I really can't see the the major US sports such as baseball, football, basketball, sit back and let 'soccer' pick away at it's market share.

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Guest JamesD

JamesD don't take the banters personally.

besides that first poster, who was either drunk or retarted, i haven't.  good discussion this thread.

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Guest posadageordie

JamesD don't take the banters personally.


Take it personally, I was retardedly drunk.

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