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Posts posted by M4

  1. Hadn't realised until yesterday that we were actualy live on Sky! So was glad that I would be able to have a nice lunch in front of the tv, kick back with a few beers...

    But now I'm gutted that I'm going to have to fucking watch Shola, It's going to do my head in, I already know it.

  2. I keep on forgetting we have Owen...


    Yes, the PR machine does a good job of reminding us he's about every so often.


    Tbh I'm not really interested in how he's doing right now... And Freddy's expert opinion on injuries is even more pointless info. Don't really want to hear any Owen talk until he's about 2 month away from full fitness.

  3. Unless this hip operation involves unscrewing half his body off and putting in a new lower half, then there isn't really much point, he'll be the same after. He might as well keep playing.

  4. !!!! I would like to show my support to Dave's cause here !!!!


    What the hell is up with capitalisation? Please use them in thread titles, especially on surnames! This just looks stupid.


    And page breaking links? tut tut tut, some people need to learn some forum manners  :winking:

  5. lol, there's showing less and there's this! taking the piss!


    Not showing teams, filmed with a steadycam, replays all stuck in rushed through, one point you heard the voice of the guy in the studio during a replay... and finally joined shootout at 4-4



  6. If they just got on with it, showed more action, had a lot less meaningless chit chat, had a little less ads, I'd probably watch the whole thing.

    Instead i'm sitting here at the cpu and will pop into the living room when we come on.

  7. don't you fuckwits understand TV and ratings?

    Shouldnt stop you making a quality program, instead of unbearable prolongued shite.

  8. Okay people sweep stakes on the number of articles on .cock tonight and tomorrow?


    The propaganda will be in full swing.


    This win is pleasing but somewhat annoying at the same time, I would rather have seen us pick up 3 points in the last game... and if we crash and burn again in the next few league games, this will soon be forgotten.

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