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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Wasn't the date his agent gave when he and Coloccini were going to go to FIFA? Not when the transfer was going to be dead in the water? AS.com suggested today that if the deal isn't sorted today the President will be off to Venezuela and the deal will be dead as a result, as nobody else from Depor will be handling it. Edit - beaten again. Fucksocks. Okay. I never read that. Didn't the president claim he was off out to Venezuela earlier in the week too, only to actually stay behind.
  2. Wasn't the date his agent gave when he and Coloccini were going to go to FIFA? Not when the transfer was going to be dead in the water?
  3. You mean like when the same team tried to squeeze us for £11m for Luque? Did the same side manage to up our bid for Luque from around £7 million to £9.5 million?
  4. They need the money from the deal more than we need Coloccini. There are plenty more fish in the sea and the minute we turn our backs and look elsewhere i've no doubt the price will drop again.
  5. That was the asking price. It's not rocket science mate. An asking price we won't pay.. Skirge, i'll simplify this for you. We bid, they accepted, we were about to tie up the deal when they raised the amount they wanted. I don't think it's a case of penny pinching, it's a matter of principal.
  6. I think its more fo the fact that they keep on uping the price then us not rating him more than 7 mil.There taking the piss really tbf Exactly.
  7. 2 in 2 weeks isnt that encouraging either Dave. We're still going to be very short of quality and quantity come the start of the season. And now with Viduka missing we can expect to see plenty of Ameobi and Smith. I'm not saying things are looking all brilliant and rosy in our garden (like some think I am). It just makes me laugh how people read 'I'm sure in the next two weeks we will see at least two signings coming in' and only seem to notice 'two signings'. I have to say I've been very patient with the owner and recruitment team so far but if we miss out on Coloccini I'm gonna scream bloody murder. There's only so much we can take before everyone will snap. Jesus wept. If we miss out on Coloccini it is not the boards fault. We agreed a fee, we discussed personal terms, Deportivo upped what they were asking and quite rightly we're refusing to rise to it. That's a pretty low way to go about transfer dealings and I for one am glad we're not folding like we did under Shepherd.
  8. Bollocks. I'd much rather we were shrewd and weren't held to ransom over a player in the most brazen way possible than close this deal for what could be £2/3 million more than we originally agreed.
  9. Can I point out Keegan says two players at least? And he's only talking about the next two weeks, not the next month.
  10. We've "agreed" personal terms with the player but Depor have turned down our bid which matched their original valuation in the hope they can squeeze £2 million more out of us. Hopefully a compromise can be reached, if not there's talk of Coloccini "doing a Jonas" and coming to join us. It's all going very Luque.
  11. We were knocked back by him according to the Swiss press a few weeks ago.
  12. Sky are about 12 hours behind. A few pages back there's quotes from the agent saying that the president wants more cash.
  13. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/07/28/article-0-0079923D00000258-559_468x286.jpg Why is he wearing a pair of Trust Me Trousers?
  14. Could this be Aimargate part deux? I expect it to be splashed across the newspapers the'morra followed only a few hours later by the news we've missed out and he's fucking off to the Yids.
  15. I didn't see any "el wide of the markio" unfortunately. tbf we haven't heard that one for a while You obviously haven't read todays Ronny then
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