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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. there must be some truth in it i think we're offering more than benfica, so they will accept our bid ahead of theirs simply as Surely the conduct of the press towards us over the past few months is enough to tell you that there doesn't need to be some truth in it. very true but we are getting quotes from his agent, not all of anal's links with no quotes from keegan whatsoever Are the quotes from his agent a month old now?
  2. there must be some truth in it i think we're offering more than benfica, so they will accept our bid ahead of theirs simply as Surely the conduct of the press towards us over the past few months is enough to tell you that there doesn't need to be some truth in it.
  3. Juan Pablo Sorin has just bought out the last year of his contract at Hamburg. Could well be worth a punt.
  4. great, but im starting to think that the board think that they can get to the top third of the league by this strategy alone. this will sound impatient and illogical, and it is, but if we dont sign someone for over 10million this summer i will be concerned, not because buying players worth that much guarentees that they are good, but if we go 2 seasons without spending any serious money it wont say much for our ambition. i think we are being run much better than we were under shepheard, and that we are going in the right direction, but if we are not going to spend then we wont succeed. maybe its part of some grand scheme to get the club turning a decent profit before spending big, but the forum is going to get even worse (if possible) and quickly if we dont spend. in order to keep up with citeh, and spurs we would need to spend money that would only be pheaseable with CL football. and liverpool spurs and citeh will also have to spend that amount. only one of those teams will get it though, and it may not be the same team each season, so as long as we continue to improve i dont care if citeh and spurs get further ahead of us, for the time being, because if all 3 are intent on chasing CL football, it will probably end very badly for at least 2 of them. we still need to be spending money regardless of whether we compete with spurs and citeh however, we have apparently tried and failed so far, but we need to succeed. thats not to say spurs or citeh´s spending guarentees them success however, but it gives them a better chance. im not going to be happy until smith, viduka, barton and duff are off the wage bill though. dont know if any of the above is coherent and/or makes sense. It doesn't make any sense. You complete lost me when you said you wanted us to sign someone for over ten million but then admitted it doesn't guarentee a player will be good. If we signed Guthrie for over £10 million will you be happy or up in arms?
  5. Law of averages. Buy them all and at least one of them should turn out to be the next Baresi.
  6. Goal.com and the Daily Heil are both as unreliable as each other, so he'll probably end up staying at Zaragoza.
  7. Somewhere between 10th-13th. Midtable. It'll be very much the same as last season but without any threat of relegation.
  8. It could happen, but then Alan Smith may turn into a half decent player. I know that Graham Wylie was linked once or twice in the Shepherd era after he left Sage. He's a lifelong fan but has admitted his real weakness is horse racing. Still, if Ashley could coax him into sharing some of the burden it would be a real benefit to have a card carrying Geordie on the board.
  9. http://removereality.com/images/blog/retard-owls.jpg This always seems quite apt whenever NE5 starts talking shite.
  10. Any more than the £2 million that's been quoted and i'll be very skeptical.
  11. He did last season with his mate from Spurs where he put the record straight on everything. It lasted a few weeks before it all started again.
  12. He's probably seeking investment for the land around the ground he wants to build on. Didn't he put in a planning application to build a "skyscraper" a few months back? I'm sure it was in the Ronny Gill.
  13. It'd be like resigning Scott Parker. Not a road I want the club to go back down.
  14. If true it just shows how the club is conducting itself under the radar of the press.
  15. Ashley did tell them that they'd need to find £420 million to buy us, but they were the ones that instigated the talks. Doesn't really make Ashley desperate to sell.
  16. Anyone know whether we officially hold his registration until the legalities are resolved? ie could this drag on and we're not able to play him? Not sure at all. If they're after compensation, that suggests that they've accepted he's actually gone but they want some £££ to soften the blow. If they could hold on to his registration I think they'd have already threatened to. Just guessing though - I could be totally wrong. They can't do anything anyway, it's EU law now that players can buy themselves out of a contract if they have 2 or less years remaining on their contract it's just he's only the third so they probably just want to have a go at getting some money on the off chance nobody really understands it. If he's bought himself out of his contract they have to release his registration. The amount of the compensation is not straightforward though, so unless the player & club agree amicably (obviously not the case here) it will at least have to go to some arbitration panel if not to court. Just wondering whether or not we can play him until it's resolved. I'd imagine we can as he was technically a free agent and then signed for us. The only thing that is in dispute is the amount his former club should recieve. This could be similar to the N'Zogbia situation.
  17. He also revealed that Viduka and Barton were signing a week or two prior to them being announced. His source does seem to be solid this time - someone who had dinner with Llambas.
  18. He's a 70 minute man. When was the last time he was effective from the start? Going to make a loss? What on earth are you talking about?
  19. Yes because he has never had a solid run of games under good management, we get an attacking gaffer and we sell our best midfielder. Great move. £8M is quoted. You are taking the piss, aren't you? The lad is average. He can't cut it in Premiership and he's injury prone. £8 million is fantastic. To be fair, we don't exactly have an abundance of talent in central midfield. That's no excuse to keep an average player, especially if we are going to get the £8 million quoted.
  20. http://www.fenerbahce.com/images/haber/2005/emre-fb001_3105.jpg I'd say so
  21. Yes because he has never had a solid run of games under good management, we get an attacking gaffer and we sell our best midfielder. Great move. £8M is quoted. You are taking the piss, aren't you? The lad is average. He can't cut it in Premiership and he's injury prone. £8 million is fantastic.
  22. We'd still have to pay big money for a hell of a striker to play alongside Owen then, because all of the pace and athleticism would be gone from our forward line with Owen replacing Martins there. That's bollocks right there. While Owen isn't as fast as he used to be he's still pacey compared to your average striker. I've nee idea where this myth about him having no pace at all now has come from. Granted, he isn't like s*** off a stick like Martins but pace isn't everything. So you think the current system would work with Owen and Viduka upfront? If you honestly think that then you sir are a joker, and you clearly didn't watch any of our games which featured this formation. If Martins is moved on to be replaced with Owen upfront then Owen's partner would have to be someone athletic and pacy e.g. a Darren Bent. If we got someone equally as effective in Owen's current role, yes.
  23. We'd still have to pay big money for a hell of a striker to play alongside Owen then, because all of the pace and athleticism would be gone from our forward line with Owen replacing Martins there. That's bollocks right there. While Owen isn't as fast as he used to be he's still pacey compared to your average striker. I've nee idea where this myth about him having no pace at all now has come from. Granted, he isn't like shit off a stick like Martins but pace isn't everything.
  24. It's quite obvious I wandered into a Martins love in and told a few home truths that people didn't want to hear. If you want a player who costs nothing and would probably be just as effective in that position i'd go for EMO. Spend the £13 million we could potentially recoup on Martins on a decent playmaker to replace Owen (Arshavin, just to keep you Pop Pickers happy) if we're going to continue to play 433.
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