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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. I'd take him for that.  Will be worth much,  much more in a few years time,  and its a position we badly need filling.


    Only cost me £4m on FM though.


    Thinking of FM, it could be a deal where he pays £4M up front, then the rest, up to £10M in instalments, based on certain conditions.

  2. Edgar and Huntington had their first senior game together at CB today, didn't they? Surely you wouldn't have picked a totally new and inexperienced CB pairing when you've got a more experienced, but slightly less capable player to choose. That's gambling, and would do wonders to Ramage's probably not-so-great confidence. Then what if Hunty or Edgar was injured, and a confidence-shot Ramage had to play? I think Roeder made a sensible decision, even if he picked a poor player on an exceptionally poor day.

  3. Ferdinand crocked today so that may rule him out.


    Ramage and £6m for Davies  ;D


    In an ideal world could happen

    but not in the real one :)


    Nah, wouldn't even happen on FM!  :D


    You horrible, horrible person. Now I have to play FM for the sole purpose of trying to sell Ramage.

  4. Not during Christmas. What else is there to boxing day? Maybe the last two weeks of January or something, but that wouldn't work with the European cups, would it? So no. The players could use some rest sometime during the season, though.

  5. As a Norwegian I wonder why Scott Carson is playing regularly for Charlton when he's only on loan from Liverpool. He can't be that much better than Thomas Myhre, since he has the worst stats in the Premiership this season (I remember he had a very good game against us).



    F*** OFF  you FAT TROL :thdn:


    Excuse me, I've seen the word TROL being applied to Carr many times now, but I don't understand what it means. Since it's got only one L, it doesn't seem to mean "troll", which would be an apt description of the fat monster, and since it's always capitalised, I would guess it's an acronym. However, the only TROL acronym I've found with Google is Teachers Resources On Line, and that doesn't make much sense, since Carr isn't much of a resource.


    So, what does TROL mean?

  7. Or, it's the rest of you who are fucking idiots because you can't get it?


    Oh, I think I agree that Carr is a fine player when he's on form. He just tends to be completely off form almost all the time, which makes him pretty useless. He's as much of a has-been as Tore Andre Flo. We should see if we could offload him to Leeds.

  8. "an asshole"


        What's this, then? 'Romanes Eunt Domus'? 'People called Romanes they go the house'?


        It-- it says, 'Romans, go home'.


        No, it doesn't. What's Latin for 'Roman'? Come on!




        Come on!


        'R-- Romanus'?


        Goes like...?




        Vocative plural of 'annus' is...?


        Eh. 'Anni'?


        'Romani'. 'Eunt'? What is 'eunt'?


        'Go'. Let--


        Conjugate the verb 'to go'.


        Uh. 'Ire'. Uh, 'eo'. 'Is'. 'It'. 'Imus'. 'Itis'. 'Eunt'.


        So 'eunt' is...?


    And so on. (Copypasta from http://www.mwscomp.com/movies/brian/brian-08.htm)

    I was also going to point out that you can link directly to any earlier revision of a Wikipedia page, but then I noticed that Beckham's page is sabotaged several times every day. Look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=David_Beckham&action=history

  9. I'm sick of hearing people going on about spending big money again on a striker, we need to see what Owen's like when he comes back first before splashing out on another striker when the defence needs sorting out.


    We need to strengthen both defence and attack. Before Martins started scoring in every game, we were among the least scoring teams in the Premiership. We can't rely on Sibierski (and Dyer) to score all our goals whenever Martins gets injured or has a dip in form.

  10. Chelsea without question.


    I can't understand why any NUFC supporter would ever want ManUre to ever win anything ever again. You complain about Chelsea bandwagon jumpers.... my god that describes 99% of ManUre's supporters. Can't stand the arrogant bassads. Methinks those of you who would prefer ManUre are either bairns or have very short term memories.


    No, not at all. I just have a feeling that not winning would be slightly more embarrassing for Chelsea. That's where my opinion comes from. One of them is going to win, and that's a sad fact. One of them won't win, and I'm sure their tears can be collected and used in a nice tequila drink.

  11. "...Glenn also mentioned to me at training: "Steven Carr will be sold. I'm sick of having a fat, overweight and overpaid excuse for a football at my club."






    So that's what they use him for these days? No wonder he's always injured.

  12. I agree with Taylor27. The injuries are too diverse to be caused purely by bad training. Wasn't it almost all hamstring injuries last year? Still, some teams always seem to be without injuries. Bolton. I wonder how they do it?

  13. 19th May. Scott Parker.


    You are like Scott Parker. Player Prediction Thingy sees a McDonalds. Did you work there? Maybe just eat food there? Star in one of their adverts?. Whatever your connection to McDonalds, it doesn't matter too much. Whatever your McDonalds experience was, it was the high point of your life and you'll never top it.



    Me too, another month. But what's with the 19th and Scott Parker? He's born October 13, 1980, according to Wikipedia.

  14. adults in consenting sex.....................wheres the story ?


    Not exactly setting the highest standards as role models.  I'm hearing that Levy and Comolli went ballistic when they found out yesterday.


    Not exactly setting standards as role models by playing for Sunderland, so what's your point?

  15. Websites (including the two previous incarnations of this forum) have actually been closed down becuase someone has posted more than 6 fixtures next to each other (without dates). The fact that we cant show fixture lists is indisputable.


    Certainly, but that's because of bullying, not because of what you have the legal right to do. In fact, "The European court of justice [...] ruled [November 9, 2004] that the Premier League and Football League cannot demand payment from media and pools companies over publication of fixture lists and match information." That's from <A href="http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,1347339,00.html">The Guardian</A>, btw. You shouldn't mistake the effect of scary and official-looking cease and desist letters for copyright law.


    I'm not disputing the fact that we can't post fixture lists, I dispute the legality. There's no evidence that posting 6 fixtures next to each other is illegal, since it's never been tried in a court of law. It also probably never will be tried, since <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_DataCo">DataCo</A> can scare internet providers into closing sites down.

  16. No, it's not protected knowledge. It's public knowledge, since it's widely published. The problem with the fixture copyrights is that it's the result of a lawsuit in 1959, which hasn't been challenged later, and now there's an enormous amount of money in it -- some of which is also returned to the clubs, and not only rich Premiership clubs. <A href="http://www.mg.co.za/articledirect.aspx?articleid=259822">Here</A> is an article about it. The fact that so many poorer clubs get money from the fixtures would probably make a new trial more difficult, and the fact that there's so much money in it would make it more drawn-out and expensive. That doesn't make any copyright claim to the facts valid, it just shows that the legal system protects the rich.


    Facts can't be copyrighted. "The types of work eligible for protection are literary, dramatic, artistic or musical works, the typographical arrangement of a published edition, a sound recording, a film or a broadcast." (From <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_law_of_the_United_Kingdom">Wikipedia</A>.) A fixture list would have to be considered as a typographical arrangement or a literary work. As a typographical arrangement, it could be re-arranged, and as a literary work, you have  protected rights when it comes to quotations: "Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work does not infringe any copyright in the work provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement and provided that the work has been made available to the public." You do have some protected rights when it comes to publishing from the fixture lists, but you certainly can't legally publish them verbatim. You can, however, comment on our next games without keeping the names of our opponents and the fixture dates a secret.

  17. Fixture Lists are copyrighted believe it or not, and the two previous incarnations which merged to form Newcastle-Online (aka howaythetoon and ToonChat) both got closed down by their servers without warning after NUFC threatened the server with legal action. It is illegal to post more than 5 fixtures at a time I understand.


    Newcastle World is the official website. The only thing from there we can post without breaking copyright as far as I understand is the text articles which you dont have to pay subscription for, and even then you must post a direct link to the page in question.


    The fixture dates aren't copyrighted. You can't copyright facts, not even if they are wrong. What is copyrighted is the specific list, presented in one (or several) specific way(s). If you make a fixture list with a new form of presentation, the FA can't possibly have a valid copyright claim against you. Of course, validity has never been much of an issue when it comes to the copyrights of the super rich, so they can (and probably will) have their lawyers rape you until you just do as they say.

  18. My mate made that video. Please don't give it any more exposure, it's shite, all he did was repeat clips twice, theres really only about 5 mistakes on there.


    The music was my suggestion btw  bluebiggrin.gif

    Excellent choice of music.


    Even if the clips are just repeating five mistakes, Boumsong really did make many shocking mistakes while at Newcastle. I've seen other compilations. He did have some good games, though, many of them against Henry. I don't think he's such a bad player, it just didn't work out for him in the premiership.

  19. :lol:


    I hated Nicky Butt with passion after THAT Fa cup game but now he's seems settled down and is in some fine form,


    Beginning of the season i would of sold him in a shot but now through his impressive peformances and the fact that he brings expierence and balance to the team i would start him every game.


    :thup: Welldone Butt


    What he said.

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