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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Adverts for the Malmaison on the hoardings. Noticed it didn't say where the nearest one was.
  2. How many more chances? Mackems getting ripped to shreds here like
  3. Anyone else's ITV HD switching to SD randomly?
  4. Clattermole starting to charge round like a mong.
  5. Sunderland with only 2 defenders on the pitch
  6. Sunderland defence are "rattled"
  8. Get another quickly and the game will be dead and buried.
  9. "Vorn" as the mackems spell it, is coming on. Ugly get.
  10. 7/1 for the mackems to win? Not a bad bet tbh.
  11. BEEWWWWWWWWW Fucking mackems man. Biggest game in years and they get beeeeeeewwwweeeedd off
  12. Fat mackem in the crowd as Neville shepherded that out BEEEWWWWWWWW
  13. Bardsley is worse than Tiote for shooting from ridiculous distances.
  14. Couple of proper retarded questions on this page
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