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Posts posted by Nicky

  1. Awful match, was to the left of the stand n thought the support was good tbh, what are the lyrics to the "follow follow" song that went on the entire second half?


    biggest defeat of the match was Tiote's red, which was ridiculous, but with all this "in this day and age" bollocks can't be surprised


    We love you,we love you, we love you & that is why we follow, we follow, we follow,  cos we support the boro, the boro the boro & thats the way we like it, we like it, we like it awhooooooooowwwwwwaaahhhhhwwwwwoooooooooo



  2. lets kill those obnoxious small-time fuckers.


    Heh.  Only quote I could be bothered to quote.


    As much as I love Newcastle,  Stevenage always has & always will be my first love.  To say i'm over the moon with todays result is an understatement.  Didn't agree with all the chanting about Shearer,  and it never crossed the line etc as thats clearly in the past.  At least thats been buried now.  Surprised how strong Pardew went,  but that backfired a little.  Think our (Stevenage) players looked a little shakey first 5/10,  but as soon as they settled down,  completely outplayed Newcastle over the 90 minutes. Bostwicks goal was not a hit and hope - he's done that many times.  Laurie Wilson was superb,  been such a hit and miss player,  but to see him take the piss out of Nolan and Smith was hilarious.  Thought Tiotes lunge was a red at first viewing in fairness,  but replays showed he got the ball so I guess he may win an appeal.


    Thought Newcastle fans were pretty rubbish today.  I was expecting a massive atmosphere with banter back and forth,  but they rarely seemed to make any noise.  Was really surprising,  we completely outsung them,  and that rarely happens.


    Last thought - i've said it elsewhere,  but the "fan" of ours who ran on and punched over Scott Laird because he wouldnt give up his shirt is a complete,  grade A cunt who should never be let in a football ground again.  I seriously hope he gets caught and Scott presses charges.

  3. I don't think it was a Stevenage fan tbh, I think it was just a random who wanted something he could flog on eBay.


    It was a Stevenage fan.  He was in the East Terrace during the game,  and has been recognised by some of our fans.

  4. Stevenage fans have got a reputation on par with Luton round here of being complete cock ends. Didn't believe it till today.


    Some of the wankers to the right of our lot. :facepalm:


    Thing is,  the wankers you're on about only turn up to the "big" games to cause trouble.  We saw it at home to Luton,  too.  People turning up just to take the piss.

  5. It was a Stevenage fan.  He ran up to him and asked him for his shirt,  obviously he said no & in return he got a smack on the cheek,  he then run away (slightly pissed too) like a complete coward.  Never been so annoyed at anything in football in my life.  I've met Scott countless times,  and (i know it gets said a lot) but he is genuinely one of the nicest people you could meet (when we won the league he took my programme from the game down to training to get it signed by everyone).  To think one of our own fucking fans would do that,  makes me fucking angry.  Hope he gets caught,  charged and fucking locked up for that.  Complete cunt.

  6. Don't really know where to put this,  but a cracking piece from the Mail about recent goings on.  Waddle's comment made me crack up...




    While the team he created came wading through the debris of a chaotic week, Chris Hughton was far away from the action.


    A fine manager, crassly discarded, was celebrating his birthday and coming to terms with his cruel misfortune. Yet still he cast a long shadow across St James’ Park.


    His was the face on the fans’ banners, his was the name on their lips. Well, his name and those of the men who sacked him; the Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and his managing director Derek Llambias.


    The fans spoke warmly of Hughton, the man who led them to the Championship title last season and delivered some remarkable results in the Premier League this term; six goals against Aston Villa, five against Sunderland, victory at Arsenal, a point against Chelsea.


    They revered Hughton for bringing stability, dignity and a real measure of success to a club which had been a stranger to such things. The players seemed to share that view. ‘There was such a dignity about the way he left. It goes without saying that we were shocked’, said Newcastle’s captain Kevin Nolan.



    And if they loved Hughton, then they despised his executioners. These, after all, are the people who employed Joe Kinnear and Dennis Wise, as well as Alan Shearer and Iain Dowie, perhaps the least successful double act since Cannon and Ball. Shrewd judgment is clearly not their forte.


    Hughton’s successor, Alan Pardew, had arrived on a wave of apathy. There is usually a cast of thousands for the introduction of a new manager at St James’ Park. Pardew was greeted by a couple of cleaners, the local postman and the club cat. Enthusiasm was easily contained.


    The preamble to last night’s game was unpromising for Pardew. Kevin Keegan, one of his many predecessors, offered a character assessment.


    He said: ‘You can’t work with these people. You can’t trust them. They tell you one thing and mean another... Mike Ashley doesn’t know anything about football and Derek Llambias knows even less than him. So you’ve got two people running the club who know nothing.’


    Chris Waddle, another Newcastle favourite, added his own commendation: ‘When you’ve got Batman and Robin upstairs, you’ve got no chance,’ he said.


    In fairness, there was support for Ashley’s treatment of Hughton from the former Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd: ‘A lot of people won’t agree with me but I think he has done the right thing. I would have done the same,’ said Shepherd. Some might find that encouraging. Others would suggest that, with Shepherd as your friend, you really don’t need enemies.


    Pardew arrived to boos and banners acclaiming Chris Hughton. Ashley turned up with chins sagging, neck gaping, radiating all the gravitas of a ticket tout.

    Next to him, Llambias looked like a casino director, which he is. It was at his casino, it seems, that he made the acquaintance of Pardew, who was sacked by his three previous clubs.


    As we know, there is nothing a casino boss loves more than an habitual loser.


    Newcastle had found their next manager. Pardew affected a cheery indifference. ‘I’ve had a lot of texts from other managers saying I must be mad coming here,’ he said.


    Perhaps so, but the fact the alternative was continued unemployment possibly influenced his decision to sign a five-and-a-half year contract.


    The team, Hughton’s team, played willingly enough for the new man against a Liverpool side whose performance belied its recent encouraging results.


    Indeed, when Nolan scored after 14 minutes, it seemed that they might get Batman and Robin off the hook.


    But Steve Taylor’s own goal did nothing to improve the mood and jeers were simmering until the 80th minute, when Joey Barton stole the lead.


    The final flourish, an extravagant drive by Andy Carroll, had Ashley up on his feet, dancing and demonstrating his delight and relief. It would be pleasant to report that his joy was shared across the length and breadth of English football. But it wouldn’t be true.


    Pardew, sensitive soul that he is, announced he would be contacting Hughton for his observations. ‘But he’ll be hurting, so I’ll give it time,’ he said. Splendid idea. About five-and-a-half years ought to do it.





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