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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. He'll buy a ticket if he can't get in. You know he will.
  2. Would be nothing short of insane if this bloke came back with Bruce and Shearer. Holy shit.
  3. The idiot could have walked away and gotten a job in the PL before this summer. He's dug himself into a career hole he'll never get out of - maybe thats why he's trying to cling on to the last payoff.
  4. an Awesome manager replaces Pardew Ashley f***s off and we get new owner who wants to win s*** Hatem returns, loses 20 lbs We win every game left in the season after Hull
  5. I guess they have no grasp on history - in all levels of life and sport. The complacent get nothing in their lives, nothing. Fucking history 101.
  6. The man literally can't be in public in Newcastle, can he? Surely? He couldn't go grab a coffee or a bite to eat and feel like he wouldn't get verbally and/or physically abused? But naw he wants to keep his job, won't walk away, a win on saturday means all of that goes away. Yeah, fuck off.
  7. That's the beauty of it for me. It's the bad guy in a film being an untouchable, moustached c*** for ages then getting a pipe through his chest. Anything he gets is completely of his own making which is why he's so scared. Yep. the prick deserves everything he's getting on Saturday. Dared to question the intelligence and education of the people in the NE and somehow still can survive that. Not anymore man.
  8. He's ruining my enjoyment of sport - something I watch for entertainment, something I played my entire life. He's the reason I want my own club to lose so he's closer to the chop. He got his job in a backdoor type of way and pretends to be this man of the people, but he's a f***ing fraud and egomaniac. He's not got any track record of success to show for himself, and he's not got a cabinet chock full of trophies to point to as a reason to have such an ego. He's the same guy who's told us really not to dream, that a mediocre 10th place is good enough, and that European nights are a waste of money and time. The last thing he'll ever get is sympathy from me. I met Graeme Souness, told him who I supported and he apologized for how bad he/they did under his tenure. If I said the same to Alan, we all know it's never, ever his fault. f*** him. I truly hate him, and hate is putting it lightly.
  9. Agreed. I just wonder with the benefit of hindsight how much his decline was due to his illness. ...and how much was related to AP?
  10. Kanji

    John Carver

    Hope the board come down on them with a sacking over the weekend and just call it a day. Will do it for me. Carver is one of those "support the team" thick idiots anyway, small-time, small-minded bloke. This guy worked next to SBR, he was his right hand man, and he comes off cursing at fans, threatening to fight them and working for and next to a manager who is the antithesis of what SBR believed in for this club. That's still the most painful in this all. SBR believed this club to be one of the top in the world, capable of anything, and Carver worked and sat right by him when he believed and coached this to the players...and this guy, this "local" is the same guy who thinks "supporting the team" is the way out of this mess? SBR wouldn't ever allow anyone to say this club's level is mid-table or 10th place. Never.
  11. :lol: Tackle the critics head-on after another boring home defeat, then? His ego has no limits huh? Ego-maniacs like Gullit and Souness even knew when to step the fuck down ffs. Not a single human being with any sense would put themselves through the vitriol he will get on Saturday, yet he still thinks he can "take it head-on" absolute moron. He used to claim he cares about the people in the NE, or this club and its supporters - they/we want him out. So if you/he cared, then walk away. Hope he enjoys being pinned to his seat in dugout next to his pals on Saturday.
  12. stopped reading after the first paragraph. Fucking thick idiots man, if you are blindly loyal to something you believe in and the current "situation" is messing you about - you aren't loyal, you are submissive and weak. Mike Ashley and Alan Pardew are messing about with WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT NEWCASTLE UNITED. Period. Therefore change is needed and therefore protests, anger, noise, not spending money etc. is all what is required and necessary to enact change or force change. How fucking dumb can you be? "Stability" - nothing about Alan Pardew's reign as manager and Ashley's ownership has been stable. If it was stable we'd be 10th place every season and fans would turn up, clap etc. We don't pogo up and down the league if we are in fact, "stable" If every single sport supporter was blindly loyal about their clubs nothing would have ever happened to positively change their club. Fuck off to those people who post those stupid things and fuck off to anyone who says "go to the match and support the lads!" - you're the problem, you're as culpable as the rest of the absent minded fools that want stability and want the team to win on Saturday despite not seeing the BIGGER PICTURE - ones who enjoy this boiled, burned and reduced down to scraps and ashes club in its current state.
  13. Kanji


    "brings you in and out of the MLS world" LOLOLOLOL
  14. Kanji


    It's the hipster logo explanation. Also, a bit funny that they are pushing it into FIFA 15 as well. I'm happy its changing though - no doubt about it.
  15. Kanji


    http://usatftw.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/mls_crest_breakdown.png?w=1000 Slash.
  16. Kanji


    I like it, it's about time the old logo went away. I also like the club color versions too - very cool. You guys need to look up the explanation of the new logo though - its some random stupid shit
  17. All i really care about now is him getting himself cancer free and smiling, joking, and hopefully getting his wonderful hair back. I was tired of his decline as a player, but he'll always be remembered in a small bracket of players who I'll always have the utmost respect and care for - he stuck around and helped us get back in the PL and did so as a top, top bloke and a real "ambassador" of the club, the club I'm referring to are the passionate fans who give everything for this club.
  18. Agree. I kind of liked that cunt Dekka before he left. And by liked, I mean I just didn't hate him as much as I used to.
  19. Kanji


    The same Chron that gets banned by the club and acts like a battered no-self respect hooker is allowing for these PR junkies to chime in negatively about group of supporters who are trying to get a man who's criticized, lied, and been generally shit at his job OUT OF HIS JOB to save the club from a downward spiral that won't be ending any time soon. Ah right, go spit shine those gates Dix you fucking idiot.
  20. Kanji


    How that guy get's a platform to speak is 1 thing, and another is this is the same guy who did the funeral thing. Sideshow fucking carnival character is Wraith.
  21. Kanji


    Saw that too - wow, what wonderful change and influence you've brought on the club Mr. Dix, gates. Gates. Fucking gates?
  22. Kanji

    Kevin Keegan

    Hurts to think he should have had the same tenure, if not continuing at this club that Sir Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger have had at Manchester United and Arsenal. Save for maybe a walk-away like he did -> Dalglish -> Gullitt -> SBR -> Keegan from then on again.
  23. Yeah we are on the same page, just wanted to make my point clear where I think we should be.
  24. Kanji we are such an easy fix. It's so frustrating. Not saying that is what I want either, let me be clear, I look at the likes of Everton, Dortmund, Atletico etc - clubs who clearly don't have same cash as the other teams but through proper, infrastructure, scouting, youth policy, and an exciting galvanizing type manager who plays good football (EVE, BVB) or effective football (AM) and that's where I know and feel we could be. I want to be Newcastle United, the club who pushes for top 5 every season, the club with a maverick manager who plays great (or effective) football, one who get's the crowd, shows the same passion the fans have, and the players love to play for, one who takes guys like Remy Cabella or Hatem Ben Arfa and unleashes them on to the world...and hey, we may lose to Liverpool 4-2 at Anfield, but come to SJP - we'll be fucking rocking and we'll put on a show and play them off the park for 3 points.
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