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Posts posted by bulivye

  1. Not heckling per se, but was at Birmingham City once and some lad shouted "ref, you pink-shirted t***." Some massive skinhead in front of him turned around and in broad Geordie, solemn as you like came out with "excuse me pal, I think you'll find that colour is actually salmon."


    He didn't look like the sort you'd argue with and this lad obviously thought the same so he said sorry, quickly followed by "refe-f***ing-ree, you salmon-shirted bellend."


    Made me chuckle that someone would be so particular about colours.




    hmm... i remember a certain Callum McManaman early in is career doing a horror-tackle on Massadio-Haidara & getting what again?  was Mitro's anything like that 'challenge'?


    Good fucking post.


    No it isn't ffs :lol:


    A clearly wrong decision has nothing to do with this. There would never be another red card again if the criteria was it being comparable to this challenge.


    FWIW my view is similar to what someone posted earlier about it being an "orange" card. It's clearly at least a yellow and worse than almost all yellow card challenges you'd see. It's not like it's an incomprehensible decision like the Afelley or Noble red cards. Also, everyone who says he was trying to control the ball, even if the Arsenal player wasn't there that's a bloody weird way to try and control the ball.

    McManaman's actions were defended by his manager & others as a product of 'enthusiasm' on his debut & that he shouldn't be held to account because he wasn't "that sort of lad".  point being that Mitrovic is also full of enthusiasm but has gotten a reputation as being "that sort of lad" ... i think marriner has made up his mind before the match even began that he wasn't going to having any nonsense during his game & so he books sissoko early etc.

    when mitro has his awkward/rash/clumsy 'challenge he gives him straight red b/c it's in his head that mitro is a dirty player.  i think it's also in his head that since he screwed up a call against arsenal from before ( last season was it?) & then he's not blown for the penalty by thauvin, he's got to do something harsh to an arsenal opponent to show he's got nothing against arsenal. 

    i'm not saying that Mitrovic should carry on screaming, "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" as he plunges into every 50/50 ball or challenge & get away with it; he needs to keep a lower profile.  but, on this occasion i think he saw red based on his reputation & another player might have got off with a yellow.

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