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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. La Parka

    Charlie Austin

    Wanted to join "a team on the up"... Dig at us?
  2. Navas though he blasts low crossess mainly.
  3. The way Man U play means he can't play in behind or run into space. He beats his man on power and pace. Must say his passing last night was atrocious at times.
  4. Butt << Colback <<< Smith <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Faye.
  5. Please be the end of him. http://rs865.pbsrc.com/albums/ab219/TheNecromanticCat/ORIGINAL%20SIZE%20ANIMATIONS/revengeblade_003_350x210.gif~c200 #viva la revolucion! http://cdn.modernghana.com/images/content3/240x_mg_imghenrisaivetbordeaux1370178521_620_400_crop_articles170125300x193.jpg http://images.supersport.com/2012/JonjoShelvey-celebrates120915R300.jpg
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