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Everything posted by MW

  1. He actually said shola was our best player. Twice
  2. ooooo i didnt like that about cabaye. very clear example
  3. huh? ffs was expecting him to say santon right or left
  4. didnt know he said he would prefer cisse ahead of ba in the summer last summer
  5. who did he say would be good going forward? another CB defo in
  6. its already been in the papers. nothing new really
  7. sunderland will get a tattoo as a tribute to the queen. classy
  8. MW


    didnt realise it was an actual mag was funnier before i knew that
  9. its only english teams that dont give a shit. we always gave a decent account of ourselves. some very good teams in it this and next season
  10. MW

    Alan Pardew

    I certainly wouldn't renew did you guv, did you?
  11. MW

    Alan Pardew

    why were u banned
  12. MW

    Alan Pardew

    It's the mixture of such a pathetically mediocre manager who's done nothing of note in years potentially being brought in to 'improve us' over a man like Hughton. The undying love for Hughton mixed with the dislike for Pardew, expectedly, creates an intense hatred for him. And I don't blame them one fucking bit. what a surprise wormy was wrong
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