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Everything posted by MW

  1. How fun the last 20 minutes at WHL were Wigan. My early february prediction had them on 23 points How Jose has turned shit, thought he would have at least has a chance with Spain
  2. What did shearer say about Barton?
  3. MW


    Yeh agree, disappointing the time he went but he deserved better the state we were in. jFK was manager ffs
  4. MW

    Joey Barton

    the tweets after the game are truly unbelievable. has he taken them down?
  5. They would have still been in the FA Cup final, so no. o aye
  6. if everton had beaten liverpool in the semi, chelsea would have to win to be in europe next season wouldnt they?
  7. great day for fans of watching fans celebrate. QPR fans twice and man city for the 3rd were brilliant
  8. MW

    Joey Barton

    don't try shift that on me, you made a fool of yourself
  9. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151714503875361&set=at.10150652274195361.684968.792625360.506579779&type=1&theater dont know if you lot can see that man utd fans taking the piss out of the crying city fans
  10. Nobody played well. We lacked heart and belief and bowed out on a downer. Marveaux returned and showed a couple of good touches. HBA was only rarely involved and Ba stunk the place out. cheers
  11. anyone mind saying giving a quick who played well, who shite etc? at least a win wouldnt have changed anything
  12. my match got finished 5 mins early after a 21 man brawl i was just watching
  13. last i had heard it was 2-1 QPR with about 10 mins to go. i get back and turn the tele on, literally as the final whistle went. i actually did a full on gasp. absolutely stunned
  14. Leaving for my match soon. In my head, I will be playing for us away at Everton to put us in the champions league. HTL
  15. Howay guys, that sounds weird Never thought of this being the last game of the season. Thats shit
  16. Fulham mate says they have no chance I agree that wba winning is our best hope. But everton winning is a lot more likely than that
  17. I just remembered it was on xmas day for some reason. I hadnt got my mum a present ran out to the shop. The little painting I was gunna buy had gone, so I ended up doing the buy 1 get 1 free cook books. Random
  18. Just woke up. Heart sank when I opened my eyes. We had snuck 4th with a 2-0 win at the bridge. Arsenal won 2-0 at wba, but spurs drew 2-2. Redknapps face walking on the pitch at the end in the rain was an absolute picture. Van Der vaarts 2nd goal for us was an absolute beauty
  19. If we finish 4th, that bet could ruin your life If we finish 4th il stick £50 on Chelsea
  20. Missing this completely. Will be receiving text updates so long as the person doesnt desert me. FUCKING COME ON im not expecting a win. And im not expecting thr others to fuck up enough for a win to help us..therefore, I can only be happy tomorrow
  21. 4-2. Outrageous strike 30 yards
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