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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 1 minute ago, worthy said:

    The man has said that he has difficulties concentrating for 45 minutes, let alone 90. Not a great thing to say as a goalie :lol:

    I completely missed that. If that’s accurate then yes, best avoided. Although, being pedantic, does a goalie need to concentrate for a full 90?

  2. Just now, Matt1892 said:

    The option would be you drop the defenders back to make more of a low block, then you would look at dropping 2 of the midfielders to slightly deeper so you don’t create a space between them and the defence, then pushing the other midfielder slightly forward to link between them and the attack.


    It would give you a formation similar to Liverpool and Brighton then and would cut out a lot of the issues with being exposed at the back.

    And what about the sacrifice of attacking intent and pressing which that involves? 

  3. If you think Howe is actually inflexible then in my view you’re not watching the games or you don’t understand football beyond surface level. Clearly on Saturday our tactics changed to overloading their right back with hall, Anderson and Barnes and we went all out attack with the fullbacks. One can make tactical changes without fundamentally changing the formation. he sacrificed 2 defensive positions for an offensive overwhelm and he was richly, totally and justly rewarded.

  4. 1 minute ago, Matt1892 said:

    Players being injured doesn’t mean he can’t change the tactics involving the players he does put out, it is absolutely ridiculous to think we can’t deviate from the standard 4-3-3 with a high line no matter the players we put on the pitch.


    If you have a keeper that you rely on to sweep allowing you to play a high line, then that keeper is injured and the replacement can’t sweep, you don’t carry on playing that high line, especially when you are shipping a high number of goals in the process.



    You really must write all this to the manager - I’m genuinely concerned he’s not noticed or thought about it.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ShootShoot said:

    Its called being a realist 

    I profoundly disagree with you. It’s being miserable and unduly focused on negatives. 

    Either way, as you’ve so eloquently said, your opinion is yours and you’re entitled to it. Have fun with it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, ShootShoot said:

    Ffs ive already said i enjoyed the result as opposed to the performance

    If this is enjoyment for you then I’d love to be a fly on the wall during one of your down days. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Funtime Frankie said:

    He won't come here to be on the bench, he probably could start for a number of other premier league sides.


    Due to budget can't see us spending large on GK, I think we roll with Pope and get a backup GK in

    I agree, would seem odd to swap back up gig for another, unless we rate him higher than Pope. I reckon they’re about neck and neck, altho rambo better with feet. Perhaps they may go horses for courses?

  8. 1 minute ago, ShootShoot said:

    Youve mostly posted insults as opposed to an actual argument . Says a lot about you and your ' argument ' . Try harder

    It’s difficult as I’m not convinced you can read, but, in a nutshell, my arguments are that your interpretations of the match and the manager’s performance and strengths are unrealistic, not supported by evidence, tainted by needless negativity because you don’t have adequate emotional control / cognition and that, all things considered, the manager is doing a good job with heavily depleted resources and an unusually concentrated amount of misfortune / difficult circumstances. If you take the simple fact that the team is literally worse than the one we put out most weeks last year, is it not surprising that we’re not as good as last year? Could it be possible - at all conceivable - that you’re just upset that the team isn’t doing as well and you are taking that out on the one thing you can without any real cost or consequence? It’s painful watching tbh. 

  9. 1 minute ago, ShootShoot said:

    Not an argument 

    And, for clarity, my argument is that yours isn’t supported by the facts, you weapons-grade Olympic-standard windowlicker.

  10. Just now, ShootShoot said:

    Who are you to judge that ? There are many valid opinions to be had . Thats the nature of football and being a fan ffs 

    Sure; yours is invalid. It isn’t borne out once you test it on reality. 

  11. Just now, ShootShoot said:

    You think  your opinion is worth more than anyone elses ? Thats some ego youve got 

    No he just thinks it’s more valid and accurate because reality backs him up.

  12. No issue with different opinions; just those which have no basis in reality but which are persistently rehashed with a misplaced certainty and confidence.

  13. 4 minutes ago, ShootShoot said:

    Reminded of Thatcher outside Downing St being questionned about the Belgrano getting torpedoed - " Just Rejoice " 

    Its not wrong to focus on an ongoing problem in the shape of the defence as opposed to trying to ignore it 

    Presumably you’re happy for people to continue pointing out that you’re a problem, then. 

  14. 26 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Don't think I've seen such a chasm between a result and the discourse on here like. The negativity is one thing, but proper needless toxicity following a hard-fought win from the jaws of defeat? N-O at its worst.




    It's incredible, right? How can you watch what we were treated to on Saturday and not feel in love?! I don't get it. I was there and it's automatically one of the best experiences I've had as a sports fan at a match in person. I also don't get how you can watch it and think we're in as dire a scenario as some set out: if we scored 6 west Ham couldn't have complained. It's like deliberate avoidance of observable reality to suit a viewpoint which makes you literally feel worse. 

  15. 13 hours ago, Matt1892 said:

    My goodness! Like a little doggo with a chew bone. A really unique combination of ignorant, pugnacious and annoying. 

    I’ve clearly responded to the point you made accusing Howe of tactical inflexibility / ineptitude by saying that there are obvious mitigating circumstances that mean he can’t really do much in terms of flexibility. It’s like collecting your weekly shop, finding half of it rotten, and then expecting a greater variety of meals and snacks from the lesser pool. You’re asking for something that isn’t possible. 


    It’s so obvious that you’re butt hurt that Newcastle aren’t as successful as last year and you’re rounding on the manager as you’ve nothing else to focus disappointment on. Tbh your likely joyless existence is probably a fair price to pay for it all. 


    While we’re playing the patronising internet links game, here are some for you:










  16. 2 hours ago, Matt1892 said:

    You are missing the point too, as nobody is saying that you should still be as good when your better players are out.


    Where he is tactically limited is where we set up with having a goalkeeper that sweeps up in Pope, meaning we can get away with a higher line, yet when Pope is out and replaced with a keeper that isn’t comfortable sweeping up, we still play with the high line and are done with long balls constantly.



    Could it be that it’s not that everyone else is missing the point…?

  17. 1 minute ago, Matt1892 said:

    It seems you are the one missing the point now, as you seem to quoting me and arguing against a point that I haven’t even made.


    A good old straw man fallacy.

    Pardon?! Very much an arguing a point you’ve made. Perhaps just not in a way you understand, bucko

  18. Essentially someone should dilute this thread into a picture of Eddie Howe and a pint glass 284 ml full, and use AI to repeat ad infinitum. 

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