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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Don't care really.  Why not?  Carroll/Luque up front against Charlton.


    Although I did hear from an ITK that the reason he isn't being played in the Premiership is a massive additional fee if he makes another league appearence.  Who knows.

  2. only thing im looking forward to is owen-martins partnership.....f*** europe qualification...


    I actually think that will be entertaining if only to watch these two midgets trying to get on the end of whatever aimless long balls Bramble, Given, Taylor or Carr decide to hoof forward. 

  3. Just had it out with the computer repair technician who phoned to say they are going to mess me about on the repair I need for an additional 3-5 days.  I pretended it was Titus Bramble putting on an American accent.  Helped actually. 


    Now I'm going to mope around my flat, drink a bit, and use this latest senseless, embarassing cup defeat as an excuse to avoid doing the term paper I have to start/finish.

  4. You are all totally deluded if you think a top manager could come in and make Titus Bramble, Stephen Carr, Huntington, Ramage, Taylor, Babayaro a good team.  Personally, I'm past caring if Roeder is sacked or not.  But you are all pretending this is a good side and that - despite all evidence to the contrary for about 4 or 5 years - they are ready to rocket up the table when Hitzfeld or Hiddink or whoever rides in on his white horse.  The players aren't there at the moment.


    Even when they win they look poor most of the time.  This magical turnaround under a new manager theory is based on the notion that players like Parker & Dyer will suddenly pretend its 2001 or 2002 again and return to form they haven't found consistently since then.  The squad is about 60-70% utter wank.

  5. I'd kind of like a win to be worth 2 points again, but that'd lead teams playing for draws as well if a win was less valuable.  I'm just sick of title races being over so early or between two clubs.


    I think the thing I like most about the American sports system is that teams are all on a much leveller playing field.  At the start of the NFL season, for example, it could be anyone's - there's no big 4 or anything.  I don't see any way how we could get something like that over here though, and I don't think adapting the American franchise system would be good at all.


    I disagree with that.  In most professional sports leagues in the US there are teams that are s*** and have been s*** ever since I can remember.  Randy Lerner's NFL team the Cleveland Browns for example.  The Chicago Cubs in baseball.  And those aren't isolated examples. 


    I do agree with the point you are trying to make which is that every team starts with a clean slate every year, but that isn't what sport is about is it?  It renders every season meaningless.  You never pay the cost of being s***, you never build on success, because you are always a few salary caps & free agencies & good draft picks away from success.  No atmosphere, little passion, no tradition.  Boring.


    The franchise system is a complete waste of time IMO because it promotes the 'spectacle' above the competition.  The Chicago Cubs baseball team will always sell out their home games no matter how bad they are and will never win the...ahem..."World" Series, because there is a stagnant league structure.  Can you imagine if the Premiership did away with the drop?  At first it would be great...no chance of going down and no chance of Sunderland coming up....but the one who would profit most is Shepherd.  Fills SJP every week, regardless of crap the side is, no matter how poorly they play, he makes his money and no pressure from the supporters because there is always next season so who gives a toss.  That is American sport for you.  Relegation, like the draw, just doesn't gel with their mentality.

  6. Bremen gave Chelsea a good game in the Champions League.  And they have Klose.  Both Sevilla and Bremen are better than Spurs.


    But a Newcastle/Tottenham final would be fine by me (it would say something about English football if that were the UEFA Cup final and the Champions League final was between Chelsea/Man Utd or Liverpool).

  7. I have been thinking about fullbacks for quite a long time now, Does anyone have any fullbacks for NUFC in mind?


    I feel that Solano should be playing there att RB next season and invest that money elsewhere instead as i think he can do a more than a good job in that position as he has done so far this season.


    I feel that we should look abroad and see if we can find a quality player that isn't too overpriced like some brittish players.


    Warnock went for something like 1.5 mil to Blackburn in January.  He would have been a good buy IMO.  Reasonably priced, experienced in England.


    I'm not sure if I agree about looking abroad.  Young players like Bale will go for ridiculous money, but there are other options. Nicky Shorey has performed very well this year and would go for a lot less because he isn't in his teens.  I'd rather have someone proven in the league.  Even fullbacks that are rather decent/average by Premiership standards (Bocanegra, Lauren, Nicky Hunt) would be a vast improvement on playing someone past it like Carr or Academy centre-halves.  We don't need world beaters, just Premiership capable defenders.

  8. Thats 5 summer signings.  Not much more than most clubs get up to in a summer.  I'm not talking about world class players in most cases, just decent squad signings to avoid playing 18 year old reservists and fat right-backs out of position during the season. 

  9. I think we are still 4 or 5 players away from being consistently good.  Although a well-planned, well-executed transfer strategy this summer could go a long way to correcting that (not much hope of that, I'm afraid).  Give us a pair of decent full backs, a top quality creative midfielder, possibly an experienced centre-half, and preferably another striker and we could be very competitive next year.

  10. I could see Hargreaves picking the first Premiership club that came in for him.  He really has no reason to hold out for Man Utd seeing as the transfer saga last summer and in January really messed him about.  If he was forced to choose, he has no reason not to pick the more successful club, but no reason not to put a bid in if we can afford it.  I'd love to see him at Newcastle. 

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