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Everything posted by Rob

  1. No idea, watching the tennis. tennis is brilliant... murray is playing a blinder.. pissed off its stopped because theres a bit of moisture in the air
  2. doesn't and never has bothered me that he ain't won anything... don't care that we've never one anything major in recent times. Keegan is a manager that loves good football, and i love to watch the football he tries to get his team to play, my opinion like.
  3. Whatever. We would do the exact same thing. Many nufc fans probably hate the club as much as SFC fans tbh... this is the day they've craved unfortunately
  4. bit of a straw man argument as you seem to think people assume keegan has no flaws. but that's wrong - the keegan that nufc fans love is the one that made the "i'd Love it if we beat them, love it" statement, the one we know is emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve. it is this passion and the desire to challenge things head on that has partly caused this situation. people arent denying that - they're just looking at it a bit more deeply than you are and looking at what caused keegan to go head to head with llambias, rather than just focusing on the act of confrontation itself as if it existed in a vacuum - without very real problems and underlying issues that, i presume, still exist at the club and will be probably be causing the new man the exact same problems 8 months down the line. similar problems have caused Curbishley to walk out at west ham, or Mourinho to leave Chelsea, or Redknapp to leave Southampton. Exactly. I don't think KK doesn't have any flaws, he has many and some of them are what make him great but when I see him on the touchline, even when N'Zogbia is at left back or when Damien Duff is allowed to be alive, I support him because no matter what, I always, always believe that he is doing what he feels is best for NUFC. He doesn't let personal stuff get in the way of what he feels is the best thing for the club, he doesn't pick certain players to prove a point and he doesn't let his headstrong attitude ever get in the way of the football club. I can't say that about any other manager I've seen at NUFC (even Sir Bobby, bless him). He also happens to be a f***ing good manager who plays football the way it should be played. If Arsenal forced Wenger out tomorrow, or Man Utd Fergie, their fans would be just as livid as we are. It's not a case of supporting KK, it's a case of wanting the best man for the job and for me that was KK. If he'd been doing a s*** job and had to go, fair enough, but to see him leave for non-footballing reasons, forced out by people who couldn't give a f*** about the club, leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. Ironic that we spoke to Redknapp in January too, as you say Johnny. He also left Pompey because of that Croatian bloke in the background, now he's come back, gets to buy his own players and he's doing a far superior job to first time round. Funny that isn't it? spot on
  5. no one will be good enough
  6. Rob

    Dear Kevin Keegan

    words cant describe the loss i am feeling
  7. one of keegans statements was that he needed finance to progress.... did he get that?
  8. i want keegan as keegans replacement to come in whe ashley fucks off ... i can dream
  9. that tells me that the club where so far away with its suggestions that it wasn't worth discussing, f***ing gutted! what the fact that keegan received a letter telling him what was what ... spineless retard of a chairman i negotiate deals with suppliers a lot of the time for much less importnat things, and i do it face to face... not by f***ing letter
  10. a bullshit statement like they did with milner before they sold him, and what they did with owen before they tried to sell him
  11. What a load of s****. exactly... fucking load of crap
  12. exactly they've ruined the club YOU DONT GET KK BACK AND TELL HIM WHAT TO DO REALLITY CHECK ON HERE FOR SOME PEOPLE STOP PLAYING FOOTBALL MANAGER GAMES FFS! Hey pal, he was told how it would be from the outset. I seriously doubt that Ashley then did anything differently. They met after Keegan's rant and Ashley intervened to try and make things better for Keegan, and Keegan claimed he was happy with things. Yet here we are. Keegan has left because he just wanted things differently to what he agreed to. People talking about boycotting the club are being ridiculous as far as I'm concerned. Do you believe keegan would have agreed to the job knowing players could be sold or bought without his agreement?
  13. Anyone who says he's bottled it needs bull whipped, and im not a violent person, but im very fuckin angry
  14. i dont think he will come back cos i dont think ashley and co will change their stratergy - as they stated: "The Club wants to keep progressing with its long-term strategy "
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