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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Have you ever thought that the keepers might be the reason for our poor defending. It's keepers job to let the defenders know what's happening and how they should be positioned. Does Shay or Steve do this good enough?


    There was a point in the game when Enrique could have passed back to Harper (he seemed to signal to him) but Harper didnt react and he passed the ball out of play. Perhaps communication is a problem? I'm sure Cacapa doesnt speak English.


    Have you ever thought that the keepers might be the reason for our poor defending. It's keepers job to let the defenders know what's happening and how they should be positioned. Does Shay or Steve do this good enough?


    could be something in this... the best players out the stats  can all speak english

  2. Here are some defensive statistics to ponder over....I compiled them during the last twenty minutes of the match, after Pompey scored their 4th goal. Stats only include time spent playing as a defender, and are goals allowed per 90 minutes when that player has been on the pitch.


    Carr - .49

    Zoggy - 1.11

    Rozehnal - 1.38

    Taylor - 1.45

    Ramage - 1.61

    Cacapa - 1.70

    Beye - 1.73

    Enrique - 2.25

    Faye - 2.31


    Interestingly, this reveals that Zoggy has actually been a more effective left back than Enrique and that Rozehnal-Taylor is a more effective center back partnership than Cacapa-Faye.


    Probably our most effective defensive formation would be Zoggy-Rozehnal-Taylor-Beye, but even then we'd probably still concede over a goal a game.




    does these states make carr our best defender?

  3. There is only problem to our team and it is simple we need 11 players and a settle side we change 5 players today and we were useless. It is sad but it seems Sam doesn't know what is his best team is it seems we need more time and we have to give it to him.


    i agree with the fact that he needs time and I also think there is too much changing to the team... he is tinkering too much... players are probly on edge too much thinking as soon as they make a mistake they are dropped completely from the team... stop fucking about with formations and tactics until you can get a team that communicates with each other... let them play football for fucks sake

  4. We need a huge reaction against Sunderland.

    Tactically Sam hasnt cut it at all. Why is Martins behind Smith?  Why is Emre behind Barton?

    Why are the wingers on the wrong wing?

    The team must finish top half for Sam to get a 2nd season.


    i think the wingers are swapped, because he can see that the two of them have potential to get goals from cutting in, such as  man utd last season and middlesborough this season, i just think someone needs to slap him  aqnd tell him that this only works once or twice in a blue moon and should only be done for a few occasions in a game, when the opposition full backs are weak ... today milner was in johnsons back pocket and johnson is sh8t

  5. How did Owen play?  Did he look knackered from the England matches or was he sharp?  On another board it said he was doing a lot of link-up...that seems odd for a man known for being a clinical finisher (and not so great at "overall contribution" in some people's opinions).  Was this an attempt to work with Martins -- although I thought he was more the link-up play type?  


    Owen missed a one on one, the sort that the majority of the board would say "Owen would have scored that" if it was Oba that missed it.


    What one on one? The one that was saved?


    what the top draw save?

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