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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Mikes response: (in his head)

    it was their night

    we are battelers

    i drink too much

    i have a relly weird hairdo (not)

    i am also ginger

    i have skids in my y fronts

    im not a russian infiltrator, im not a russian infiltrator

    weve still got our bonuses

    i have lovely hair

    i didnt fuck deadrie barlow

    i want to have sex with mr burns

    drinks on me

    i have loads of money so i'll sleep tonight

    3 month cruise next summer


  2. If people want to be mad at someone/something, blame the FA for allowing such a ludicrously pointless game. If this was in the Croatia game then possibly fair enough, but a useless friendly? Tossers.


    utter stupidity by the fa, to play a game in those temperatures when the crunch game is a home match? can't understand them

  3. Time for the 4-3-3 to be given a go I think.


    do we have the players for a 4-3-3? who occupies the all-important target man role and who plays as wide forwards?


    Martins and N'Zogbia either side of Viduka is the only forward line that would be in anyway suited to the 4-3-3 IMO.


    Viduka won't bully people around so he's not ideal for it (Drogba being the perfect 4-3-3 CF for me) but his touch and ability to bring others into the game is top notch so he is someone you can play the ball into feet to.


    they said on MOD or some other footy analyst thing that viduka was shit in a 443 because he didnt move like the bloke in the centre of the 433 for bolton etc basically saying viduka cannot cover other peoples positions because he wont work to the left and right there by allowing the likes of martins or owen drifting inside ... can understand that because viduka is far from mobile



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