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Gallowgate End

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Posts posted by Gallowgate End

  1. I sadly can't see us going down now but we will finish around 15-17 max

    We play a revitalised Everton next, then Leicester, Wolves, Chelsea, Everton again before we ply Norwich and then Arsenal.

    We could very much have a John Carver like 2nd half of the season. Can anyone see Brice being able to turn it around after those fixtures?


    If he plays his 5-3-2 for the next 7 :suicide:

  2. Favourite part of the Bruce post match interview.

    “We conceded more tonight than we’ve conceded for the last 3 months”


    That’s not exactly true is it Brucie :laugh:

  3.   “I just want to say a big thank you to the supporters and Chronicle readers at Christmas,” he said.


    “Most of the supporters – well all of them that I’ve bumped into in the street – wish me well and at this time of year I’d like to wish them well over the festive period. I wish them when, I hope they have a great Christmas and I look forward to catching up with all of them soon.


    “We’ve got a quite unique support and that brings expectation with it. That’s what I’m trying to achieve anyway. When you have games and moments like Saturday, it can only try to bring the supporters back.


    “Our supporters will always back the team. If there is a repair job to be done, hopefully we’re putting it back on the right track again.”


    "Repair job"





    I’m getting a public hanging on Twitter for this tweet about local hero Brucie :laugh:


    I replied to someone on Twitter talking about Bruce. I mentioned xG and xPoints to highlight the fact that we're in a bit of a false position and was met by several replies along the lines of "Actual goals and points matter, give Bruce a break!!!", "That is the most ridiculous stat anyone could come up with - a pointless statistic", "Stop looking at stats and start looking at results". Twitter is full of fucking morons. I won't be commenting on anything again as I can't be arsed explaining how xG is actually a really good indicator and predictor of a side's true performance to some fucking imbecile.


    Some of the replies are fantastically simple minded :lol:

  5. If I saw someone come in and play a new formation and saw lots of things that he’s done coaching wise that has improved us then I’d say fair enough but Bruce hasn’t done that.


    If Graham Potter was Newcastle manager and had us playing like Brighton I’d have to praise him because you can see his coaching deserves praise.


    With Bruce there’s hardly anything I can see that deserves praise everything that’s good about us he inherited he hasn’t coached anything good into us that I can praise.


    How many managers have gone in and played the exact same system as the previous manager a formation that he’d never played in his life before.


    Bruce is just a fraud that’s living off the good things he inherited.

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