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Posts posted by geordie_b

  1. :facepalm:




    Cuts in public spending will see regeneration bodies in the region merge to promote Tyneside and Wearside as a single destination to the world, it emerged last night.


    From next month, the newly-formed NewcastleSunderland Initiative (NSI) will package Tyneside and Wearside as one in an effort to boost tourism and international trade.


    Plans will be put forward to rename the area stretching form Tyne to Wear as NewcastleSunderland, while a former factory in Pelaw will now be transformed into a state-of-the-art office complex, which will act as the organisation’s headquarters.


    The NewcastleSunderland ‘It’s mint!’ promotional campaign launching next month, will see Newcastle United managing director Derek Llambias and Sunderland chairman Niall Quinn launch a commemorative black and red football strip (pictured) live from the decks of the Shieldsman ferry, which will then sail up and down the Tyne and the Wear for 14 days to mark the forging of the twin cities.


    The pair will also appear together in a promotional video featuring famous sights from the destination, including The New Monkey nightclub in Sunderland and the Rupali Indian restaurant in Newcastle’s Bigg Market.


    However it is understood that talk of a potential ground-share between the Magpies and the Black Cats are wide of the mark, our sources can reveal.


    Last year a similar scheme was tested - and ultimately scrapped - by the now-defunct regeneration body Norfolken Way, which attempted to market Norwich and Ipswich as a single destination.


    Tracy Thompson, communications officer, of the Sunderland Marketing Board (SMB), said:  “This is a great day. I can’t believe it to be honest.


    “People laughed at us when we first pitched the idea to city leaders but I’m sure the people of NewcastleSunderland will soon reap the economic and social benefits of merging.”


    Jim Roberts, of Fergus Transport and Manufacturing (FTM), added: “I think it’s a fabulous idea and I can’t wait for the future. I know the two cities have had their differences, but it’s time to put that behind us a let the good times roll.


    “We’ve got great cultural icons here, the Robson Green’s, the Kevin Ball’s of the world, it’s only right that we share them.”





  2. It would be a mistake to sell too many players. I my opinion, we onmly need to sell 2 or 3 maximum, as long as we get 5 or 6 in. We are still light on squad wise and for some of our youngsters to progress further like Kadar and Ranger, we need to send them out on loan to a top CCC club for a season whilst we bring players in to supplement their absence.


    In:  Hibbert, Wheater, Fox, Maynard, Driver and Scharner


    Out: Butt, Best, possibly Saylor


    Loaned: Xisco, Ranger, Kadar


    Overall expenditure: 10 million pounds max with the reaminder of income offset againsat debt, loans and salaries. I believe our squad will be efficient enough for mid table next season and then the season after, we can look to improve further for an assault on a EUFA cup spot.



  3. Tempted to go large on Valencia tonight. They're 8/15 to win at home against Getafe. The visitors have only won three away from home and their leading goal scorer Soldado (scored 12 of 30) is missing the game. Anyone here who would recommend me not to?:)


    Cheers for the tip

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