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Posts posted by ATB

  1. Fat Fred is a really bloody joke!


    Big Sam is definitive the best manager we can get at the moment and Fat Fred is the only one that can spoil that. Right now I´m so pisst off so I don´t no how to express my self.


    I bloody hate Faty Fred!

  2. ah, cunning. He says: "I've never spoken to Sam Allar- dyce and he has never spoken to me,"


    But he's said nowt about Sam Allardyce


    Why the  '-' ?




    Could he not remember his name or something?  O0


    Or he just took a muffin while he was speaking.

  3. "I had the same thing last year. It is getting crazy."


    hmm Shepherd mabye you should employ better managers and you shoulden´t need to have this talk every year.


    If Shepherd don´t go for Big Sam I never suport him again (as if I was doing it now...)

  4. Talk about Sheppy only wants to be popular with the fans. "This is what the fans want". ok I don´t care which manager that is best. But the fans want this one and my popular status bar will raise.


    But if he still want to be popular, Shepherd, he may be looking around again!

  5. ok maybe not the choise in the world. but would you rather have Roeder ahead of Sam?


    Is "choise" the plural of choice ... or something?


    Ok have we a new grammar police here today?...


    You should get one when it comes to Swedish...


    Vad menar du?! (=P)


    Haha, skoja bara...du har ju en viss benägenhet att leverera helt vansinniga meningsbyggnader på svenskafans, tyckte det var läge att smyga in en liten pik. Inget illa menat ;)


    Vet inte exakt i vilka Sammanhang du menar, men jag är medveten om att det kan uppstå ganska ofta=) sällan jag orkar läsa igenom och rätta när jag skriver. Men att det ska uppstå när jag skriver artiklar tror jag inte/ hoppas jag inte ska ske allt för ofta. I sånna fall får jag väl läsa igenom det igen, om det nu inte är så att jag vill att det ska stå som det gör;)


    Jaja nog med försvarstal nu. Så länge du inte kör en motorsåg på mig så är det lungt!


    Ok it will not be any more swedish now!

  6. ok maybe not the choise in the world. but would you rather have Roeder ahead of Sam?


    Is "choise" the plural of choice ... or something?


    Ok have we a new grammar police here today?...


    You should get one when it comes to Swedish...


    Vad menar du?! (=P)

  7. I really want Sam to this club. I belive he is the right guy to take us to top 6 at least. The quote "although Shepherd insisted he had given the fans their choice as manager" just freak me out and I start remeber how much I hate Shepherd too!


    Do something right for once Freddy! Sack Roeder and hire Sam Allardyce!

  8. Krul, Milner, Taylor, and Carroll have a lot of potential and I don´t see any stop of how good they can be, yeath.

    I saw one said that we have only seen Krul for one match and thats true. But considering that he plays in the U-21 dutch team and all the promesing worlds that has come from his homecountry I belive he can be a world class player.


    It´s weard that so few of you don´t belive in Carroll. He´s just turn 18 and he´s devoloping the last 2-3 years is outstanding. He was good against Porstmouht and the 10 minutes he played against Terry and Chelsea you could see how good he can be. So I don´t think is possible to say how good or bad he will be yeath!


    Zog has also potentiol to turn out to a class player, we saw that last season. But I´m a fraid we wount see that in Newcastle.


    I don´t belive Hunt and Edgar will be as good as the player above. but they can be class PL players if they can aprove their game the coming seasons and most important of all, play games!


    Anyway. We got a bright futhure, and then we shoulen´t forget the younger lads like Donaldson.

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