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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Wow :lol: Would be quite a turn around indeed.
  2. And because it's this man writing, I'm inclined not to believe a single word.
  3. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Been said before, Willie McKay is a f***ing c***. I feel that he is to blame for all this mess too. Won't hold my breath about the stuff about Barnetta though, simply can't trust Luke Edwards' words.
  4. Not a chance. Probably didn't even put in a bid. It was more of a 'imagine that' statement. This summer is driving me insane like. Same here.
  5. Great news that (if true) EDIT: Ah the Mail and Colin Young. False story then.
  6. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    http://gifninja.com/animatedgifs/11338/forever-alone.gif Was just thinking about that image
  7. Douglas just retweeted this: @MancAgent01 Rob Shield @MsiDouglas Meeting David Moyes in the morning. Which was a reply to a Barton related tweet.
  8. Well, that is indeed good news
  9. Erdinç's name is still being mentioned? Ha feck sake
  10. Aye, I honestly don't think Shorey is that bad of a player.
  11. Or punch him in the face and spit on his missus, then go "Ey mate, I'm sorrrry. Calm down calm down"
  12. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Should be interesting. Though Pardew will probably be fed stuff to say by Ashley and Llambias through an earpiece or given a piece of paper to read from if he can't answer a question.
  13. I was browsing blue moon the other day and City fans were saying they don't want Johnson anywhere near their first team. If we were anyway serious about brining players in we should be straight in with a bid, especially after the whole Zog saga. He clearly won't fit in to City's long term plans. Definitely. But then again, if the N'Zogbia saga is anything to go by, we'll just put a low bid in. Once that's rejected, Pardew will say, "oh well, we tried!" A loan deal would suit both parties I reckon (with City paying some of his wages?)
  14. I see that the Daily Mail are reporting that the mackems have some sort of "interest" in Adam Johnson with a possible loan deal on the cards. If this rumour has any substance, then we should probably try and bring the lad in on loan (unlikely with wages being a stumbling block).
  15. I love his optimism, it keeps me going Has the optimism I used to have, before this place dragged it out of me Aye, this place does do that to you. My optimism has been severely shot
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