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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I think this could be the making of him. Assuming he gets himself sorted out and gets the help he needs for his addiction, he will have seen this club support him and care for him during a difficult time. He will have had plenty of time to adjust to his new surroundings and learn the language, etc. If he is the player I think he is, this will be a massive motivation to return better, fitter, stronger than before. And if we care for him the way we have so far, he's going to care for us in a way few modern players could...

  2. Sometimes losing happens because of how well your opponent plays, not necessarily because of how poorly you play. Feels like every time we lose, a segment of fans calls our play "crap" or blames effort or whatever, and that's silly on a day like this. We've not done especially badly but this is the fucking Champions League, not the Championship. Mistakes are ruthlessly punished and standards are high. Credit to Dortmund for their approach and not being intimidated. This is a brilliant chance for our team to learn.

  3. 2 minutes ago, madras said:

    It's stupid but betting on your team to win isn't really dodgy in itself.


    I see people saying this but it's simply not the case. Any athlete betting on themselves or their team to win sends a message to the rest of the gambling world - and an even bigger message when they don't bet on their team to win. It becomes clear within bookmaking circles how Tonali feels about his team's chances based on how much - or if - he bets. 


    And obviously he has access to all sorts of proprietary information, it's inexcusably daft to do. I sympathise with his addiction issues and I hope he gets help. But he will be and should be punished severely. 

  4. I was intrigued by the discussion here, and I admit that Tonali is a hard player to analyze right now for all the reasons that have already been discussed at length. I wanted to try to see if there was a data-based comparison to be had, so I used the player comparison tool on FBref and compared Rodri, Bruno G, and Sandro - for Rodri and Bruno, I included their age 23 season and the most recent one, for Tonali I included last year and what's happening so far this year.


    You can add and change players if you want. There's too much data to display here but this is the link to see it all:




    Long and short of it is, data is mostly encouraging, I'd say. Interesting to try to draw apples to apples comparisons. 

  5. Would have loved all three points but I think the draw is fair - and perfectly fine. Bruno is absolutely fortunate to have remained on the pitch. Had a chance to kill it with Isak's 1v1 with the keeper but it wasn't meant to be. Poor from Tonali and the midfield for the Kudus goal but again - given the lack of depth and the amount of work, not surprising they ran out of energy. 


    Need the break badly.

  6. I cannot believe the transformation in his game. Over the last week, he has been forced into action against some of the best attackers in the world and he has done himself proud. What a professional he has been over the last 18-24 months and I could not be happier for a player, he deserved tonight as much as anyone.

  7. Luis Enrique's comments in full were pretty interesting. I don't love him as a manager but he's a good talker. Spoke about how no one could possibly say Newcastle shouldn't be a favorite based on everything we've done last year and this year. Said he expected an incredible and hostile atmosphere and that he was jealous of his players for getting to play at SJP (what he said was one of the most unique places in all of European football). 

  8. I think the devil will be in the details as usual, I would assume that because Bruno so obviously wants to stay and loves the club, his representatives would be looking after his career, as they should, and insisting on giving him a potential way out without him looking like he's angling for an exit. The questions are - 1. Does the clause only apply in certain situations - i.e. not in Europe, only to CL clubs, only to foreign clubs, etc? 2. How much is it, really? It's not the worst idea to outline specific criteria for an exit, even if they're likely never to occur. Just clarifies everything for all involved.


    Also, fucking great news to sign him up no matter what. He gets the club and I love the way he cares so deeply, even if it sometimes gets him into trouble.

  9. It's slightly annoying that some people seem to get annoyed with those of us who think we should be playing a bit better than this. Milan is a good side, of course, but we have no organization in midfield, no link between lines, no thrust up front, and we look well off the pace when they counter. Irrespective of the scoreline, the performance has been lacking. 

  10. Miracle to get to the half at 0-0.


    Need a rethink in midfield. Honestly I'd try Miley in for Longstaff. Need something to help Bruno get forward. Longstaff is wasting possession. 


    Might consider moving Trippier left and bringing in Tino for Burn. Burn looks very very vulnerable.

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