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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. You've misunderstood my point regarding it being over-simplistic to just state we should buy more Tiote's instead of Luque's. I'm not advocating signing players with little or nor resale value at all, why would I? It's really not hard to understand: improving a football team to the point of challenging at the top end of the Premiership takes significant investment as well as good scouting and a dose of good fortune. It's not as easy as saying"Allreet lads, Tiote is a monster find for 3,5 million. I'll have ten more of those please".
  2. They don't... Third biggest spenders over the last five year period: http://www.transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/2006-2011.html Nice try though..
  3. Calling Madrid's squad "inferior" comes a close second to calling Barcelona's football "tactically s***". You are on fire tonight Dresden. erm, real madrid's team is clearly an inferior footballing team to barcelona. you cannot surely be disputing that? thing about the 'tactically s***' thing is that yeah, i did not express myself sufficiently in that post. so fair play. I despair, I really do. Seriously, Real Madrid's team is not clearly inferior to any team in the world as it is undisputedly one of the best teams in the world run by one of the best managers in the world. They were humiliated by Barcelona nevertheless, and this was as much to do with brilliant tactics as it was to do with individual class, which Real Madrid also have in abundance. Your apparent hatred for Barcelona is clearly blurring your clear vision on the subject..
  4. Calling Madrid's squad "inferior" comes a close second to calling Barcelona's football "tactically shit". You are on fire tonight Dresden.
  5. How the words "shit tactically" can be associated with a team consistently playing the best football I've ever seen in my life I will never know, but I'm sure there will always be some bitter cunts who know better.
  6. YES! What a goal..! Great pass from Xavi.
  7. Since when is bringing in the right players a new idea though? I'd love to add a load of good players on frees, low fees and cheap wages. Who wouldn't? The reality is that we're already trundling along at a reasonable level in the Premier League. To get to the next level and try to compete for a European spot we'll inevitably have to spend some money. The fact everyone knows we have £30m in the bank will just make things harder. Agreed. Also this "notion" that we have to sign more Tiote's and less Luque's is massively over-simplistic... As if it is so easy to predict that a relative unknown will be a huge hit in the Premiership. If it was, everybody would be doing it.. The reality is that there is a huge correlation between money spend (on fees and wages) and success (league position). Anybody who thinks there isn't is kidding themselves, which is not to say it is not worthwhile to try and get players that will most likely improve us on good deals (frees, last year of contract, etc). People will point at the good deals we have done in recent times, but forget all the deals we haven't done because there was no bargain available but should really have done (essential cover for full back and wing position, let alone one or two Premiership strikers). We have been riding our luck imho, and our good results on the pitch this season are as much despite the regime than thanks to them. If we don't seriously improve both the first team and the squad this summer despite the resources being available it will be criminal.
  8. I would suggest we need wingers more than we need a CB though, especially as Pardew doesn't seem to rate Routledge at all..
  9. Agreed. A first team centre back who is notably better than Williamson and Taylor seems to me like a luxury we cannot afford given the more pressing needs we have in other areas. Unless of course we can get somebody talented in on the cheap (another Bassong if you like), but not worth budgeting 10 million or so for..
  10. We were a million miles behind them, which is worrying long term for a club focusing on youth development to bridge the gap with the top clubs.
  11. Paid special attention to him after your tip off, but seems nowt special. He's certainly got nothing on Barton..
  12. I've only watched the last couple of minutes, but I don't think Arsenal have touched the ball yet.. This is madness..
  13. Unbelievable

    Leon Best

    I still don't think he is anywhere near the answer long term, but credit where it's due:
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