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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. 8 minutes gone already from the second half.. Don't like what I'm seeing.. We're playing like this is an away game..
  2. I was just thinking how most of the decisions are going our way at the moment, except when Viduka is involved.. There's been a few moments where it should have been a foul to them..
  3. Agbonlahor is ripping Carr and Taylor apart.. We will need to defend deep to prevent an over the top ball they can run onto..
  4. That was better.. Viduke holding the ball up, people moving into the penalty area and Milner putting a cross in from the right..
  5. our 4-3-3 is not working at all.. Will be interesting to see if Allardyce will be able to change the game by changing formation..
  6. You're looking the better team so far brummie.. Moore is a different type of striker to Carew, isn't he?
  7. good header Villa but straight on Harper.. Villa looking dangerous..
  8. Jesus wept, I'm not "annoyed" with anyone. You're missing my point altogether. I merely stated that Owen could have prevented all of this by, when he was ACTUALLY BEING LINKED WITH A MOVE AWAY (which was long, long before July 11th), putting an end to it there and then with a simple statement eithe commiting himself, or the opposite. But he chose not to, and that's why some fans have reacted badly towards him. Eh? Of course I had. That thread is basically one of the things I'm reffering to. If you read through it, you'll see that in the eyes of many it came too late. Which is exactly the point I'm making :-/ How many of our players would stay here if Man U or Chelsea came in for them? If he would have been interested in moving away before pledging his future to us, why would he have needed to come out and lie about his true feelings? He obviously thought about it long and hard and decided to write an article in early July pledging his future to our club. If he would have come out with this earlier when it wouldn't have been heartfelt and he would have moved a week after, how would the fan reaction have been? The sad fact is that Owen is a player who has been of a higher stature than us in the past couple of seasons. Shepherd somehow pulled it off selling the club to him, but it seems inevitable that fans would have always second guessed him because we know he shouldn't be here. On top of that he has been really unlucky with injuries, which has made the situation worse as fans feel he´s taken more from the club than he´s given, even though he´s not been personally to blame. I think all this put Owen in a lose-lose situation regarding talking about his future at the club. From that point of view, I can understand him keeping his mouth shut and trying to become fit again and then doing his talking on the pitch.. No doubt when he will come back and will be on fire people will moan he´s only doing it because he wants away in January..
  9. Have to agree with you on this like, Chris. That's one thing that really does grate on me about the Owen scenario - rather than all this club vs country bollocks. He could have put an end to all of this drivel by coming out and fully commiting to us ages ago. The fact that he chose not to is... interesting, but still not necessarily indicative of a lack of commitment or desire to play for us. So your opinion is that anytime some f**kface writes or speculate something about some NUFC player, he should step out and say that this story is bullshit and that story is bullshit? Erm... Nope, I didn't say that. My opinion is that if he'd came out EARLIER and given a statement one way or the other regarding his commitment to the club, it would have prevented this fan backlash. He DID come out OVER TWO MONTHS AGO ago committing himself to the club. You must have missed it. It's right here: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=42546.0. Should he have held a daily press conference reconfirming his commitment? July 11th was OVER TWO MONTHS AGO? Have I suddenly travelled into the future? Look, my point is simple. I'm not saying I don't trust Owen, nor am I saying that I give a toss either way about whether he stays, goes, commits or doesn't commit. I'm just saying that there's a clear backlash from a large percentage of fans in his direction due to the fact that, for a large portion of the last YEAR, nobody has had a clue where he stood regarding his future. Then - and to clarify, this is just how it may look to some, not how I see it personally - when apparently nobody is interested in him, he finally breaks radio silence, so to speak, and commits. All I'm saying is, that whilst he obviously HAS commited himself to the club, it's pretty obvious - based on fan consensus - that he could have done it either sooner or more clearly, and that would have prevented much of the backlash towards him. That's all I'm saying. So to clarify, you are annoyed with Michael Owen because a large portion of our fans have not taken notice or understood his very clear pledge to the club made quite early in the transfer window..? In my opinion it is the fans and the media looking for a problem when there is none there. PS. You hadn't read that article before, had you?
  10. Have to agree with you on this like, Chris. That's one thing that really does grate on me about the Owen scenario - rather than all this club vs country bollocks. He could have put an end to all of this drivel by coming out and fully commiting to us ages ago. The fact that he chose not to is... interesting, but still not necessarily indicative of a lack of commitment or desire to play for us. So your opinion is that anytime some f**kface writes or speculate something about some NUFC player, he should step out and say that this story is bullshit and that story is bullshit? Erm... Nope, I didn't say that. My opinion is that if he'd came out EARLIER and given a statement one way or the other regarding his commitment to the club, it would have prevented this fan backlash. He DID come out OVER TWO MONTHS AGO ago committing himself to the club. You must have missed it. It's right here: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=42546.0. Should he have held a daily press conference reconfirming his commitment?
  11. No second season syndrome for Reading then it seems.. If they can get 4 points out of Man U, Chelsea and Everton that would constitue a very respectable return..
  12. Well, I have to admit that although Mike Ashley is not into talking much, his actions certainly speak loudly at the moment and it looks like my initial sceptisism may have been unwarranted. Also, Chris Mort is coming out with information a lot more lately, which has been reassuring. Hope they keep it up and Allardyce produces the results on the pitch to keep the optimism going!
  13. Ajax - Slavia Prague 0-1 with 10 mins to go..
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