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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Can't believe Spurs are getting pegged back in injury time..
  2. Never seen him do that for Holland..
  3. Chelsea have missed the first 2 pens
  4. It's not on the internet. And you can't say anything. Is it really that hard to understand? How do you know it´s not on the Internet? For fucks sake man, what part of 'no discussion' don't you get? Fair enough.. Will shut up about the subject, but is Skirge´s chat not officially a part of NO? No, it's not. It's his own chatroom. Sorry if I'm getting wound up, but you've been here ages, you should know the craic by now. No problem Dave.. Thanks for clarifying.. I´m off to Skirge´s..
  5. It's not on the internet. And you can't say anything. Is it really that hard to understand? How do you know it´s not on the Internet? For fucks sake man, what part of 'no discussion' don't you get? Fair enough.. Will shut up about the subject, but is Skirge´s chat not officially a part of NO?
  6. It's not on the internet. And you can't say anything. Is it really that hard to understand? How do you know it´s not on the Internet?
  7. Assuming the match is on the Internet, what could and couldn´t I say Dave?
  8. I wish you'd f****** cheer up! You're the new Wullie. My thank you.. A deal has been struck with the club, he's not here yet.. We struck a deal with that right back from Marseille and probably a few other clubs as well only to find out the players didn't want to come here, so I'm just being cautious here.. Hope we pull this one off though..
  9. I hope they're not jumping the gun.. </scepticism>
  10. Am I the only one who's nervous that we have only agreed a deal with the club for now..? A lot could go wrong between now and him putting a signature on a contract.. Oh dear, I have to shed this scepticism if this is true..
  11. It might be too good to be true. Wait and see. It wouldn't be on their official site mate if untrue. How strange would it be if this was a test data error like the one Everton had announcing the arrval of Riquelme..?
  12. Cacapa looking the other way and probably making his mind up: he's not signing..
  13. They get rid of Smith and replace him with Tevez, making a 4m profit in the process..?
  14. Don't the club organise pre-season matches for the reserves and youth sides?
  15. It is a pre season game, no point risking more first team players. At the risk of being whooshed, I hope you're joking?
  16. So what you're saying is that as long as Man City fans don't mind a few thousand murders and the local papers don't mind being supressed under threat of death then everything will be fine? well no-one's complaining about Ashley's Indonesian sweat shops Touche
  17. I would, and I don't even rate Dyer that highly..
  18. No need for the board to explain what their plans are with the club..? I've said it before, there's millions of things that would be of interest to hear from the new owners of the club we all support: - What are his aims? - Is he here for the long haul? - What are his plans with SJP? - What kind of owner/chairman does he envision being? - Will he attend the games? - Does he think a Director of Football is the way forward in football? - Will he invest in talent or does he want finished articles? - Does he want to invest in our youth academy and what will he expect to get out of it? - Does he want to be in the expanded G14? - What are his plans with regards to future tv coverage of toon matches? - Does he want a primarily English/British squad or does he not really care? - Is it important for him that Geordies remain in key positions in the club? - Will Shearer keep his ambassador of the club role? - Is Shearer regarded as a possible manager for the future? - Does he value the importance of an elaborated scouting network? - ... for starters.. In my opinion when you take over an institution that is so important to so many people not communicating at all is not what should be happening..
  19. Some good points, but your overall abusive opinion is over the top, especially the thread title (doom mongers?) and the first sentence. It's very simple; we've been taken over yet there's almost been complete radio silence from the new owner and the chairman, which can never be a good thing, especially as the manager you so support is expressing his worries publically..
  20. Does anyone get tired of their patta clogging up newsnow? They'll do an article on owt. 'However we do now want to hear is a denial for Chris Mort...'. Use your b****** common sense man! You're just taking a snipe at one comment in an otherwise very sensible article. The `Mort-Ashley needs to come out more´ debate has been going on around here as well, and I would argue that it is the silence and the apparent lack of action that allows for the sort of Sunday newspaper article speculation above. So, what does your common sense tell you at the moment firetotheworks? Is everything honkey dorey at SJP, or is there reason for worry?
  21. The People is the least reliable Sunday paper. Good.. The quotes in that article are old aren't they?
  22. How reliable is this? If true, we can forget about qualifying for Europe next season, and I can see our best players wanting to leave this summer or next.. It's great to have a billionaire as an owner, but if he doesn't know anything about football, doesn't want to invest in the playing side and doesn't trust his manager's judgement I can't see too much progress compared to the previous owners, despite all the optimism..
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