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Posts posted by Raconteur

  1. But according to HTL and grandfather NE5 Shepherd has done superb job at the club...


    They've said nothing of the sort!


    What they do is consistently tell less knowledgable fans that once upon a time things were truly horrible, on a level that we as newer fans simply can't relate to.


    They are happy to admit that the board has made significant mistakes especially the appointment of Souness.


    And similarly, what they both do is remind people that Shepherd is not the embodiement of Satan himself, that despite all his media gaffes and poor appointments, he has still managed to do some good. And as HTL says - they acknowledge he can do better.


    Now, I don't particularly wish to defend NE5 and HTL, but you are talking shite - they do not say Shepherd is doing a superb job.


  2. I'd prefer Hiddink or Van Gaal if we're talking Dutch, and Houllier if French.

    NOT NOT NOT NOT Mark ***** Hughes

    I even read on here someone saying Chris Coleman for frigs sake !

    Allardyce is preferable to Hughes and Coleman in my eyes, but I dont want him either.


    Can I ask why you're so dead against Hughes?


    I don't think we're a snowball's chance in hell of getting him, but would be delighted if we could - I'm curious about the case against him...?


  3. Klinsmann could be the new Gullit based on his lack of club experience. I'd steer clear of that one.


    Absolutely - surely Freddy won't take such a huge gamble at this point?


  4. I remember suggesting Hughes some months ago - and was told he'd not come because he's biding his time at Blackburn until the Old Trafford seat becomes available, which struck me as solid logic.


    With Ferguson saying today he's going to stay around for a few more years, I began to wonder if Sparky was a realistic option?


    But then I remembered he has built up a solid team at Blackburn, and what's more it's still a work-in-progress, which makes me think that him moving to St James' Park would be a sideways step at best.


    I'd be more than happy for Big Sam to take over - I have faith that he can make us into a tough-to-beat team, moving in the same direction... He might not be in the Ancelotti or Ferguson mould, but he's possibly our best option at this juncture

  5. I have to say I was one of those people... not happy when Roeder was appointed, but satisfied - I guess I was taken in by the positive results of last season, the fact he knew the club and would always strive for the best for this club.


    What I wasn't aware of at the time was that West Ham wasn't an anomoly - he really does struggle to bring the best out of the players at his disposal, and for all his selflessness and wanting the best for the club, he was little more than a populist who said what needed to be said, and failed to take the actions necessary to back those words up.


    My faith took it's first serious knocks in August - I had faith in his transfer manouverings right up until the last week of the window, all that pole-position bollocks and the desperate signings of Sibierski, Bernard and Rossi.


    His team played shite football, struggling even in pre-season to overcome mediocre Intertoto opponents, and soon enough they were getting poor results in the league...


    Then came Birmingham and AZ - probably our biggest crunch matches of the season, and were tactical failures on an astonishing level. Subsequent bawling out of players, and their reactions on the pitch meant it was a matter of time before Freddy pulled the trigger.


    Out of this whole farce we can only hope that the next appointment has us moving onwards and upwards - I want Big Sam but what I want doesn't mean shite. What I don't want is a managerial search that goes through until August and sees us appointing Coleman or Bruce...


  6. Big Sam, no doubt. I feel Sven is over-rated and would prefer Allardyce's no-nonsense approach to both players and board. Can't see Sven telling Freddy what's what...

  7. Soccernet seem to be jumping on the Allardyce for the Toon bandwagon too:


    The reasons for Sam Allardyce's unexpected departure from Bolton Wanderers can probably be tracked back to his failure to emerge as a serious candidate for the England job last summer.


    Though Allardyce was interviewed by the powerbrokers at Soho Square few believed they would have the backbone to give such a character the chance to lead the national side.


    That the man chosen to lead the England team has predictably turned out to be a monumental failure must irk Allardyce even more. Bar a fortuitous run to the UEFA Cup final, Steve McClaren's achievements in management were negligible compared to a man who transformed a club of similar size to Middlesbrough on a fraction of the budget.


    If Allardyce is to be considered in the future he must prove himself at another club, showing that he is no one-trick pony.


    He probably looked at Alan Curbishley's extended stay at Charlton and decided not to fall into the same trap of comfort and familiarity.


    Added to that, he still has to break free from the shackles of Panorama's clumsy hatchet job/ investigation into alleged bungs which did nothing more than throw around lazy innuendo and suggestion. But mud sticks and despite expected exoneration from the Quest Report sadly for Sam it is unlikely to stop some believing there is no smoke without fire.


    So where next for Allardyce? Fulham, Manchester City and Newcastle United are the suggested destinations so far, but it is a list which will surely grow. And Allardyce must choose his next challenge wisely.


    There was never a hope of taking Bolton onto the 'next level', partly due to the financial constraints imposed by chairman Phil Gartside and the attraction of playing for a club the size of Bolton for the world's top players.


    Granted, the purse-strings were loosened last summer when Allardyce was allowed to first chase Andy Johnson and then sign Nicolas Anelka. But other than that he has been forced to scratch around for budget gems such as Iranian international Andranik Teymourian.


    Bolton, of course, find themselves at a crossroads. In promoting Sammy Lee they are placing a great deal of faith in a man who has never managed a team, let alone one which stands fifth in the Premiership and in need of results to avoid a late slump out of the UEFA Cup places.


    Lee had been Allardyce's right-hand man for less than two years after replacing the management-bound Phil Brown in June 2005. Lee left Sven Goran Eriksson's coaching staff to head for Lancashire and he also spent 11 years in the backroom staff at Liverpool.


    The transition from coach to manager is rarely successful. Charlton can testify to that only too readily after their disastrous flirtation with former FA development officer Les Reed who, you may recall, was the man who fielded all the media's tactical questions during Kevin Keegan's inglorious England reign. That in itself should tell its own story.


    Much of Allardyce's success was based on his mastery in the transfer market, a skill which Lee is going to have to learn from scratch and learn fast. Equally, much will depend on the club's ability to hold on to their better players.


    When Allardyce does resurface, it's likely he will covet the likes of Kevin Nolan - an industrious midfielder who earned the captain's armband - as well as Anelka, Tal Ben Haim and Jussi Jaaskelainen.


    Allardyce is never going to be in the running for a job at one of the top four clubs. While he is respected he doesn't quite possess the X-Factor that Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea would look for.


    While Fulham understandably have been linked with the 52-year-old a move to Craven Cottage would be no more than a sideways step, perhaps even a backwards step. Fulham's best finish in their history is ninth - a position which Bolton have grown to consider mediocre under Allardyce. Added to that, Mohamed Fayed has long since locked up the vault to his millions as far as football is concerned.


    It also remains far from certain Fulham will be a Premiership club next season, and even if they do avoid the drop the signs are there for a desperate struggle in 2007/08.


    Far more interesting are the stories connecting the former Limerick, Blackpool and Notts County boss with Manchester City and Newcastle United. While both clubs still have managers of their own neither Stuart Pearce nor Glenn Roeder can claim to be in a comfortable position.


    Pearce, manager of a City side which has not scored at home since New Year's Day and entertains champions-elect United in the Manchester derby on Saturday, was reportedly just a couple of matches from the sack earlier this season before he managed to get enough points together to keep the wolves from the door.


    But with City ripe for a takeover and an increasing number of investors showing their hand it's uncertain whether the new owners will want the former England international at the helm.


    However, former Primer Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra has reportedly moved into pole position and he is believed to be supportive of Pearce.


    Allardyce's link to City has come largely from his supposed-association with Ray Ranson's bid to take charge at the City of Manchester Stadium - though sources close to Ranson have distanced him from Allardyce. Nevertheless, Rason's bid expected to be dismissed in favour of Shinawatra's.


    In City, Allardyce would join a club capable of pushing on, but only with the right investment and support from the board. City have had a loyal fanbase but their 47,726 capacity stadium has often had swathes of empty seats - they average under 40,000 which is understandable considering the brand of football on show. Even the perpetually disgraced Joey Barton has stated he would not pay to watch City play.


    With a warchest from a new owner and the right management, in time City could push into the top five and follow Everton and Tottenham in challenging the status quo for a place in the Champions League. But there are many ifs and buts.


    Allardyce's link to City was certainly not universal across the newspapers in England, with many opting to punt Allardyce as the natural successor to Roeder at Newcastle.


    After being promoted from caretaker, Roeder has never looked comfortable in a role which has traditionally, in recent times at least, gone to high profile managers. Roeder is not in the same league as Kevin Keegan, Sir Bobby Robson and Graeme Souness.


    Newcastle have always been one of the truly untapped clubs, almost always selling out their 52,387-capacity home. Souness was alone afforded £52million to spend on fresh blood, and Roeder forked out £15million on just two players last summer. Most Premiership bosses could only dream of such a kitty.


    What may count against Allardyce is his decision to snub the job when Newcastle came calling prior to the appointment of Souness. Chairman Freddy Shepherd is known to be a man who does not taken rejection well and Allardyce will have to convince him it was done with the best intentions.


    Newcastle, however, are going to have to swallow their pride if they want a manager who is truly capable of changing things at St James' Park. The club as a whole will need an overhaul and Allardyce has already proved he can shake things up from top to bottom. Newcastle are a club in which failure and underachievement go hand-in-hand.


    They seem some way from earning another shot at Champions League football after qualifying for the tournament in back-to-back seasons under Sir Bobby.


    However, the task on the pitch at St James' is perhaps less intensive that an Man City. Whereas City have a squad which is full of holes, made worse by the fact Barton now seems certain to be on his way in the summer, Newcastle at least have some quality players.


    In Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins they have one of the best strikeforces in the division, while midfield talent including Emre, Damien Duff, Kieron Dyer, Nolberto Solano, Scott Parker and James Milner will give most teams a problem when employed in the correct system.


    It makes it all the more galling that Newcastle are still on just 42 points with 36 games played.


    Newcastle's Achilles heel has often been at the back and while it may come as a surprise to learn they have a better defensive record than Bolton this term.


    The Newcastle squad needs investment and astute management. Magpies fans have come to know only too well that one without the other does not necessarily work. Allardyce should fit the bill perfectly.


    Expectation levels at St James' will clearly be greatly inflated from what Allardyce is used to. Controlling the emotions of a rabid supporter base is one skill he may have to learn.


    Though no-one will admit as much, football club boards are always more likely to pull the trigger quickly should a quality manager be on the market. While it would still be a surprise if Roeder was ousted in the summer, a poor start to next season and it won't take long for the P45 to land on Roeder's desk.


    Shepherd has a track record of sacking managers before the end of August. Sir Bobby, Ruud Gullit and Kenny Dalglish were all given the boot just a couple of weeks into the season and only a stirring beginning to 2007/08 is likely to save Roeder from the same fate.


    It seems a good bet that Allardyce will be in place before the transfer window closes in less that four months' time.





    Nothing a good manager wouldn't sort out tbh.


    I can't agree - I think the four players I mentioned are living off reputation rather than talent.


    - Duff had two or three good seasons three years ago

    - Parker one good season four years ago (and was a diamond amongst dross last year, thanks to our shite play necessitating a crunching tackler in midfield, his only attribute)

    - Emre (who I quite like when he's "on") is astonishingly inconsistent, a homer and a soft touch

    - Dyer is easy on the eye but contributes nothing

  9. Why stop at just emre,duff,parker and dyer?


    There's plenty more where they came from.


    Well, I was thinking of the players with the biggest disparity between reputation and contribution :D


    Seriously, no one thinks Babayaro, Ramage, Onyewu, Moore, Bramble, Carr, Sibierski and Ameobi are top five material. Martins, well, I like the little fella so I can't slate him gratuitously...


    We had this debate the other day - who amongst our players would make a top 4 squad - I didn't contribute but I would say Given, Owen and Milner and that's about it


    EDIT: Which leaves Butt, Taylor and Martins. Six players of sufficient quality to mount a charge to break into the UEFA Cup slots...


  10. Not sure about this talk of all the money you think we're going to be splashing.  Our most recent financial results are a shambles.


    Really............. Maybe I'm talking nonsense then! Maybe the picture is alot gloomier than I realise.


    I am only commenting on what I can see from the outside all the way down here in Berkshire and based on what Newcastle have done before. But past actions may not be a good measure of future actions.


    I do think that you already have a playing staff that is well capable of finishing 5th though whether you spend money or not. Reading are 1 point off fifth and we've spent very little money in comparison.


    You only need a new manager from what I can tell. you just need to shore up your back line and I think you'll be flying. You're gonna get Sidwell on a free as well so that will help squad depth. Newcastle have plenty of talented players. Sheppard doesn't really need to spend much on the playing team to get it going again. Your current team should be 5th. The fact that you are not means Roeder is the one underperforming. Get rid of him and then get a manager in who will get you to 5th with the current team. If he manages to do that then back him in the transfer market to break into the top 4. That would be my strategy. Don't keep wasting money on idiot managers who don't know what they are doing.


    You need Big Sam at the helm as fast as possible. Give him £5million for next season. That will be enough for Big Sam with the current players you got to get to 5th. If Sam achieves that back him the following summer. If he can't get your current side to 5th then find another manager. The current Geordie team has got to be the 5th best in the Prem. Only the top 4 have better playing squads than Newcastle and the Yids squad is of similar ability.


    On paper we might have a good squad, unfortunately football isn't played on paper.


    Players like Emre, Dyer, Duff, Parker (which is conceivably our strongest midfield for some!) - they might be internationals and have some talent but actually contribute very little. I'm not going to go off the deep end and say they're shite, but they aren't top quality.


    Fat paycheques? Yes. Big reputations? Yes. Consistently good performers? No...


  11. After the Chelsea match I said:


    Apart from that, Sibierski's performance was like one big advertisement for everyone who advocates buying a striker who can hold the ball up as first priority (a view I don't necessarily subscribe to but can see the point). For the whole first half the ball bounced off Le Sib and straight back at us, putting us under lots of unnecessary pressure


  12. The idiot believes Craig Moore will be looking for a new club next season. I believe this club will be located in Australia as he's been saying he'd go there this Summer ever since he arrived here two years ago. I also believe Oliver will be writing for the Chronicle next season - mores the pity.


    I'd love to see some quotes about Moore saying he wants to return to Australia because I've never seen any but it seems everyone believes it. I certainly don't - I've posted quotes from Australian managers who are sounding him out that are more hopeful than anything...


    He'll turn up in the Middle East for one last pay day before coming home, I'd put money on it






    Fair enough. Thanks for that - like I said, I've never seen any quotes, just assumptions.


    I don't believe it though. For a couple of reasons. Those quotes are over a year old for starters. There's only one team in Brisbane (or within 500 miles of Brisbane) and their coach has said since then he holds little hope of signing him.


    We'll see...

  13. The idiot believes Craig Moore will be looking for a new club next season. I believe this club will be located in Australia as he's been saying he'd go there this Summer ever since he arrived here two years ago. I also believe Oliver will be writing for the Chronicle next season - mores the pity.


    I'd love to see some quotes about Moore saying he wants to return to Australia because I've never seen any but it seems everyone believes it. I certainly don't - I've posted quotes from Australian managers who are sounding him out that are more hopeful than anything...


    He'll turn up in the Middle East for one last pay day before coming home, I'd put money on it


  14. Maybe if he didn't insist on playing with a handicap (Kalou) all game, Chelsea might have scored.  Seriously, what a pile of s*** he looks every time I see him play.


    Nearly as bad as Kuyt. :lol:


    Worse IMO.  I think we avoided a mistake by losing out on Kuyt though.  He hasn't impressed me at all since going to Liverpool.


    Maybe we should add that to the case for the defence in the trial of Glenn Roeder - "stepping aside" so 'Pool could sign Kuyt :lol:


  15. 1-0 down.

    20mins to go.


    Manager and coach wonder what to do.





    A picture tells a thousand words...


    That picture sums up the state of NUFC in a nutshell. Symptomatic of the malaise we're in due to the fucking wanker on the left. He looks like an extra from Laurel & Hardy.


    Anyone got Freddy's email address? If we send him that pic it might have the same effect as three players crashing into each other against Man City :lol:


  16. The tabs will be at now telling us all how Chelsea had a crap season. League cup winners,2nd place in the Prem, Champ league Semi & a FA cup final coming up. There the sort of seasons that hack me of as well.


    For Abramovich, it is a failure, and one that will cost Mourinho his job, I have little doubt about that. I must say I'm looking forward to Mourinho's backhanded swipes as he's pushed out the door, moaning and whingeing all the way.


    We might even find out if it was Mourinho or Abramovich who bought Shevchenko :D

  17. Tough one for me - I like Inter in Italy (not support, like ;) ) but I hate Man U more than I hate Milan, and besides the thought of an all-English final makes me sick...


    Disturbing that football seems to bring only negative emotions these days - which team I hate more, how shite we are...


    If only I could forget which clubs were playing, it would probably be a very good game to watch!


  18. Solano - 5 Lost his man for the goal


    My memory of the goal was that moments before Nobby was very far forward because we didn't have a right midfielder in the second half and he was pushing forward to support the attack. I only remember because in my mind I was screaming at Dyer wondering what the hell he was doing playing so far infield... (this being before the Sibierski substitution and the abortion that was 4-3-3)


    Yes, Nobby may well have been out of position, but only because he was trying to support the attack - and I thought his old legs carried him well to get back as close as he did!

  19. Bolton want £5m compensation if Allardyce becomes manager of City or Newcastle. (The Sun)


    can they do that?


    They do change their mind quite quickly at the Sun. Yesterday it was £2m, but I recall reading £500k somewhere aswell...


    No chance they'd get that, mutual termination of the contract has been stated by both sides, they'd be lucky to get anything, and they'd only get that if they can prove Sam had already taken another job, which if its us is certainly not the case.


    Just a thought, but if it was a mutual parting of ways then I'd imagine it might be inserted into the terms of the agreement that compensation be due if he takes up a job within a certain period of time... The only problem with that scenario is what leverage Gartside has on Allardyce to force such a concession...?


  20. Never have i wanted NUFC to lose but a poor result on Saturday would be (like the home defeat to the tramps that time in the rain) the best thing in the long run. A mass walkout and snubbing of the team after an awful season would push fat boy closer to giving Roeder the bullet and hopefully giving Allardyce a go.


    Christ, every time i see Clarky, Terry Mac and Pearson on the bench with Roeder is like a bad joke gone wrong.


    Can see a pizzling happening too - Blackburn carved up a Charlton side we took one point off. Superior side, far superior manager, head full of steam etc


    Whereas we have a squad who can't be arsed and who quit as soon as the first goal goes in


  21. And as Dyer is getting the full brunt tonite,i have to say Emre was utter w*** as well.


    I want a playmaker that considers going into his own half beneath him, it hacks me off when Dyer/emere/parker are picking the ball off the CB's toes on the 18yard box. None of these lads have the skill to whizz round 2+ of the oppo then drop the ball at Oba or Owens feet. Or hit a 90 yard ball into space for one of O's to run onto....................they should leave this to Bramble :'(


    Pirlo? Carrick?


  22. Maybe Shepherd could simply undermine Roeder. Give Allardyce title of "Director of Football". Roeder will obviously know he's not wanted and might walk. Saving us compensation money which could go towards bringing in some of Allardyce's men from Bolton.


    Roeder will never, ever walk. Not under any circumstances. Firstly, he knows full well his reputation as a manager (let alone a premiership manager) is in the toilet after screweing up yet another job. And secondly the man is far too proud and is never wrong.


    If he had any honour (or inclination to walk) he would have done so after AZ



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