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Posts posted by Raconteur

  1. Agree with everything you said there except for the fat Aussie bastard :D :knuppel2:


    Get in there lad - it's not like every time we refer to an Englishmen we say "soap dodging Pommy whingers who are shite at cricket and tennis and only margianally better at football" ;)


    And Parky, I think it might be you living in dreamland if you think Kanu is close to Viduka...


    (for the last fucking time I don't give a shit about Porto),



    By that logic then, because Pele was shite at New York and American pundits similarly didn't "give a shit" about his time at Santos, they'd be correct if they said Pele was over-rated?


  3. Gee, can I be the first to say I hope the FA doesn't hear about this - I'm pretty sure pre-contracts for domestic Bosman-style transfers is against the rules!!!


    Don't think so, think it all just comes under the Bosman ruling. 6 months or less to go and they can speak to anyone.


    A quick, rough and ready search has revealed the following quote:


    Premiership rules forbid rival clubs from talking to out-of-contract players until the end of the season.


    But Sidwell is aware of strong interest from Toon boss Glenn Roeder.


    From this thread - http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=38152.0 -  which quoted this source - http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390000-2007150398,00.html


    I know the Sun isn't the most reputable of sources, but I was fairly sure that was the case...


  4. Gee, can I be the first to say I hope the FA doesn't hear about this - I'm pretty sure pre-contracts for domestic Bosman-style transfers is against the rules!!!


    Gio as a left back - we could certainly do worse... Not sure how that fits in with Glenn's age restrictions...


  5. I've said many a time that I would love Big Marko to play for the Toon - but I've always added that I'm biased so to take my opinion with a pinch of salt!


    That horrible cliche "good technique for a big man" was never more true than with Viduka, truly a classy striker and one can only wonder what might have happened if a top notch manager had shaped his career and instilled some discipline and consistency into him.


    More talent than Le Sib and Shola combined, his style of play means we could probably squeeze another two or three seasons out of him, providing a great foil for Owen or Martins, or an extra dimension as a sub.


    Unfortunately, I have little doubt Roeder would turn his nose up at him - using a combination of age, wages and injury record as plausible but ultimately insufficient reasons.

  6. Interesting snippet from soccernet's Insider column:


    MOAN OF THE MATCH: Glenn Roeder's post-match interview was one long moan. The targets varied from those who suggested Duff would join Sunderland, to critics of Parker, via anyone who thought Newcastle could have been in danger of going down and anyone who seemed to have mentioned his management of West Ham when they were relegated. Surely winning managers should be happier.




    Where can I find the extended version of that interview, so I can bask in the wisdom of our great leader? :lol:

  7. Still hoping Chelsea push Man Utd to the wire in the title race. 3 points in it now with Man Utd kicking off in 10 mins. It would be hilarious to see Chelsea pip them to it.


    No. It really wouldn't. I can't see how any "neutral" would want Chelsea to continue their dominance over English football.


    My thughts exactly - I despise Man U, but fucking loathe Chelsea, they're like a foul taste in the mouth you can't get rid of...


  8. Paul Robinson, England No 1 mackems.gif



    Not really his fault,Its that Rocha guy (who btw IS worst the bramble) who is responsible for the goal


    Took forever to get down - besides, I think he's shite, so any excuse to rag on him! :lol:


  9. Is it me or are they both Emre?



    You could be onto something - if only it wasn't for the different brow, eyes, ears, chest and nationality, they could be the same person! :rolleyes:


    I'll give you the ears. The rest is shite



    I would have thought if you were going to "give" me anything it might have been nationality - see how Rino has a green, red and white emblem with a little "Italia" printed above it? :lol:


  10. "People forget about the injuries we've had to cope with at times, perhaps I don't moan enough," he said . "You had Petr Cech and Terry not playing for Chelsea, they didn't have their best run of the season, they come back and they start winning again."   :idiot2:


    Is that an actual quote?!? He needs his legs broken and mouth surgically sealed if it is...


  11. Andrei Kanchelskis

    Giorgi Kinkladze


    Outrageous - Andrei Kanchelskis was a fine winger, better than any NUFC right winger you could care to name in the Premier League era... (That said, his career did nose-dive sharply as he aged, but in his prime he was electric)


  12. There are 8 clubs who would die to be in our position right now and who would consider themselves as safe if they already were.


    How many of those clubs have the same appalling record we do since February, the same shocking scoring record, a shite manager and a squad of players who don't seem to give a fuck since the AZ away match?


    I'm not saying we're doomed - I just think we (well, specifically Roeder) need to be aware that unless the lads pull together and start being professional then in a few weeks we could be looking over our shoulder with discomfort.


    Didn't someone recently say that Wimbledon managed one point from their last eleven matches the year they went down or something?


  13. Big Sam or Mark Hughes would be ideal appointments at this moment in time, I rate Boothroyd and Pardew as the best of a pretty mediocre bunch (excluding Jol and O'Neill who are out of bounds obviously) but they would be too big a risk at current. If I could pick one though it would be Big Sam, without a doubt but I agree, he won't manage this club while Shepherd is in control.


    I remember suggesting Sparky a few weeks ago and was told in no uncertain terms he was in the frame for bigger things - Man U and Chelsea, which is a bummer because I reckon he'd be a great choice. Next choice for me would be Big Sam because I admire what he's built up on and off the pitch...


    But since neither of those fit into the "realistic" frame... I don't know, I like HTL's idea of Dave Jones - was doing a good job at Southampton before the messy business of false allegations... Don't know about his current record though

  14. "Pelé was the best but Garrincha was better. Pelé was a machine, Garrincha was an artist. Garrincha was Stanley Matthews, Tom Finney and a snake charmer all rolled into one."


    Is that from Alex Bellos' book?


  15. The form right now is s****, so until we're mathematically safe it remains a possibility no matter how unlikely. There are a lot of teams that would have to win matches to drag us down that number of places.


    For my money we've been showing relegation form performance wise for ages now, however, we had that run around November and December time when we won some matches that we didn't really deserve to win, results that had we been supporting the opposition we'd have felt hard done by so for me it's a genuine belief that we fluked a lot of the points we currently have on the board, the performances have never really been convincing for ages now. What's changed recently is that as well as s**** performances we're now getting the results we deserve and it can't be ignored. 


    It's all well and good thinking we won't lose the rest of our games, but losing the next 2 puts us well in the mix and then the nerves will kick in, the confidence will drop even more and the performances will become even worse. It's not impossible. In my opinion I don't think we'll finish any higher than we are right now and it's more likely we'll drop a few places than go up a few.


    Frankly, I'll settle for 2 draws in the next 2 games and that will be enough to see us safe I reckon.


    Can't argue with one word there - a very well reasoned post :thup:


    It will take a huge effort to get anything from Sheffield United, no one expects anything from Arsenal and then we travel to Pompey on 14 April... Our form says we haven't scored a league goal since 10 Feb, by the Pompey match it's very possible we won't have scored in the league for more than two months! Anyone can say relegation is an impossibility is living in fantasy land!


  16. I'm fed up with articles like this tbh


    Same old s***


    Better than Anal abusing Oba - without wanting to re-open a debate done a million times, it cannot be any help whatsoever when a journalist many consider to be the club's unofficial scribe to be lambasting hm in the press...


  17. I'm a waverer about LuaLua, i really am.


    That's pretty tough - isn't the boy only 16? But as others have said, at that age it's more about coaching and development, and it no one would say we have the setup to groom young talent...


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