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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. Caulkin has said from day one that the buyers are in constant dialogue with the league so someone is lying.
  2. So according to Duncan castles, everything the league requests i.e. further information from the buyers, goes through the club and not the buyers. This would go against everything Caulkin has said from the beginning.
  3. Surely the buyers confidence and no red flags has come from conversations with the premier league ?
  4. So my take on the Guardian story last night: Why then, why release that on a Tuesday teatime? Why not a big Sunday exclusive? Its clear the journalist has sat on the report being from WTO for two weeks. My theory is he got wind of the fact the premier league is going to announce the takeover has passed its test soon. He therefore had to release the article to get his last bit of click bait from the article, which is just the same as last week but with WTO revelation. Just a theory but as good as any! As in last chance to release it as it could be meaningless soon.
  5. Have Craig Hope and Luke Edwards? Yeah, Edwards last night and Hope this morning
  6. Pretty bold statement that.... For all our sakes, I hope that his source is correct and this isn’t some made up ITK situation It's difficult to not get drawn into a statement like that but I don't know enough about him as a journalist to know if he's genuine or just another who's punting out tweets without substance. He is usually pretty good to be fair. All I know about him was him being first to report a breakdown in relationship between Ashley and Rafa and that was proven correct.
  7. See all the journalists who commented on the story breaking last night are all saying they still think it will be passed by the premier league. Kind of seems it was scaremongering more than anything.
  8. Do we actually think the Saudis would be that bothered if this got turned down? They invest in so many areas I’m not certain they actually care that much if it is rejected.
  9. Because of the backlash and possible legaL threats they will face.
  10. Just provides more time for them to find new evidence to block it.
  11. I’ve had doubts for a couple of weeks just based on how long it is taking, despite everyone saying it’s down to project restart and covid-19, I still feel it should have been done 7 weeks in.
  12. Basically he's saying that the PL could scupper the deal if they feel that the buyers haven't provided full or misleading information, that is a get out clause of sorts. Can't imagine that would be the case when you consider the calibre of the parties involved in the takeover. Just seems another justification for the PL to sit on it a bit longer. Technically they aren’t even sitting on it longer, not that we know have because they have had this information since the 11th of may.
  13. Think we would have heard for definite by now if that was the case.
  14. Wouldn’t be concerned about that, Saudi lawyers would tear it apart.
  15. I mean this piracy issue has been a pretty big deal hasn’t it for a while, I would be surprised if anyone is finding new information on it.
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