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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Sherwood was interviewed for West Brom, and apparently wanted more money, and so wasn't hired despite being the clear option for them, who they really wanted. That would have been a decent team to manage for him. Pretty established and have some decent players, and went out and got Lescott this summer, as well as spending £10 million on a striker. He's a bit of an idiot it seems. Think he'll shoot himself in the foot again with Palace.

  2. I like Palace - I hate if it has to be them but they are our only saviour. Still won't happen like.


    They'll end up with Sherwood.


    I like Palace too, but hey Pardew is one of their own, and so they'd be happy with him. Also, they will typically sign the kinds of players he prefers, and so it won't necessarily turn out badly for them.

  3. Nah, just seems like they can't get that top tier striker they're after, and so are taking a punt on Balotelli, who in reality has everything to be in that category, but isn't there mentally for some reason. If he can get it out of Balotelli consistently, it would be a great move.

  4. Ex Cardiff youngster having his say:


    Ibrahim Farah @Ibby_Farah


    Malky mackay is racist wish the people at cardiff city seen it sooner.


    Malky mackay always use to call me a wee Egyptian and laugh his head of no one knows what happens behind the scenes in football clubs.


    And no I'm not Egyptian I'm welsh and I'm my parents are from somaliland


    Every manager has his views on his players I wasn't his type of player but to treat certain player on how he did at cardiff was disgusting


    The young black players at Cardiff were treated poor by malky and his coaching staff we were scared to speak around him let alone ask him for help on the training pit


    Oxford away a young Somali boy was at the gates and Malky shouted look at that black Somali kid at the gates, look it's ibby brother. He then started laughing him and coaching staff.


    This is just sad. Tough situation for youngsters to have to work in. I just can't understand what a grown man has to gain from mocking kids about their race? What are you gaining from that kind of behaviour exactly? Guy must have some serious insecurities, or some sort of complex.

  5. KaKa, man. Just stop it. You want to find a racist European football league, there's plenty out there. Ours doesn't even deserve mentioning in that respect.


    Never mentioned racism, or the whole football league. Just think a good number of the managers can't be bothered dealing with foreign players, as it seems a bit of an irritation. Despise was too strong a word to use in my last post, so I'll take that back.


    Just genuinely shocked by some of those comments. Crazy stuff.

  6. More detail:


        In July 2012, Cardiff signed South Korean international Kim Bo-kyung, but when Moody informed Mackay on July 12 that ‘five of the b******s including the player’ were arriving for talks, the reply from Mackay’s phone was: ‘Fkn chinkys.’ A further message says: ‘Fk it. There’s enough dogs in Cardiff for us all to go around.’


        In reference to the prominent football agent, Phil Smith, a text states: ‘Go on, fat Phil. Nothing like a Jew that sees money slipping through his fingers’. The Israeli club, Maccabi Tel Aviv, are also referred to simply as ‘the Jews’.


        A football official at another club is referred to as ‘a gay snake’ and ‘the homo’ and someone who is ‘not to be trusted’, while a French player is someone ‘who struck me as an independently minded young homo’.


        An exchange with a young player who has a female agent makes reference to a sex act and states: ‘I hope she’s looking after your needs,’ the player is then told. ‘I bet you’d love a bounce on her falsies.’


        On August 16, 2012, a list of players proposed by a French agent is forwarded, stating to Mackay that ‘he needs to rename his agency the All Blacks’. A separate text in reference to a list of French players states: ‘Not many white faces amongst that lot but worth considering.’


        In a separate exchange a picture entitled ‘Black Monopoly’ is sent, with every square a ‘Go To Jail’ square. Of one African player, it is stated: ‘Doesn’t look like a good cv. And he’s Nigerian.’


    What nasty pieces of work.


    Awww man ... "and he's Nigerian". Nice  :(


    This is actually terrifying to read man  :lol:


    As a foreigner I'd be so hesitant to sign for a club with a British manager unless they could really convince me that they really wanted me. Can't help but feel a lot of these British managers despise foreigners. Just, wow.


  7. Mackay and Sherwood talk seemed very hasty. Not surprised it is neither one tbh.


    The chairman really should go for someone that knows him and is from the area after having to change manager so often so far, this has to be the next course of action.


    Pardew is the one. Come on Parrish. Do it.

  8. Just realised I should have put the Liverpool news in here.


    So apparently they've bid for Balotelli. £17 million. Think that's a hell of a deal if they get him for that.


    He's nuts, but he's a heck of a player IMO. Playing in that team with Sturridge and Sterling buzzing around him, they could be frightening.

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