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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. WOW!  :lol:


    There's people out there that were berating Cabella already, based on that performance?!


    I think I would have got up and left if I was sitting beside someone like that at yesterday's game.

  2. He's asking for 10 games?!  :lol:


    This man is truly insufferable. I'm dreading his next starting 11 already, not to mention his next first sub.


    Man, if we ever get rid of this guy and manage to bring in a half decent manager, I really will appreciate the smallest things now.

  3. First game in a new league, so I think his performance was encouraging. Many have looked far worse first time around that's for sure.


    Can I also just say, that I really appreciated the fact that he managed to make forward runs and stay onside.

  4. Either way if he's our first choice striker we're going down.




    Standing a guy with dubious composure up top on his own is a recipe for disaster.


    It was his first game. Let's not draw definite conlusions quite yet.

  5. I think if we keep him in central midfield, and keep at him to move it quicker and simpler at times, he will get better.


    Likely to get shunted out side and messed about still though, and unlikely anyone is working with him to improve on his technique and decisions.



  6. We don't deserve anything here. City never got out of second gear and we've hardly created anything.




    How is that bullshit?


    To say we don't deserve anything is bullshit. We've played well against a very very good team. Also to say city have never got out of second gear..


    City looked comfortable all day and we never really looked like scoring, apart from Ayoze's chance.


    And the set piece to Gouffran.


    And Sissoko's chance.


    And Riviere's wild thrash.


    We were okay fo rthe first game of the season against the champs.


    Let's see where we go with it next week though, that will be the real teller.

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