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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. 1 minute ago, SAK said:

    Isn’t he best in a three man defence  or so I recall? Is Eddie looking to add some tactical variety with the possibility to go 5-3-2 (Isak and DCL?).


    Looks comfortable in a centre back pairing or back three.


    Does look like he can play on the right side too in a pairing.


    No idea if this link is real though, seems a bit weird with the Anderson thing.

  2. Tosin and Kilman are both 27 this year and pretty experienced in the league.


    Looks like this is the profile we are looking for to eventually take over from Schar to partner Botman.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Sibierski said:

    Kilman is proper underwhelming for me. You need at least one pacey CB to compete at top end. Can’t have a defence that’s all 3rd gear. 


    Kilman isn't slow.

  4. Just now, Upthemags said:

    Dont think you've countered anything mate... you're really just deferring to club judgment, which, fair play to you, is fine. But not everyone wants to cover their eyes when they see a bad deal


    Yeah, okay. Fair.


    You guys seem sure it's a bad deal. I'm not so sure it is at all.


    Particularly because it also solves our FFP/PSR situation, which means keeping our best players.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Matt1892 said:

    I am not wound up in the slightest, simply pointing out that your patter is on par with those discussing football on Twitter, and that your attempts to stifle people giving their opinions with the threat of reminding everyone at a later date if they are wrong.


    I won’t be saying any more on it and will be putting you on ignore.


    I'm really not stifling anyone in the slightest.


    Seems just because I counter what you've said, it annoys you.


    Probably best to put me on in ignore in that case.

  6. Just now, gdm said:

    I mean he has a point like your stand point appears to be sell minteh or nothing no other plans, no other options to bring in money it’s purely sell Minteh or Bruno choose. No one knows the discussions that are going on. 


    I mean, I doubt we are turning down interest in the likes of Almiron, Wilson, Murphy, Targett etc.


    Typically these are the kind of players that get shifted towards the end of the window, as they won't really be priority signings for clubs.


    Hopefully, something materialises on that front instead, but the signs are not pointing towards that being the case.

  7. 1 minute ago, worthy said:

    You said "with 8 days to solve the PSR and FFP problem, what else are they going to do" - That means you believe they have no other option cause thats the only way to solve it with 8 days left before the fisical is done. So what did they do beforehand then, why couldnt it be solved before? And before you answer in your sweat way. If they tried, then they did a fucking terrible job trying.


    I mentioned 8 days to the person that said we should keep Minteh, and who didn't have any other viable solution.


    You have no idea what the club have been doing behind the scenes. It seems a lot of you think Minteh is the next great world beater. Well maybe the club don't agree, and the plan has always been to flip him to avert the FFP/PSR issue, as interest would have started being declared ages ago.

  8. Just now, worthy said:

    The way you put it before taking out the strawman bullshit like you so often do. Is that they had no other option but to sell him. That means they didnt plan, they didnt think, they didnt structure, they didnt estimate, they didnt report. So what did they do then?


    At this point I genuinely have no idea what you are on about. So fewm away man.


    I think enough people on here have tried to explain the situation but you clearly know better so have at it.

  9. 1 minute ago, worthy said:

    Well this is what the professionals should have fucking had an idea how to solve a while ago. They should have known how we are in regards to FFP and PSR - if not they should honest to god just quit their job.


    Yes, the awful professionals that brought Isak and Bruno and everyone else that has pushed the club into the Champions League to the club.


    And who also signed a kid for £5 million odd that is now going to be the solution to keeping all those already proven players in house.


    Yes, sack them all.

  10. Just now, gdm said:

    Rather that than waste money/swap a very highly rated youngster for DCL


    Okay, great. And then what do we do regarding FFP and PSR, with 8 days to go?

  11. 4 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Again, I’ve made my position clear I’d rather roll the dice on Wilson’s fitness than bring in DCL and roll the dice on his. 


    That's a huge call. I definitely wouldn't do that.

  12. Just now, Matt1892 said:

    Yes, they are fools. Which is why they have got in to so much trouble with FFP that they have had multiple points deductions.


    Besides that, I don’t think you realise how bad your patter is. You act as a zealot following every decision the club makes in blind faith cheering it on, stating that you will remind everyone of this if it turns out well etc. Honestly, it is Twitter level stuff.


    Eddie Howe might improve DCL as he has a track record of improving players. However, think how much better we would be if we signed better footballers, rather than trying to rejuvenate the careers of players that have been poor for a number of years.


    You're just getting yourself wound up over everything, and that's on you, so stop blaming me.


    It also seems you don't quite understand the implications of FFP and PSR rules, and think we can just go out and sign all these 'better players' to fill the team.


    There's a whole thread on the financial side of things and it's all been discussed to death on here, but still you don't seem to get it and would just rather complain continuously. It makes absolutely no sense.

  13. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    Minteh going for £40m hopefully to another league I can handle. Bringing in DCL as cover for Isak I can accept and see value in but swapping minteh to Everton for DCL I just can’t get on board with it makes no sense. I hate everything about it. 


    Well the teams they're trying to do in for PSR, have figured out some work around with these two way deals, so it is what it is. Chelsea and Villa are pulling the same stunt at the minute.


    It's either that or one of Bruno or Isak leave, because it doesn't look like anyone is coming forward for our garbage quick enough.


    And so, pick your poison.

  14. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    Genuinely be gutted if Minteh ends up at Everton never mind the fact we don’t even get money for him we get DCL. No wonder Everton fans are laughing 


    When the real action starts they'll be crying again, like they have been over Gordon.

  15. Just now, Dr Venkman said:

    You’re putting the discourse on here above the success of the club, which seems an odd order of priorities.


    Fortunately the club are going to continue to do what's best and keep on with the progress they have made since taking over, so no need to worry.



  16. 1 minute ago, Matt1892 said:

    Or maybe you could stop acting like a zealot and expecting everyone to be happy with every decision the club makes?




    Some of the stuff being said is just so ridiculous man :lol:


    Push Dan Burn to Everton as a Branthwaite replacement instead?


    Do you think these people are fools?


    Come on man!

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