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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. £50 million this and £50 million that ...


    I for one think Allardyce has encouraged the top geezers to invest money in his back room staff and all the equipment and upgrades he wants for our training facilities. This is his priority at the moment.


    For the moment he is happy to get good, solid, dependable pros who he knows will do a job and then go forward from there.


    More power to him. YEAAAAAAH!!!

  2. Well....just spoke with a hardcore Barca fan mate of mine, and he hates Edmilson with a passion. Says he does f*** all...has horrible control when playing in midfield, and drops the odd clanger.


    However, he says that in fairness he was brought in as a CB, and done well playing there. Cant get a game ahead of the darling of Cataluniya Puyol and Marquez. Rijkaard tried to convert him into a DM, but it seems that it hasnt worked out very well.


    Oh, and by the way.....for some reason, my mate also doubts that Barca would be willing to let Edmilson go....and he seems to believe that it's actually Motta we're after!! Go f****** figure!!



    This mate of yours is obviously a very smart young man. I commend his brilliance which is in line with my brilliance. I think we are after Motta and I have been saying it all along. Maybe Barca have offered us Edmilson as well somewhere along the line and we are looking into this too.


    All I know is that it is extremely likely that we are in fact chasing Thiago Motta. Do any search on him and read up on him and he is a Sam Allardyce player through and through. Sounds just like a Campo clone.


    Big, strong, physical DM who is a good passer of the ball and who plays with a lot of energy.


    My money is on Motta.

  3. I am now becoming a bit concerned that it's another free though.


    Sam certainly is using this money (if its there) sparingly atm...


    All the signs are that the budget has been seriously exaggerated and I think a lot of people are getting their hopes up. I think Ashley will make quite a bit available and money isn't a problem, but Edmilson's the 4th free transfer (nominal fee apparently) we've targetted, 5th if you include Sidwell. People seem to be expecting a massive squad with established backup everywhere, yet the signs look very different. It's all well and good telling ourselves we're getting cheap squad players, but look at them. Viduka, Barton, Edmilson, Geremi - these are not squad players!


    Free first team players!


    Even better!

  4. Saviola would be a healthy risk I think, if we need an injection of pace. Rather than getting srewed over by Tottenham for Defoe. They just spent a lot on Darren Bent and so they will be asking too much for Defoe to get some of that cash back.


    Saviola on a free would be worth a shot. I've heard quite a few say he is too light weight but I'm not buying that. Those Argies are tough cookies and they seem to do well in our league. Saviola is also a very smart and savvy player.

  5. So your saying we might be using Edmilson as bait to get another Brazilian here? While hoping his knee comes good ...


    Could be possible I guess.


    Kaka anyone?


    Not so much other Brazilians, but other European based players who may have not considered us, but seeing us sign a player like Edmilson (if he is respected name) might make a few take notice of us again.


    Suppose like a kind of 'Keegan factor' as both Player and Manager.


    I understand where your coming from and it does make sense.


    Some Brazilians would be nice though.





    I'll admit to not knowing much about Edmilson (other than what a Google search brings up).


    But looking at it from footballers terms - is he a well known player, and the type of player/name to attract others to join us?


    Could that be more of the reasoning behind it, as well as perhaps being able to add to the team/squad at some point?


    There are very few details at present - we dont even know how long any deal might be.


    I'll hold judgement until it becomes a bit clearer - i.e. how long he will actually be out, how much the 'nominal fee' is we may have paid, etc.


    So your saying we might be using Edmilson as bait to get another Brazilian here? While hoping his knee comes good ...


    Could be possible I guess.


    Kaka anyone?

  7. Still think it's Motta.


    Until I see Edmilson being wheeled throught he door at St. James on a wheelchair I'm not buying it.


    It's gotta be Motta in my eyes. Maybe even both along with Eidur.


    Hehehe. Go on, admit it. You fancy him don't you.


    I fancy him in our midfield yes. I think it would be a shrewd move.

  8. Still think it's Motta.


    Until I see Edmilson being wheeled throught he door at St. James on a wheelchair I'm not buying it.


    It's gotta be Motta in my eyes. Maybe even both along with Eidur.




    You think these sources have the completely wrong player? :lol:


    I'm hanging on for dear life here buddy!


    Out of interest when does Saviola's deal with Barca run out? Is it end of June as well? I know Sam tried to get him on loan at Bolton last season and so he rates him.


    If one of our littl'uns is leaving he may well be an option too. Gudjohnsen and Saviola would be a tidy bit of business.

  9. How can Manu trigger a £9m clause with a player exchange?  :rolleyes:


    Fuk me the S*n are total fuking clueless wankers aren't they?




    I think it is possible as long as we accept their valuation of the player? I would have thought anyway.

  10. United ready for Owen swoop



    June 29, 2007


    SAM ALLARDYCE is braced for a double raid on Newcastle strike duo Obafemi Martins and Michael Owen.


    Manchester United are set to offer £4million plus Alan Smith for Owen, while Arsenal have already lined up a £13m bid for Martins.


    The pair have buy-out clauses and Toon boss Allardyce said: “Everyone knows the clause situation Oba has. That leaves us in a very poor position.


    “If those clauses are invoked, there is nothing we can do about it.


    “I want to plan for Owen and Martins to start the season.


    “But at some point between now and the end of August, I might lose those types of players. That would be a massive blow.”


    United are on red alert as Owen, 26, has yet to comment on suggestions he could invoke his £9m get-out clause.


    Nigerian ace Martins, 22, has a £13m buy-out agreement — and Arsenal see him as Thierry Henry’s replacement.




  11. ssn paper review - sed owens goin man u - 4mil + smith


    cud put s stop to eidur deal?




    This is exactly what I said was likely to be happened once that Alan Smith story came out and Alan Oliver said we would only get him if Owen/Martins left.


    I had a feelign a swap deal in some form or the other was on the cards with Owen going the other way.


    Wow indeed.


    More bothered about the post tbh.




    Oh I see. Totally missed that.



  12. ssn paper review - sed owens goin man u - 4mil + smith


    cud put s stop to eidur deal?




    This is exactly what I said was likely to be happened once that Alan Smith story came out and Alan Oliver said we would only get him if Owen/Martins left.


    I had a feelign a swap deal in some form or the other was on the cards with Owen going the other way.


    Wow indeed.


    Stop bumming yourself, it's not happened yet


    Well I'm certainly not hoping it happens as we should be able to do a little better than that, but I can't help but feel it is inevitable.


    The good thing is that it would end all the speculation and we can just move on.


    I'll tell you when I started worrying ... when Udinese won the rights for Quagillera and they said they definitely weren't selling him. Man United were chasing him for £10 million. I had a feeling they would come in for Owen after that.


    On this occassion I wouldn't mind being wrong about this. Believe me!

  13. absolutely gutted if we don't keep one of Owen/Martins and if we get Smith


    Gudjohnsen, Viduka, Alan Smith and Shola.


    You might be looking at our strike force for next season right there ... certainly goals in that quartet but we wouldn't really have a potential 20 goal a season guy anymore.


    Aaaah well. I could live with it. Let's hope it pans out if this is indeed the case!

  14. ssn paper review - sed owens goin man u - 4mil + smith


    cud put s stop to eidur deal?




    This is exactly what I said was likely to be happened once that Alan Smith story came out and Alan Oliver said we would only get him if Owen/Martins left.


    I had a feelign a swap deal in some form or the other was on the cards with Owen going the other way.


    Wow indeed.

  15. Some very interesting info in the chronicle today ...


    Owen pretty much appears to have a week to manufacture a move away, as Oliver says that if he returns to training next Friday then he will pretty much be certain to stay next season. He has been given a special pardon apparently so he doesn't have to come back to training with everyone else at the start of the week.


    Something fishy going on here. I think he might be close to a move which is why he has delayed his return to training. I think by next Friday he might very well be gone.


    According to Mr. Oliver we are indeed interested in Alan Smith if Owen or Martins leaves! He also says that Alan Smith has already turned down Borough.


    Something might very well be in the works as it appears the Alan Smith story was indeed true. I think Owen might be going the other way, and if anything we will probably be receivng the £3.5 million along with Smith for little Micky.


    *A lot of this is speculation I know, but just my feelings on the situation which I think might be worth discussing. So take a deep breath before responding. Thanks.



    Well I'll be damned ...


    Just been on the back pages of one of the papers tomorrow that Manchester United have offered Alan Smith and £4 million for that little toe rag Owen.


    I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! Exactly as I had presumed (see above).


    It was so freakin' obvious! Alan Smith has returned from holiday yesterday and voila!


    I knew once we didn't deny the move for Alan Smith and instead Alan Oliver said we would only get him if Owen/Martins left that Owen would very likely be going to Man U with Alan Smith coming this way.


    So we potentially have a situation where Owen might be replaced by Smith and Oba martins by Gudjohnsen.


    What do you guys think about this???

  16. It's Motta and he will essentially replace Emre. We will still get another DM most likely Diarra. Please don't make me have to tell you this again! Motta, Barton and Diarra midfield next year. Nailed on!


    A powerful yet creative midfield player, Thiago Motta is a relentlessly energetic performer who offers a valuable option on the left-hand side.


    Having spent two years with FC Barcelona's reserve team between 1999 and 2001, he first appeared in the Primera División in October 2001. Then made seven appearances for the club in their run to the semi-finals of the 2001/02 UEFA Champions League, but competition for places meant that he was unable to hold down a regular role in centre midfield. Helped Barça finish second in the 2003/04 Primera División before signing a three-year contract extension but the following season was ruined when Motta was carried off against Sevilla FC on 11 September 2004 with a severe injury. He needed surgery to rebuild both the anterior cruciate and lateral ligaments in his left knee.


    Fortunately, he was able to make a swift recovery and made an emotional comeback, taking to the field to rapturous applause as eventual champions Barça defeated Getafe CF 2-0 on 17 April. The midfielder, who won his only two caps for Brazil in July 2003, endured another injury-blighted season in 2005/06, completing only six league matches in another title-winning campaign although he was regularly involved as Barcelona lifted the UEFA Champions League.


    Did you know?

    Despite his Brazilian origins, Motta is not counted as a foreign player at Camp Nou as he holds dual Italian-Brazilian citizenship.




  17. Motta is the same type of player, but is younger and hasn't quite fulfilled his potential at Barca and so will still have something to prove.


    Motta was signed from Brazil and because he never quite emerged as a first team star his wage demands will be very reasonable too.


    It absolutely has to be Motta, if we are indeed interested in a Barcelona defensive midfielder. Edmilson wouldn't make sense on any level.


    Has it been confirmed Motta will be available on a free then? The last I heard Barcelona said they would be open to offers for him.


    Also Oliver's article mentions the fact that the player has Italian heritage. I know for certain that Motta does (hence the name) but i'm not so sure about Edmilson. Is this the key evidence in this cock up!


    Will be interesting to see how this plays out ...

  18. Oliver is a cretin but I don't think even he's thick enough to mix Motta & Edmilson up man.


    Oh my God! I think he actually has done! Just read Motta's Wikipedia thingy and it is eerily similar to Edmilsons. Check it out!


    Both Brazilians with Italian origins who have had some injury problems The only difference being Motta is only 24 and isn't currently injured and has been made available, while Edmilson is 31 is currently out for six months with a very serious injury.


    Motta:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiago_Motta


    This would be one of the funniest cock ups of all time. Anal would have outdone himself if this is what has happened. I am 90% sure it is too.


    What a tool!

  19. Alan Oliver is nuts!!!


    I think it has to be Motta or this doesn't make any kind of sense. Motta was told yesterday he should look for another club as they have just signed Yaya toure and this news breaks out of nowhere so it must be Motta we are after if anyone at all!


    Motta won't be on a free and therefore Luque going the other way might indeed be a possibility which is something Oliver adheres to despite saying Edmilson would be on a free!(He is so befuddled he must be going senile).


    Edmilson is injured for six months and will be back at around the same time as Duff! So it makes absolutely no sense! He also has a history of really bad knee problems and at 31 you would think it would be very difficult for him to overcome this so this cannot be correct.


    Here's hoping it's Motta if anyone!



  20. Martins  is going to make some feckers eat some freakin' sour humble pie I'll tell you that much.


    Some of you lot disgust me. Do you know the calibre of player we have on our hands here. Just because he isn't the most cultured footballer, that doesn't mean he isn't a good one.


    It's so easy to put all the blame on Oba. How many times did our pathetic team fail to get him the ball in decent positions? Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? Of course everytime he then got the ball he was so over eager and desperate to do something with it that he ultimately pressed too hard and messed up. Did you see his frustration at all? At least it meant something to him. He was desperate to do well for Newcastle.


    Wow ... a part of me hopes he leaves just to see what the response will be when he inevitably lights us up in every game he faces us.


    The better the whole team is as an attacking unit the better Martins will be. It cannot all be left to him. Yes, he will do some things that leave you scratching your head but the more opportunities you create for him the better he becomes and the more confident he is in his play. Martins is one of the most devastating and unpredictable players in the league.





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