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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Another thing ... both these players would fit into our team if they were played just behind the front two.


    The 3-5-2 has been mentioned a lot recently and I think it would work in a 3-5-2 lineup.


    For example ...















  2. Blatantly, Kaka (the poster) just rang up NOTW with these quotes.


    ha ha ha ha ha ha


    Whatever pal! Aren't you going to feel stupid if we signed Deco/Raul.


    I'm still not sure why people think this is so impossible. these guys are both 30 this year, which is old but certainly not ancient. Definitely both got a couple more seasons in them at the least. They are both the same age as Henry.


    Both Deco and Raul have had a lot of success and have played in enough big games to last them a lifetime, I'm not sure it would be that unexpected for them to come to a club like Newcastle for a different type of challenge as they wind down their careers. People keep saying they would have better options but I'm not sure which of the top clubs would really go for these guys. Both Barcelona and Madrid are clearly going in different directions now as they are trying to get younger.


    If this is indeed true I doubt it is because Ashley wants them. It will be because Sam does. He's done it before with the likes of Djorkaeff, Okocha, Hierro and Campo. With both Hierro and Campo coming from Real Madrid. All these players were great players for Sam at Bolton and certainly didn't go there for one last big payday. If Sam could pull of these moves at Bolton I'm sure he will be able to do the same at Newcastle.

  3. Apparently Arsenal are in advanced negotiations with us over Martins, although they're not willing to meet the release fee



    The SUN !!!!


    The Sun is light years ahead of other tabloids like The Mirror when it comes to accuracy over rumours. Typical of Wenger to try and negotiate a better price even thougfh the release fee is iron clad. Good test of Ashley's business acumen this. Can't see him letting a valuable asset go for less than it's worth.


    We have to be strong about this if this is true. If they insist on paying less than we should insist on taking one of their top players off them. Problem is I can't think of any of their players that would work for us, who would actually want to come to us. Maybe Flamini? Bendtner would only hinder Carroll ... this pretty much sucks if true.


    Eidur would soften the blow though. Arsenal must be getting rid of one of their strikers surely? Or perhaps moving one into midfield?


    The top four are really going to be ridiculously tough to beat next season.

  4. Must be something wrong when Newcastle, Sporting Lisbon & Valencia have all deemed him not good enough to be a regular. Now at Real Murcia.


    Fair enough. However, this doesn't apply with Riquelme though. He is an established player already. Besides every player brought in from abroad will have some element of risk. If Man U gave up on every foreigner after Veron then there would be no Ronaldo.

  5. Riquelme is a fantastic player. I don't understand the sentiment that he would fail in the Premiership.


    Me neither. Considering midfielders like Gavin Mccann, Reo Coker, Jenas and Nigel Quashie play in this league he'd play off them off the park.


    Didn't he also give England, who feature the best of the premiership, absolute hell in the friendly against Argentina. I recall him bossing the whole match and leaving Ledley King running around in circles chasing his tail. I think that was one of the games where King was playing in the holding role.


    I remember a game not long after we signed Viana where he came on at half-time, and passed England off the pitch. Remember in commentary after yet another pin-point cross-field pass, Gray turning to Tyler, "That wasn't Viana again was it?", Tyler saying, "Yes it was", to which Gray replied, "What a player". Look how that turned out!


    I honestly think Viana was a case of mismanagement rather than him being a poor player. Also Riquelme has proved himself at every level. Viana was very much a player who we saw potential in.

  6. Riquelme is a fantastic player. I don't understand the sentiment that he would fail in the Premiership.


    Me neither. Considering midfielders like Gavin Mccann, Reo Coker, Jenas and Nigel Quashie play in this league he'd play off them off the park.


    Didn't he also give England, who feature the best of the premiership, absolute hell in the friendly against Argentina. I recall him bossing the whole match and leaving Ledley King running around in circles chasing his tail. I think that was one of the games where King was playing in the holding role.

  7. Well Owen's options are dissapearing by the second. Looks like he will be a Newcastle player for a long while. With Liverpool getting Torres and Man U opting for Tevez it looks like they have got their number 1 strikers who they will be looking to for the longterm.


    Can't see Owen getting a look in at either team now. In addition Arsenal it seems have gone with the youth movement and the new Brazilian, while Chelsea were never int he frame for him.


    If this is indeed the case I hope he knuckles down and committs himself 100% to outdoing all these strikers next season. That would be brilliant. He should have a massive chip on his shoulder right now and he should use it to his advantage.

  8. Liverpool are apparently close to snaring him.


    Benítez is also in the hunt for a new winger, possibly two, and the indications from Portugal last night were that Ricardo Quaresma, of FC Porto, could fit the bill. Liverpool are said to have had a £13.5 million bid for the 23-year-old Portugal winger turned playmaker rejected, although a slightly improved offer could be enough to persuade the Portuguese club to sell.



    I'd cry if they got him, he's one of my favourite players.


    Very exciting and dynamic player in the Ronaldo mould who would do well in the premiership.


    Yeah it would be pretty depressing ...

  9. Liverpool are apparently close to snaring him.


    Benítez is also in the hunt for a new winger, possibly two, and the indications from Portugal last night were that Ricardo Quaresma, of FC Porto, could fit the bill. Liverpool are said to have had a £13.5 million bid for the 23-year-old Portugal winger turned playmaker rejected, although a slightly improved offer could be enough to persuade the Portuguese club to sell.



  10. Hmmm interesting ...


    Not sure how true this is, but if I was going to put money on it I would say Deco.


    The article claims it is close to happening and we have been holed up in Barcelone for days now. Barcelona have since allegedly put in a bid for fat Frank.


    Deco is still a big name and is at the age where he might consider a challenge like ours as he has achieved a lot at Barca and has just turned 30.


    Will be interesting to see what happens. I won't be losing sleep if we don't make any "world class" sigings though. i love what we have been doing so far this summer.



    Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite is one of the finest players in the world. This is quite ironic considering that you are one of the worst posters.


    I often wonder about people who go out of their way to comment on how awful other people's posts are. If you have a counter argument then make it. If the post irritates you so much or indeed the thread then go to a thread that is more worthy of your brilliance O great one that thou art.



  11. Hmmm interesting ...


    Not sure how true this is, but if I was going to put money on it I would say Deco.


    The article claims it is close to happening and we have been holed up in Barcelone for days now. Barcelona have since allegedly put in a bid for fat Frank.


    Deco is still a big name and is at the age where he might consider a challenge like ours as he has achieved a lot at Barca and has just turned 30.


    Will be interesting to see what happens. I won't be losing sleep if we don't make any "world class" sigings though. i love what we have been doing so far this summer.



    Personally, if people are going to talk about "trophy signings" or signings of intent, whatever you call it, then this is a perfect example of one.


    The player to buy for big money is the player with his career ahead of him, which is by and large what we did under the Halls and Shepherd.


    Here's to Tevez, and players of that age. Not people for big fees who are past their best.




    Deco past his best? If we played him as an attacking midfielder in a midfield 3 he would still be awesome I think. £0 years old past his best?


    As for Tevez, where would we play him? We already have Owen and Martins who appear to be staying by all accounts!

  12. Hmmm interesting ...


    Not sure how true this is, but if I was going to put money on it I would say Deco.


    The article claims it is close to happening and we have been holed up in Barcelone for days now. Barcelona have since allegedly put in a bid for fat Frank.


    Deco is still a big name and is at the age where he might consider a challenge like ours as he has achieved a lot at Barca and has just turned 30.


    Will be interesting to see what happens. I won't be losing sleep if we don't make any "world class" sigings though. i love what we have been doing so far this summer.



  13. This is unbelievably embarrassing from Glenn. I am shocked and extremely dissapointed in him. I admired the dignified way in which he walked away without getting involved in this sort of thing. This will not help him at all.


    Allardyce is all about psychology. Unlike every other idiot who takes the job and comes in all excited talking about the potential of the club and how the club ought to be in the champions league every year etc. Sam knows that this is possibly the worst thing you can do at this moment in time, considering we haven't won anything in so long. The last thing the club needs is more pressure on the players and too much hyp and expectation in the fans.


    Whether you agree with it or not it is the best way to go about things. It should be clear from the players Sam is bringing in and the work he is doing that we will be right in the thick of things challenging for the top six and even better. We don't need him to come out and state it explicitly. If Sam came and said we were not in position to get any top players but that we were sticking with what we had then I would believe it would take 5 years. I am not buying it, Sam knows what he is doing. He's just trying to keep everyone calm as a lot of good things have been happening lately and it would be easy to get carried away.


    Roeder ... I'm at a loss for words. The most disgusting thing is the statement he makes about Sam being given more money. That is just stunning to me. Roeder spent £15 million on two players and expected exactly how much more? Sam hasn't even spent a third of that yet. Roeder was out of his depth.


    Wouldn't want him anywhere near the club after this, even as the freakin' car park attendant. He has clearly shown he doesn't have the clubs interests at heart and is only looking out for number one. What a punk.

  14. We have spoke to Baines and he wants to come but we are not offering him what wages he wants so he wont be coming here until we decide to re negotiate with him. Thats according to his cousin who I have been speaking to today.


    Oh dear ...


    Are you saying we've agreed a fee with Wigan then? If so wouldn't that news be out in the media by now?

  15. Didn't one of the papers say we were interested in Geremi, Bridge and Diarra from Chelsea?


    Diarra would be a class signing too.


    Sam likes his Diarra's a bit bigger. Would therefore prefer Alou instead.

  16. Well Chelsea are said to have a strong interest in Drenthe, so they would probably have him as backup to Ashley Cole. Hopefully this means Bridge will be available. They haven't turned us down straight away so there is hope.


    Excellent news.


    Why the hell has some dude copied my Habib Beye pic!


    JAMESMARTINSMITH quit playing around you here!

  17. 4 at the back - every time!


    Agree 100% 442 yes 433/451 yes. I fear the worst with 351.


    Can't say I blame you as we would only have 9 outfield players with a 3-5-1.

  18. Decent thread..


    I think that 3-5-2 will be one of many formations that Sam will use. he's already gone on record as saying that he would look at different tactics/styles home and away.


    In my opinion the success of 3-5-2 depends on the quality and fitness of the wing backs, as they need to shuttle up and down the touchline for 90 mins. I can see Geremi and Dyer doing this role to a certain degree, but I can't see a left sided player who is capable of it.


    Wayne Bridge?


    Leighton Baines?


    Both left-backs who started off as wingers.

  19. Interesting to note that Brazil won the 2002 world cup with the 3-5-2 in which Edmilson featured as one of the three centre backs.

  20. I dont think that much adjustment is needed really. The players that would need to adjust a the wing backs and the wide centre backs, and if the first signing, Geremi, and the believed second signing for these positions, Beye are to go buy, it looks like Allardyce is filling the team with players who can adapt quickly.


    Part of the reason he is buying more experienced players, as they will not struggle as much to adjust.


    Kieron Dyer will be interesting though, there are rumours Sam wants to try him out as an attacking right-back. As you say though he would also work as one of the three central midfielders (with an attacking MF role). The three central midfielders in a 3-5-2 can either consist of 1 DM and 2 AMs or 2DMs and 1 AM, this will probably change depending on who we are playing. Sam has emphasized that he wants Barton tog et him goals so Barton will be first choice AM I would imagine.

  21. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I would not be surprised to see us go for Mikael Silvestre to play as the left-sided centre back in the back three. I've heard some rumours but not ITK or anything.

  22. I've been following the debate about formations in various threads over recent weeks, and have now come to the conclusion that there is a good chance of seeing a 3-5-2 next season. My reasons for this are the following:



    This guy is a very athletic player who will run up and down the flank all day, and is able to play in both the right back and right wing role. Thus we have a player who can play energetically run our right hand side.



    This guy continuously gets linked, and it has to be noted that the media have been pretty much on the ball with regards to our transfer targets this summer. What stands out is that as the player can play at both right back and centre back, he will be comfortable playing on the right hand side of the three centre backs, doing both full back and centre back duties where required.


    Sam wants two left backs

    We are close to signing a second right back, and he recently said to Crumpy that he wanted two left backs. I would apply Allardyce's right sided player choice to the left hand side, that is, his two targets are someone to play left wing back, and someone to play on the left hand side of the three centre backs.


    Our strikers

    Owen, Martins, Viduka and Owen cannot fit competitively into a 433/451 formation, and yet Allardyce seems keen to see all four stay. If one leaves, Gudjohnsen is the main target, and that wouldn't really work either. That would indicate that he is going for two up front, so formation variants have to be derived from that fact.


    Ball playing defenders

    The majority of defenders signed/linked like Geremi/Rozehnal/Edmilson/Beye are sometimes known for their ball playing skills more than their defensive skills. In a 3-5-2, defenders cant rely on help from full back/winger exchanges that Newcastle usually use to pass our way up the field if we opt not to lamp the ball. Ball playing centre backs would be able to playtheir way out of danger without bypassing the midfield.


    General player versatility

    I believe that to play 3-5-2, you have to have players who can adapt to their roles, and even offer possibilities of a change in formation when things aren't working out, or even just when we move from one area of the field to another. Rozehnal and Edmilson can play in both defence and midfield, as can Geremi. Beye can play both at centre back and full back. In midfield, Dyer, Milner, N'Zogbia, Solano, Duff and Luque can take up a variety of roles. Effectively, we could switch to 442, 343 or 433 with a simple touchline order, each player being extremely comfortable at playing in the role they switch to.


    Kieron Dyer

    Sam seems keen to utilise Dyer. I suspect that Dyer would form an invaluable part of a 3-5-2 formation. i think many criticisms of Dyer is that he never fits into the team, he is OK in many positions, but has weaknesses that people are quick to point out on:


    He doesn't track back from central midfield, exposing the defence.

    His finishing isn't good enough for a striker.

    He doesn't track back from right wing, and can't cross the ball in the air.


    However Dyer is excellent at running on and off the ball, covers a lot of ground, can score a decent amount for a midfielder, and is extremely underrated when it comes to his ability at passing the ball forwards.


    A 3-5-2 formation creates a midfield trio, providing two players to cover him, allowing him to do what he does best, i.e. supporting the players down the flank, supporting the attackers, and creating space for his team mates by scaring defences with his forward running.


    When injured, I believe that N'Zogbia and Milner are great cover for this role.


    Steve Round

    Is it a coincidence that we have hired a man who is not only meant to be one of the best tactical brains in the country, but also a huge supporter of making England adopt the 3-5-2 formation?


    I've been saying this for ages, but I got shut down ... glad to have you on board sir!


    Something to add to your post. You make a very good point about the centre backs on the outside of the back three being players who can play both centre-back and right-back. This is important because on counter attacks when our wing backs are caught out of position these players will need to slide accross to cover the oppositions wingers who seek to exploit this space. This will leave a gap in our defence which will then be filled in by a defensive midfielder. It is no surprise then that Sam wants tall defensive midfielders who can also play in defence i.e. Edmilson.

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