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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I know not a lot of people are impressed with Roeder at the moment, me being one of them! However, people keep goign on about the under 25 thing...I'm sure Roeder didn't mean he would never sign anyone over this age. I think what he meant was that large amounts of money shuldn't be spent on these kinds of players.


    For example Campbell was on a free but he would have commanded significantly  high wages especially if he knew we were interested in him.


    I have no doubt we will be looking at bringing in a top left back. if we are looking at the likes of this guy it will mean that Babayaro won't evem be kept around as backup.


    It's such a shame Roeder has made a mess of things lately because it actually looks like we were prepared to sort out the squad nice and early this summer.


    Oh well...

  2. If Roeder had any sense he would play a 4-3-3 with Butt as the defensive midfielder, and Emre and Parker given more freedom to move forward when they can.


    Then play Duff, Martins and Dyer as the front three. Yes, yes we all know Martins isn't a target man but I believe it will work better than any of the other rubbish Roeder has been peddling especially as he insists on playing Butt and Parker.


    Besides Chelsea have occassionally played the 4-3-3 with Shevchenko as the striker and Martins is 10 times better at plating that role then Sheva and as long as Emre is on the field we will not be punting it up to Martins all game even if we might still do it occasionally.


    4-3-3 for me. It's about time we tried this.

  3. I for one am glad everyone has been passed fit today i.e. Moore and Carr because Roeder will have to make the decision of who to pick from a fully fit squad again and the pressure will be on him to get it right.


    Will he learn from his mistakes? Or will he just pick all the senior players i.e. Carr, Solano, Butt and Parker just so he can keep them happy and because it is always easier to drop the youngsters.


    For all his threats and big talk Roeder has only ever dropped youngsters which is easy to do and Bramble who was easy to drop because he is such a scape goat anyway.


    The question is can he drop the likes of Carr, Parker, Butt, Solano or even Dyer in order to make us more effective?


    We will learn a lot about the man this weekend...


    He had a full team for the first time last weekend and he couldn't handle it. Will he learn from his mistake and be gutsy enough to make the right calls this time around irregardless of reputations or not?


    I for one cannot wait to find out!

  4. Allardyce for me.


    I wanted him when Bobby Robson went.


    I like Pardew though, I think he could do better things.




    Pardew is a strange one, last season West Ham were excellent and he had them playing really good football too, none of this long ball rubbish you see promoted teams playing but a good, pass and move game. This season he just couldn't get them going, he also left out Carlos Tevez for Bobby Zamora which is shocking when you think about it, he does seem to have Charlton on the right track now though.


    Houllier would be my choice, Sven would be a good alternative as he's always impressed at club level, if we had to go down the British route I'd say Allardyce or Hughes, maybe even Coleman.


    I would like Houllier too.



  5. This is worrying because Roeder will only go and get rid of the wrong players.


    Our problem with scoring goals clearly stems from the midfield of Parker and Butt but Roeder won't change that!


    He will probably get rid of the likes of Emre, N'Zogbia and Dyer or something ridiculous like that!!! and leave us with the most uncreative and unexciting team ever!!!


    Roeder out...

  6. What sort of idiot plays two defensive midfielders at home to Man City? We should even have to play one at home to this lot, and he wonders why we don't create f*** all.


    Roeder has never been good enough, glad some of you are opening your eyes to this.


    The sad thing is that he hasn't even figured out Parker is a defensive midfielder...


    Still thinks Parker will become our Gerrard. God help us.

  7. It really f****** pisses me off to know that there are good managers out there who would probably accept the Newcastle job if they were offered it, I dont believe that the position is a poison chalice, It wasnt for SBR because he is a good manager. Roeder doesnt have a clue, At first i didnt mind him so much because he came across as a decent bloke but over the season ive had to listen to his poor excuses and the way he blames everyone and everything except himself, i cant stand the t*** now. Its pointless sacking Roeder now, He should go at the end of the season. FS should sound out a manager now so that he would have chance to watch the last 7 games and prepare for the transfer window, f*** Roeder he doesnt have to know and then after the last game call him into FS office and give him his marching orders.


    All we need is a manager who knows what he is doing, Surely that aint asking for much. I do believe that with a good manager we have the resources to be a decent club.


    Ranieri was actually desperate for the job and was baffled as to why he hadn't heard back from Shepherd. Houllier talked of wanting to come back to the premiership and seemed to be genuinely interested in the job. Unfortunately Shepherd turned his nose up at them despit their premiership success, as a matter of fact a lot of fans did too.


    I would have gladly had either one of them back then and I still would.

  8. Roeder actually complained about them sitting back???


    He still will not accept that it is th eplayers he selected (Parker & Butt) who are not capable of opening up any team???


    He has COMPLETELY lost it.


    He has to go...


    Maybe you might like to turn that same critical logic on yourself after having read your defence of his team selection in the match thread. Bipolar-tastic tbh. :idiot2:


    Blind optimism. I was actually trying to convince myself that we would be alright.


    It's not working anymore though.


    I am infuriated!!! I did like the original defensive lineup though. Why the hell he took off Moore I will never know.


    Apparently, even with Dyer, Solano, Martins and Duff, Parker and Butt are so ineffective they still have a negative effect on us!


    To be fair though if I was bipolar it would be down to watching this tripe week in and week out...

  9. Roeder out...


    There is no guarantee he will stop playing Butt and Parker together. I mean he didn't even change it in the 87th minute as he usually does. He is getting worse!


    Taxi for Roeder.


    According to the Guardian todays game was the Strachan sweepstakes. Whoever tanked at the end of the season between oureselves and Man City supposedly goes after Strachan.


    I just hope we are at least thinking of making a change irregardless of who comes in, at the moment I just want Roeder gone.

  10. Why the hell did Moore go off anyway??? Was he injured???


    Why the hell would you tamper with a defence that hasn't conceded and put in an inexperienced player who your not sure about.


    Onyewu should have only come on if we were comfortably winning the game.



  11. Nailed on!


    The boy just needed a bit of a break as the games were coming thick and fast for a moment there. I think the whole squad needed one to be fair.


    Anyway watch him explode this weekend!


    You heard it here first.


    Oba is going to go on to be what Drogba has been for Chelsea. Productive in his early seasons but seemingly lacking in technique, but as he gets more comfortbale i.e. not being the new guy, and he gets a regular partner he will become what Drogba has been this season and maybe even better.


    Watch him go this weekend...




    If it doesn't happen, can we get a promise you won't start any more threads?


    If it does, will you promise likewise? :lol:




    Yeah what he said.



  12. Nailed on!


    The boy just needed a bit of a break as the games were coming thick and fast for a moment there. I think the whole squad needed one to be fair.


    Anyway watch him explode this weekend!


    You heard it here first.


    Oba is going to go on to be what Drogba has been for Chelsea. Productive in his early seasons but seemingly lacking in technique, but as he gets more comfortbale i.e. not being the new guy, and he gets a regular partner he will become what Drogba has been this season and maybe even better.


    Watch him go this weekend...


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