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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. According to the journalist who was on Sky Sports this morning ...


    Said that high level people at Chelsea were very confident that Berbatov would be a chelsea player next season.


    If true Spurs really are becoming a bit of a joke club aren't they? Essentially a breeding ground for the top clubs!

    They really do need to start paying the players who are deserving of better contracts.


    What's the point of discovering and getting in good players if they all just leave anyway? You've got to hold onto some of them at least!


    It's good news for us though ...  :D


    Is that in the same way that Newcastle pays better contracts.  Spurs are sitting in the same area of the table as us and their wage bill I'm sure is a hell of a lot less.  More clubs should take that stance of having a limit to their wage instead of the continually soaring demands.  How many are really worth it, even the best in the world?


    Besides if Chelsea want a player they'll get them through huge bids, which any club will succumb to it doesn't matter which club it is.


    I agree completely about not overpaying.


    However the top earner at Spurs is Keane on £40,000 a week. That is a bit too low for a club like Tottenham in my opinion.


    Also, this has nothing to do with us as we have our own problems. The point is that if Tottenham pushed the boat out just a little bit more then they would probably be in the champions league by now! instead they are pretty mediocre despite how well they club is structured.



  2. According to the journalist who was on Sky Sports this morning ...


    Said that high level people at Chelsea were very confident that Berbatov would be a chelsea player next season.


    If true Spurs really are becoming a bit of a joke club aren't they? Essentially a breeding ground for the top clubs!

    They really do need to start paying the players who are deserving of better contracts.


    What's the point of discovering and getting in good players if they all just leave anyway? You've got to hold onto some of them at least!


    It's good news for us though ...  :D

  3. According to the journalist who was in the Sky Sports studio this morning.


    Apparently he was told he would have to raise money in order to bring in any new players and was essentially told that he would have to sell Anelka.


    Allardyce was eager for financial backing this summer as he believed there would be money made availabe to him because of the new TV deal. He believed with a bit of money he could push Bolton even further and challenge for the champions league.


    What do you guys think?


    Hearing this I believe that he would definitely take the Newcastle job, because if there is one thing we do right it is provide money for managers. I bet Allardyce regrets not taking the Newcastle job when he was offered it! Big mistake by Sam.


    Will be interesting to see what happens. I am happy for Roeder to stay in charge for now and as long as we get players in very early I think we will do well next season and if we end up being mediocre then we can make a managerial change then. It's a shame the bif Sam situation didn't arise next summer as it might have been perfect for us.


    For now I think we should sit tight and continue with the summer plans we have put in place. Besides if we start very badly we can always do what we always do and bring Sam in a month into the new season!  ;D

  4. Looks like Tevez is now completely settled in the Premiership.


    I'd say, that in terms of individual quality, he is up there with Zola, Bergkamp and Beardsley.


    Combine a Bellamy like work ethic, determination and never say die attitude on the pitch with speed, magnetic dribbling ability, and an exceptional ability to hold the ball up and play killer passes INSIDE the oppositions penalty area, and you have the player that we have been crying out for since the days of Keegan.

    I'd be happy not to sign anyone else if we signed Carlos Tevez.


    On crack tbh.






    Obviously, we do need to replace our defence, but the reality is that with Tevez in the team, the ball would spend a lot less time in our half, and thus we will score more and concede less.


    Assuming he becomes available, he is to good a player to pass up on even if it means not buying defenders. He would propel us to top 6, and then if we invested well in defence the following summer, we'd have a team that would be challenging for both league and cups.


    Dude ...


    Seriously calm down! You are getting way too over excited here.

  5. Looks like Tevez is now completely settled in the Premiership.


    I'd say, that in terms of individual quality, he is up there with Zola, Bergkamp and Beardsley.


    Combine a Bellamy like work ethic, determination and never say die attitude on the pitch with speed, magnetic dribbling ability, and an exceptional ability to hold the ball up and play killer passes INSIDE the oppositions penalty area, and you have the player that we have been crying out for since the days of Keegan.


    I'd be happy not to sign anyone else if we signed Carlos Tevez.


    Please ...


    Never even mention Bellamy again when talking about Tevez!


    Greatest insult to Tevez EVER!!!


    Tevez is brilliant, but would only make sense if Owen leaves for Man U.


    We can't keep stockpiling midgets upfront.

  6. The Allardyce debate is a fascinating one ...


    I really wish he had got the England job just so we would all know once and for all how good he really is.


    I for one have no clue. He could excel or he could flop in my opinion.


    The one thing that doesn't work in his favour is his awful manner. He is brash and he is prone to having a proper whinge when he doesn't do well. A classic excuse maker and blame shifter when things don't work out. Also quick to give himself a pat on the back when things do go well.


    Therefore should things not work out well for him right off the bat I for one would be very frustrated because I wouldn't exactly be rooting for him to turn things around. If I am being honest I would probably lose patience with him very quickly.


    Allardyce does seem to be a guy who picks up players who are 'nobodies' and gets them to punch above their weight or he gets in guys who have been written off and gets them to play at a hgiher level again. He works well with the underdogs.


    However, could you really see him managing the kind of players that play at Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool or Arsenal? He always claims he wants a top club but I'm not sure the players at these clubs would respect him. I'm not sure they would play for him the way his cast offs do. He just doesn't seem to have the right demeanour about him. It's a tough one though I must admit.


    Just in comparison a  manager that does seem to have a top manager demeanour about him his Readings Steve Coppell for example.


    I would be more inclined to believe Coppell would work well with big players than I would Allardyce.


    Just my opinion though ...

  7. HTL are you one of those people who is blinded by pace?


    You remind me of my little cousin who gets excited by any player who runs fast ...


    Could you please explain to me how Bellamy is a better striker than Crouch?




    No offence mate ...


    I'm not trying to have a go at all but it fascinates me how highly rated Bellamy is.


    He has outstanding speed but really not much else ...


    Against teams who are well organised at the back and who have at least one defender with decent mobility he is rendered ineffective.


    He will be caught offside the majority of the game. When his opprtunities to get in behind are limited he doesn't offer much else quite frankly.


    He will not get the classic poachers goals because he doesn't get into those positions. He doesn't shoot particularly well and so isn't a threat from outside of the box. Doesn't head well and so isn't a real threat when the ball is crossed into the box.


    He will therefore end up appearing to be a threat in rare occassions he is matched up one on one but will never quite deliver the telling pass or cross because he is not particularly good at this either.


    I know quite a few love him on here but he is actually quite simple as a footballer. looks great when he is running at full speed but isn't that threatening with a disciplined defence in front of him.


    Has been a massive let down for Liverpool this season and will certainly be moved on ...

  8. HTL are you one of those people who is blinded by pace?


    You remind me of my little cousin who gets excited by any player who runs fast ...


    Could you please explain to me how Bellamy is a better striker than Crouch?


    he provides no explanation in any of his posts, just writes off other peoples opinions :D


    Bellamy is essentiallly a guy who has excellent speed which bothers defenders who are not very mobile but other than that ...


    He is caught offside quite a bit doesn't particularly pass the ball well or cross the ball well and doesn't have a threatening shot. He also isn't clinical in one on one situations.


    Isn't he supposed to be a striker? Not impressive at all.

  9. We really need to do an Arsenal right now...and this is why I have been encouraged by Roeders desire to emulate Wenger.


    We essentially need to bring in young up and coming players who are still fairly priced and who would not yet be in a position to command large salaries. We also have to really work hard this summer to discover some players for ourselves and be able to evaluate talent on our own and not have to pay top money for players other teams have discovered. We need to discover our own Chimbondas basically!


    If we can do this we will be fine and we will be able to build up the squad without spending a ridiculous amount of money which will be good for us financially.

  10. This summer there will be a number of very impressive strikers available, quite a few of who have premiership experience and who have proved they can produe in this league.


    If the situation with Owen becomes a problem and a distraction and there are willing buyers, will it be a mistake to hold onto him, knowing he will not extend his contract and therefore we miss out on the chance to replace him with some very good players as he will then likely leave next summer anyway?


    Another side to this is the fact that the first three strikers mentioned in this thread are almost certain to gel better with Martins as their styles of play match Martins' better. Also, these three have showed they can definitely get it done in this league.


    Can we afford to miss out on this opportunity???




    I'd be pleased to sign any of them - but ar'n't our biggest problems at the back.I think they want solving first.


    Goes without saying that we will be sorting out pur defence this summer. However I am talking about Owen perhaps leaving and the options we would have to replace him with the money from his sale, as we would definitely have to replace him if he left, along with getting some defenders in.

  11. Love Tevez too.


    Robson enquired about him when he was manager and Roeder did enquire about Tevez last summer after the world cup but was told he wasn't for sale! So Tevez will at least be familiar with us. The great thing is he has also shown such committment despite being in a team that isn't going anywhere, so it is unlikely he would snub us unless a really top club came in for him.


    Maybe if Owen leaves Glenn will be back in for Tevez? Although I can't help but think it is more likely we will go for a bigger striker with pace if Owen goes...so most likely Bent.


    Bent and Martins would be something though...

  12. This summer there will be a number of very impressive strikers available, quite a few of who have premiership experience and who have proved they can produe in this league.


    If the situation with Owen becomes a problem and a distraction and there are willing buyers, will it be a mistake to hold onto him, knowing he will not extend his contract and therefore we miss out on the chance to replace him with some very good players as he will then likely leave next summer anyway?


    Another side to this is the fact that the first three strikers mentioned in this thread are almost certain to gel better with Martins as their styles of play match Martins' better. Also, these three have showed they can definitely get it done in this league.


    Can we afford to miss out on this opportunity???



  13. The reason I think it would work is because Roeder isn't a very strong personality and neither is he egotistical. I recall how much praise and credit he gave Shearer when Shearer assisted him last season, even though Roeder himself was actually the caretaker manager.


    Therefore I think Roeder will be accepting of Houlliers contributions regarding actual team matters and together they would get the best out of the team.


    In my opinion Roeder's strongest point is the fact that he is actually an alright sort of bloke and isn't really pig headed. He knows he has been very fortunate to land the Newcastle job considering what he went through and so i think he would not be adverse to workiing alongside Houllier no matter how much Houllier might want to contribute to first team matters.


    Would be an outstandingly good move that would definitely work I think.

  14. Says we were carrying 3 or 4 players today.


    Who do you think they were?


    I would think he was referring to N'Zogbia, Emre and maybe Moore...can't imagine who else he was referring to. Can't have included any of his golden boys like Duff, Butt, Carr or Solano.


    Roeder was idiotic today and here's why...


    We all noticed that when Dyer went off in the last match and N'Zogbia was played off Martins it didn't work so why start the game like this today???


    Martins is so much better when he has another striker with a bit of stature alongside him, because he doesn't have to waste so much energy fighting bigger guys to try and hold the ball up. Roeder should have had Luque or Carroll up there with him to start. N'Zogbia was the worst option because unlike Dyer, who will occassionally, maintain good posession of the ball, N'Zobia hardly ever does this in the middle of the park as his first touch isn't great.


    N'Zogbia has to understand that he is best as a winger where his greatest strength, his direct and aggressive running at players, can be used to best effect.


    It is going to be fascinating to see who Roeder intends to get rid off this summer should he stay. I believe Emre & N'Zogbia will be amongst those he has recently suggested should move on.



  15. Could it be the Director of Football position we have courted Sven for?


    I wouldn't be at all surprised...I think Freddy is happy having his 'adopted Geordie' Glenn Roeder as manager and rather than get rid of him, irregardless of how the team performs, I could see Freddy trying out a DoF to gove Roeder some assistance and support.


    I recall Roeder saying that he thought the Director of Football position was an important and valuable one as management has become a very big job in football today.


    Also, with our scouting network and what appears to be Glenn's lack of contacts in worldwide football, I wouldn't be surprised if a DoF is something we are looking at.


    Could this have been the role we wnated Houllier to take up? Could this be what the club might want Sven for? Lastly, do you think Freddy is even having a pop at convincing Sir Bobby Robson to take up this task?


    I think hiring someone legitimate and with a decent profile in the DoF position would be worthwhile and would be better than carrying on as we are at the moment.


    What do you think? And if you are in favour of this who would you like to see in the DoF position?

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