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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why on a Earth would you take such a job as your first gig?


    Big club abroad where you don't speak the language. Such a forced move man.


    Have some humility and earn your stripes at a more low key place, where you can make a few more mistakes and learn what works for you.


    Going to really damage his reputation now. Humiliating stuff.


    What a weird post


    Fair enough. Think it was a huge ask for someone that had never managed. Not even an under 21 side.

  2. Why on a Earth would you take such a job as your first gig?


    Big club abroad where you don't speak the language. Such a forced move man.


    Have some humility and earn your stripes at a more low key place, where you can make a few more mistakes and learn what works for you.


    Going to really damage his reputation now. Humiliating stuff.

  3. You can't spend what we did on this guy and have him welded to the bench through the first half of the season. Yeah, people are going to assume he's garbage and be pretty pissed off about it. When you then take into account how drawn out the signing off him was, over numerous Windows it's even more irritating.

  4. For those who follow Spanish football, what exactly was Rafa doing wrong? Team selections? Too defensive?


    Boring football. Results just weren't good enough considering the help from refs and their squad.


    Interesting. Well I hope Zidane does well. He's got a great air about him. Be pretty cool if it all came off.

  5. Still glad he isn't here. He's an utter scum bag, and he will choke on his just desserts very soon.


    Deserts.  Just one S in the middle. As in "deserve."


    Unless you're predicting that he'll have a fatal encounter with an apple crumble or tiramisu or something.  Which I wouldn't mind at all, tbh.


    I was trying to be clever, but didn't quite work. But, yes, I'd take that tbh. Thanks.

  6. Well ... I see things went swimmingly. This team man.


    Just watched the highlights. Sissoko looked good, but that mishit chance is just classic from him, which then led to Thauvin being offside. How bloody awful is that hit after getting all the way there.


    Mitrovic miss wasn't even a chance. The ball was too far ahead of him. Perez chance was a disgraceful miss.


    We got into great positions and look like we are actually playing some decent stuff, but this finishing is criminal. Absolutely criminal.


    I don't care for the FA Cup this season really. We need to sort ourselves out in the league. This club needs to be stabilised as it is an absolute state at the moment.

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