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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Things have got so bad that I actually just find myself laughing about the whole thing now. Even the Palace result didn't anger me as much as I imagined it would, which was very surprising, as I have harboured many thoughts of maiming Alan Pardew.


    I just marvelled and was genuinely in awe of how bad we are. It's comical. I'm beginning to want the players and club to suffer further humiliation, because the whole setup really doesn't deserve any better. Top to bottom an absolute disgrace.


    Liverpool are on the up with Klopp, sneaking up the table, and really beginning to play some outrageous stuff. Of course they will now be turning up with both Benteke and Sturridge fit, and Origi beginning to fire. I mean this club is just cursed.


    I know people were kidding around but I actually think it will be Armageddon this weekend, as on a serious note I really do feel they will go into double figures against us. We are at our lowest, and are playing in front of fans that will be on the edge. We are bad enough as it is at building play, and these guys press like mad under Klopp. It will be a massacre.


    Hopefully it will start the process of something changing. Charnley has to be the first guy out and then at this point Carr has to go, due to his allergy to pace and athleticism. McClaren I have some sympathy for, but he must be flung out with the trash as well really.

  2. Guardiola as England manager would be one of the most fascinating things ever.


    Be so interesting to see if he could get the players playing his style, and who he would actually select.


    That would be so interesting.

  3. Didn't realise he told the BBC that we'd trained all week with five at the back and only a last minute injury to Haidara changed that, meaning 'we didn't have the right balance'. Pardewesque.


    Got to be fucking kidding me  :lol:


    No wonder the team was so shit! So they trained one way all week only to then be told to play the system that has failed us all season, without even being prepared to do so?!


    Honestly that is unacceptable. Should be sacked for that alone.

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