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Posts posted by merlin

  1. The club concluded by stressing the importance felt by all to now focus positively on the

    path ahead, rather than continuing to reflect backwards.




    It's brilliant really. Forget all that awful s*** we did, we *might* be better in the future! I'll remember that next time I'm in court.



    This is a favourite quote of politicians when, after they have screwed up or made a stupid and unpopular decision, tell everyone they all should be 'moving on/forward'....in other words, keep having the attention span of a goldfish and just forget what we've just done because we want your votes(or, in Ashley & Co's case, your ST money for next season...).

    They never learn, do they..?

  2. They will give Rafa loads of money man.


    It's whos deciding where it goes which is the problem.

    Either situation will be unacceptable to Rafa when its HIS neck on the line for our survival and progress...also, they didn't give Rafa money in Jan when he wanted it..or not enough anyway.

  3. Mackem on Total sport says we will lose- as we only beat Brighton cos they eased off.


    Brighton did ease off tbf, had they maintained their intensity after scoring they probably would have went on to win comfortably.

    I don't buy this - look at how much 'intensity' we had back in 1996 when we played Man U at SJP...we didn't just dominate them for 20 mins, we ran rings round them for the whole first half. Even in the second half we were the better side but we still lost. Brighton were on top for about the first 15-20 mins and they couldn't make it count. As soon as Shelvey & co began to find Atsu on a regular basis, he started using his pace against their LB and they couldn't handle it. They probably weren't expecting Atsu to play anyway and he upset their team plan. We were the better side for around 60% of the whole game, which was also reflected in the possession stats. I have been only too ready to criticize the team for poor and negative play this season but they did play better football - and attacked more - than has been the case.

    A game lasts 90+ mins - if a team loses it isn't just because they lacked intensity after 20 mins...it is also down to how the other side plays.

  4. We'd need so many players it's not worth listing the positions tbh. We need lots.

    Very true - we know that, Rafa knows that, but its a cast-iron certainty that Ashley doesn't WANT to know that..

    Odds are on more penny-pinching and that won't please our excellent manager...who could blame him if that is the case ?

  5. This could be one of the most vital games of the season - win this and the job is almost done...lose and it makes things a bit more tricky.

    I expect it to be as - if not more - difficult than Brighton away...Huddersfield also have a shrewd coach and they play a pressing game which will be aimed at unsettling our defenders. They have had a great run and even forced a draw with Man City in the cup so we cannot take them lightly.


    Should be a fascinating contest after last night's win..

  6. I have never criticized Rafa throughout the season - he has done a brilliant job in a relatively short spell at the club and any problems at the club are not of his making ; he is perhaps a tad cautious when at SJP but he will know the limitations of the squad...it is not as good as some think and as I said at the start of the season, if he gets us up it will rank as one of his best achievements.

    Unfortunately, I do not have a similar opinion about those above him and that is why I fear for our future if we fail to get promotion and maybe even if we do.......

  7. Hes the sort of player we've been missing in a few games this season, makes an impact just by running at a full back which we hardly see. Theres a great player in him especially in the Championship and did well to keep going for the full 90. First time shooting certainly isnt his strongest asset  :lol:

    This - he was the reason we won last night because his pace and dominance of their LB destroyed their game plan and they started to worry about us....and him in particular.

    His shooting is erratic but he is still quite young and would be an asset even in the PL - under Rafa he could become very dangerous to the opposition.

  8. I still reckon in terms of leadership and quality they are second only to us, so they will be fine. To beat them twice is great, but the manner in which we've done it is even more satisfying for me. They got an extremely fortunate penalty decision and from there we bossed them and were unlucky not to end the first half with a goal. Again I think they started the second half the strongest for the opening 5-10 minutes, but after that we sussed them again and dominated play. Our goal might have been extremely fortunate, but so was theirs and we'd played well enough to merit that luck and the win.


    I think these types of wins are perhaps more telling of the quality indicator than some of the results we've had against the likes of Blackburn, Bristol City etc. because in this league, teams are going to want to come to us and frustrate us by sitting back, where we sometimes can lack the real directness and quality to open them up and put our chances away. In the Premiership teams are more likely to attack us, and that suits Rafa's gameplan better, I feel he'll enjoy being the underdog more than the favourite in all these games if we go up. Also thinking about it the vast majority of the goals we've conceded in the last 5 games are the result of individual howlers (or ridiculous refereeing decisions, taking into account this game) and not collectively as a team. Obviously this means we need to make improvements in the summer due to a lack of quality, but it's very promising that - as a unit- the team are performing extremely well defensively, despite some disappointing results.


    We still have a lot of improvements to make in the squad department, but I'm sure Rafa will get the backing he wants and he already has a list drawn up of who he wants. Next season will be a rollercoaster, and it definitely won't be pretty, but I think we could possibly surprise a few people.


    Good post but you're sure Rafa will get the backing that he wants? Really?


    I agree - we will surprise A LOT of people if he does but, like you, I seriously doubt that he will.

  9. A great result and we certainly deserved something from the game - the Brighton pen was a travesty.....I have seen replays 3 times and there is NO way Clark should have been penalised for a so-called holding offence - both players challenged for the ball in the area and Clark was actually underneath the Brighton player when they fell so Diame's fortunate equalizer had the rich smell of justice being done at last..!

    Although that was good fortune, we played better after Brighton's pen and virtually dominated the rest of the half - if any player will be remembered for his contribution in this vital game it will be Atsu ; his pace, directness and beating of their LB once the rest of our team began to find him on a regular basis unsettled Brighton's plan and we began to dominate possession. Dummet stuck to his task against Knockaert and didn't get drawn into a silly challenge..Knockaert IS a good player, no doubt, although on the night it was Atsu's pace that made him the more effective winger.

    For me, this was the best performance for weeks in that there was far more attacking urgency, no doubt forced on the side because of the ref's lousy decision. Gouffran should have settled the game when he forced an error from their keeper but instead of dribbling around him chose to attempt a shot immediately and the chance was lost but fittingly it was a fabulous ball to Atsu and his great pass into Perez that gave us the points.

    Despite BHA's attempts to shut him down, Shelvey gave a great performance and they never really succeeded in stopping him producing some great passes and Ritchie also had an excellent game - he also would have settled the result had Murphy passed to him instead of shooting himself.

    Whilst a draw would have been acceptable, there is no way we deserved to lose this game and it was a priceless result because I believe we will face an even tougher job at an in-form Huddersfield...win that and some breathing space will have been well and truly earned.

  10. 3 wins in 13 games at one stage. Could you imagine this place if we did that now? :lol:

    ..but how many games were defeats...??


    We've lost one match this year in the league and look at some of the overreaction.

    Remind me how many times we have come from behind to get points this season...


    Three. Twice in the last three games.

    ...and to get THREE points..??
  11. “We had a figure of 90 points that would guarantee promotion, but not now,” said Benitez.


    “That might not be enough. We have to think about one game at a time. We don’t know if that will be enough.


    Sounds a little rattled, thats not good.

    Most of us have known that we needed more than 90 points for a few weeks now, incl Rafa.

  12. Brighton have really picked up over there last couple of games, when it was looking like the might collapse like last season again. Gonna be tougher than it was say a week or so ago, still hopeful though but need the players to play at a much higher level than they have been.


    Baldock and Knockaert both need watching and we need to be at our best to win it. Our record isn't very good at Brighton and I think we all know why that is, he's currently looking for another job.


    I think Hughton might try and play a safe game and that could hand us some initiative. I don't think we'll start as badly as we have recently and I think we'll get at least a point if Rafa goes for it and drops the players who have been letting us down.


    Colback has to be dropped and I think he will be because he was pathetic on Saturday, Rafa gave him a chance at the start of the second half and then took him off when he could see he was still s****.


    Lascelles would go for me, Rafa might give him another chance after he was supposed to have gone a bit daft with other players at half time. I'm not sure how he had the bottle to do that after his performance but he seems to have got a reaction. If we have Hanley in for Lascelles we might get done at the back for pace so he would be a risk. Reading weren't as bad as the scoreline suggested on Saturday, they were beaten by pace and movement so we should expect to face the same.


    Perez wasn't too bad against Norwich and he might be feeling a bit of pressure when playing at home, I still can't see him starting.


    Mitrovic is offering nothing, I wonder if he's confidence has gone because he seems to give away free kick after free kick for things that others get away with. He's had opposition players crawling all over his back and penalised when doing nothing wrong.

    Much I agree with, Mick, but 'pace and movement' is something we have lacked for a few years now and it has been little different for most of this season - we need vast improvement if we are to nullify theirs and impose ourselves on the game but if players like Colback are in the side we can forget that improvement. It's a real pity that Hayden isn't available, perhaps as much a miss as Gayle because he is a better midfielder than Colback and offers more variety in an attacking sense. I have real concerns about Dummet facing Knockaert - he is a candidate for an early booking and then a possible sending off because they will certainly target him. Lascelles seems to have lost confidence and why Rafa has kept Mbemba out for so long is a mystery to me - OK, he had a poor game v Wolves at SJP but he was a decent CD in the PL last season. Hanley lacks pace so he would be a last resort against Baldock etc.

    It could be a tough night....

  13. Only our away record stops me from predicting a comprehensive defeat in this game - we are playing awful football and they do not have our inferiority complex when they play at home....they won an important game yesterday easily although for 20 mins in the first half Reading were the better side.

    Nevertheless, its hard to imagine us winning unless its a smash and grab raid - I only hope the club don't risk Gayle if he isn't fit because the Huddersfield and Reading games are looking more vital in terms of our promotion chances.

    If Brighton get their noses in front they will win the game - maybe by 2 clear goals but if we score first we have a chance.

  14. A modern top class striker needs one particular attribute in addition to instinct and that is pace - Mitrovic lacks both and although his heart seems to be in the right place the club cannot carry him any more. Even in our 50s team, our main striker had pace in abundance as well as skill and Jackie's initials - J.E.T. - were very appropriate. Supermac had terrific pace and many of his goals came from being able to outpace opposition defenders. Shearer also had pace until he got injured at Everton and that took a yard off him ; he was able to still continue being an excellent CF because he became more of a target man but his instinct for chances meant he went on to score goals for us for another 9 years. Before him we had Andy Cole...

    Mitro is never going to be in that category(David Kelly scored 27 goals in 92/93 but was still sold before we played PL football) and although we cannot do without him until the end of the season(many thanks Mr Ashley)I cannot see him being in the side next season...whichever div we are in.

  15. We dominated teams with the same tactics earlier in the season. Am I missing something?


    Yeah you are the last 2 months


    So did we, or did we not batter teams using the same formation?


    Do you not get it teams have sussed the tactics and know how to counter them but we still continue to play the same tactics - not hard really.


    Okay, so regardless of that fact do you not think the players have been underperforming too?

    We do need a plan B, granted, but this mentality that our whole season will come crashing down is very far from the truth. We need to adjust, aye, but let's not get carried away man.


    I get the impression that were we to win on Tuesday everyone would say 200% we'd win the league...if we don't we're 200% not going up...


    I do agree that the team has to take a share of the blame also but then the likes of Colback, Perez and Goffran shouldn't be getting regular games either. - mind Rafa did realise we needed some better quality only to be underminded by the bunch of clowns above him I'm not confident at all of getting much from the 3 games coming - I obviously hope I am wrong.

    This - for sure.

    The players named should be gone in summer if promotion is achieved but under the current directors and owner you can't see the necessary action being taken. They will not spend the required money to bring the side up to safe PL standard - January told us that.

    Still on a 7 - next few games will tell us where we are heading this season.

  16. Another disappointing home result and half a game wasted - this is happening far too often for a side who are backed to finish top of the league and it doesn't bode well.

    Too many players in the side who are either mediocre or poor - Colback is a case in point and we continue to be lightweight up front despite Mitro's physique.

    Big, big renewal job required in summer IF we go up - Play-offs looking more and more likely as we head for the final run-in and with the lack of character in this side I am not confident about the outcome should we reach that situation.

  17. I guess it's similar to Pardew getting 5th then us wanting rid the next season.

    Hardly - Pardew had a CV in which he had been fired several times after a good start with clubs so people shouldn't have been surprised that he started to fail....we were justified in wanting him gone as Palace fans will now testify. Ranieri had a much better career than Pardew and NUFC are by far a bigger club than Leicester.

  18. If you support the sacking, then basically you are not in the camp of “you need a great manager to build up your club statue in long run aka the Ferguson works”.


    No f***ing way.  What Leicester should do is the opposite.  Support the manager, flush out the rotten players after relegation, and let Ranieri to rebuild again.  Afterwards no players would disrespect Ranieri and thats the real beginning of long term success.


    Does sacking Ranieri help to retain the players now? Obviously f***ing no. If thats the case, rebuild is the only option then why not let the one with most credit to do it? 


    This is a very short-sighted sacking.  Exactly what we did to Sir Bobby and Leicester deserve to relegate and enter their dark era for this ridiculous decision.  Relegation is not the worst outcome.  Sinking without trace and direction is.

    Depends if you think Ranieri is a great manager.


    Letting Sir Bob go wan't the problem, getting the right replacement was.

    This was SO true - Shepherd lacked the intelligence and charm to persuade SBR that there was still an important role for him at the club and the first duty of this should have been to recruit his successor...we may even have got Mourinho then..

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