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Posts posted by merlin

  1. The article is trash from our PR mouth piece, Townsend wasn't over priced in today's market that's just an excuse.


    They didn't want to spend in January and are surprised when everyone is p*ssed by this.


    I think £2m loan plus £13m transfer fee is scandalous for Townsend tbh. Hes worth about £10m max tbh as hes declined since he played for us last

    Spurs paid 30 for sissoko, this is the market now.

    ...which doesn't bode well for the deals we will do in summer, if promoted.

  2. Never predict matches - will take it a game at a time. Suspect Ashley has put a large bonus in Rafa's contract if he gets us back up....neither will care what happens after that if there is any conflict over budget.

    The sooner the points necessary are achieved, the happier I will be but there will be some tricky games before March.

    Still on 7.5, will review at end of Feb.

  3. Actually think he'll get backed in the summer tbh.

    So he will - but not anywhere near the extent he needs to be...as everyone will see.


    what would you consider adequate backing in the summer out of interest?

    There is no doubt in my mind that we need a minimum of FOUR top quality players...and I mean, top quality.

    We will still not pull any trees up with 4 - we need a better No 10 as a priority and a LB is desperate for the PL...Gayle is still to be given a full test up front at the highest level and the jury is out until that happens but we def need either a target man or quality cover for him. A good flank player is also a must and I have doubts about our central defence in the PL...it hasn't looked great over the past few Champ games. All this - a bare min - is going to cost the club around 50m, just to get 4 reasonable PL players. To have any hope of top 10 you can add another 25-30m.


    Now, I would like YOUR take on what is needed....

    All depends on what we're aiming for first season back up but for me financial backing in the region of £60-80m spent is required to get us in a position to compete and hopefully not have to worry too much about relegation.


    Basically a quality CF, CM, CB and winger needed as an absolute minimum. First team quality starter players better than what we have. Add to that maybe some gambles, loans, free transfers or whatever and I'd be satisfied Rafa has been 'backed'.


    Plus the ritual sacrifice of Colback of course.


  4. Actually think he'll get backed in the summer tbh.

    So he will - but not anywhere near the extent he needs to be...as everyone will see.


    what would you consider adequate backing in the summer out of interest?

    There is no doubt in my mind that we need a minimum of FOUR top quality players...and I mean, top quality.

    We will still not pull any trees up with 4 - we need a better No 10 as a priority and a LB is desperate for the PL...Gayle is still to be given a full test up front at the highest level and the jury is out until that happens but we def need either a target man or quality cover for him. A good flank player is also a must and I have doubts about our central defence in the PL...it hasn't looked great over the past few Champ games. All this - a bare min - is going to cost the club around 50m, just to get 4 reasonable PL players. To have any hope of top 10 you can add another 25-30m.


    Now, I would like YOUR take on what is needed....

  5. While both Carr and Charnley are part of the problem, and in an ideal world would be replaced, any replacements under Ashley's ownership would likely only get the job on the provision they follow Ashley's instructions.  Unless there is a change in philosophy from Ashley I can't see much changing regardless of staff (in the Carr/Charnley roles).


    Can only hope that Rafa is able to convince Ashley that there HAS to be a change in the way he does things.

    Not a hope...until Ashley sells, the club will stagger from disaster to disaster.

  6. How a 70 odd year old dinosaur with a track record of mainly bringing in failures can still have so much imput at a professional football club at this level is beyond me.


    Got to be down to Ashley's desire to have acolytes who are dependent upon him for a pension pay-off and will therefore do as he wishes...talented people generally do NOT stay in an organization where they are totally subservient to a dictatorial boss who knows less than them. Look at EVERY Ashley appointment apart from KK and Mort and they all fit into this category...Pardew an ultimate failure at every club he has been, JK(no more needs to be said)Jiminez & Co(who are they?), Charnley(Res team Sec), Carver, McClaren  etc etc etc...Hughton fired after getting promotion because Ashley & Llambsarse wanted their gambling mate in so they could manipulate him...

    It all fits a pattern - how anyone could give money to this guy if Rafa - the best manager in terms of trophy wins that NUFC have EVER had - walks away in summer is beyond me.

  7. "We've been found out. Opposition team talk. Pressurise Clark and Lascelles and stop them having time and space to play out from the back, and stick a man on Shelvey. Result --they won't know what to do to get over the halfway line apart from the long ball. Attack Lascelles on the ground-- he can't cope. Encourage the Toon to get the ball to Perez --he will lose it or make the wrong decision. Hayden always needs an extra touch. Ritchie and Gouffran aren't orthodox wingers and their first job is to defend, so don't worry about them beating our full backs and crossing because it won't happen.

    A few obvious flaws which we can all see so Rafa needs to change things fast!! Playing Goofy up front and Sammy on the wing made an immediate impact last night. Bring in  Diame on Saturday. Please drop Perez now he has been the weakest link for most of the season--he works hard but just hasn't got it!!"


    Someone on the ronny gill website nailing it, never thought I'd say that.

    Yes, I read that, it was spot-on....little else to add to it and if there isn't a massive improvement against Derby any talk about games in hand, goal diff and Brighton getting thumped at another possible promotion side(which we still have to visit) will be just whistling in the wind.

  8. I wonder if there has been any plans at all made for the possibility that we may still be playing champ football next season, think the whole club has assumed that we will get promotion, if not surely more players in the Danny Murphy mold would have been brought in to try to get us there. Rafa surely will be gone if we don't go up, probably of his own accord. The squad will need another major makeover, Anita and Gouf's contracts will not be renewed, Ritchie, Shelvey and Gayle will be wowed by PL clubs, Krul, Mbemba and Mitro are as good as gone in the summer anyway, Hayden may have drawn a few suitors too.


    We really are built for getting up this season and if it doesn't happen honestly worry where this club will be for the next decade or so.

    This is a great post and one that more people should be thinking about.

    There is no doubt that the team has been assembled with the pure aim of getting straight back into the PL this season...there would have to be major restructuring of the squad if we do get promoted but heaven help the club if we don't.

    As you say, Rafa will almost certainly be gone(he could be gone even if we DO go up, if he isn't backed)and any players worth anything will have to be sold...Gayle will be the first if he continues to get goals in the remainder of the season and there will be at least 3 more who will attract some sort of interest. This will leave the club with a worse playing staff, having to bring in a manager like Pardew or Warnock(because nobody worth a light would take it after Rafa and KK's walk-outs)and likely to remain down among the dead-men until Ashley leaves....I said in an earlier post that this would be 3 years' min unless someone comes up with stupid money and that is very unlikely.

    Back in 1979, we assembled a side with similar characteristics designed for immediate promotion...they failed to make it and we were a rubbish club until KK was signed with the help of the Brewery in 1982 - even then it took 2 years more to get promotion and the manager, Arthur Cox, walked out in pre-season because.......he was at odds with the board over new players..! We were relegated again in 1989 and didn't return until the Magpie Group takeover and KK's installation as manager when he built a promotion side for the PL in 1993.

    Nothing changes much at NUFC, does it..??

  9. f***. Just seen his interview yesterday. It really is only a matter of time before he walks away. He feels understandably let down. Similar reason why Keegan left, lies and broken promises. f*** the owners of this club. This club will never be anything until Ashley is f***ing gone and he won't be until he chokes on his pie one day.


    Appreciate having a good manager while it lasts lads, won't be the case too much longer.

    Unless some outfit comes up with ridiculous money, Ashley will be here until the club starts losing him money and the only way that will happen is if we fail to get promoted, Rafa walks and the parachute payments drop off. Even one bad season in the Champ would probably not shift him but a big drop in fan numbers and no progress being made the following season would probably get him twitchy. It was only a boycott and financial pressure that shifted McKeag & Co when SJH was battling to take control and I cannot see any of the aforementioned factors happening in the foreseeable future.


    3 Years min with him in charge.

  10. f*** that, Ashley wont be here forever but I will, I certainly wont financially support him, but I'll never turn my back on the club.


    Well, I could easily stop supporting them in the meantime and come back if/when he goes. I don't see how that could be criticised TBH.


    Not me, I would rather go the rest of this season and shout abuse at Ashley or his cronies than just turn my back on the club, what next, you don't like the new left back so you pack your season ticket in.!!!


    'Shout abuse at Ashley & Co'....? You are living in denial mate - they couldn't care less, will probably not even be there to hear it and you know all this...you are just trying to justify giving in to keep supporting a shoddily-run outfit that couldn't care less about its customers...

  11. I just don't get it with Ashley. WTF does he think is going to happen if he pushes Rafa too far and he leaves? Who does he think will come to us and work under him and Penfold to get us back to the PL and keep us up? You'd think that he would have learnt lessons from the KK fiasco. So frustrating supporting us man.

    There is clearly a lot more to Ashley's behaviour than meets the eye ; no person using common sense would get a major investment like NUFC into this type of situation and esp not one who likes to make money...there is something we don't know about here and it stinks to high heaven.

  12. We've been here before. It doesn't end well.


    Such a frustrating club to support. :hmm:


    I sincerely hope that many WON'T support this club actively if all this ends the way it seems to be going - time to make Ashley pay, no parachute payments and lower crowds will do that...

  13. It's the 3 consecutive away games against Brighton/Reading/Huddersfield in February/March that worry me, we can get away with Shelvey or Gayle for 1 or 2 games against lower Championship level but if either or both missed any of them 3 I struggle to see us getting a win.

    These games will determine the whole season now....bad results in them will have me moving down from today's 7 to a 6......

  14. FWIW, not getting players in isn't really the issue. The issue is Rafa explicitly saying that we need players and the club once again failing to get them.

    We have a mint team man, I don't know what is going on here.

    A mint team...? That's already LOST 7 matches with only half a season gone and no team strengthening after we blatantly struggled when Shelvey was out..?

    Not my description at all - promoted sides hardly ever lose more than 5 or 6 games in a season.

    I agree with what you're saying to an extent, and I too am worried about automatic promotion but having said that its worth mentioning that we are currently 2 points better off now than we were after the same amount of games played in the last promotion season.


    It does irk me massively that there's a fairly good chance we could be into double figures for losses by the end of the season but if we make up the points with the wins how much does it really matter?


    It is something Rafa is yet to solve though, why do we seem incapable both mentally and tactically of coming back into a game we go 1-0 down in?


    We needed two new faces in, decent quality CM cover in case Shelvey is crocked, and a solid winger, and it looks like we've missed out on both, I pray it doesn't come back to bite us.


    P.s your previous post is bang on, and sadly exactly what I think will end up happening down the line.

    Thanks for that TWD - I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about Rafa but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he goes in summer.

  15. We have a mint team man, I don't know what is going on here.

    A mint team...? That's already LOST 7 matches with only half a season gone and no team strengthening after we blatantly struggled when Shelvey was out..?

    Not my description at all - promoted sides hardly ever lose more than 5 or 6 games in a season.

  16. hope rafa comes out tomorrow and eactually explains what happened.


    It will all be very coded I reckon

    Yes - too wily to start slagging the owner at this point.

    Will carry on until summer,  he or his agent all the while receiving offers from more ambitious clubs until another transfer fiasco results in a move away after a sizeable compensation payment to Ashley...lovely jubbly for him !

    Fans the only losers once again and will have to settle for a Warnock-type appointment to keep the club above the bottom PL places...provided Rafa has been able to get the club up.


    As predictable as the sun coming up in the East...only a massive transfer kitty in June will prevent this or something like it.

  17. Why would he stay till the summer then leave as opposed to go now?


    If he gets the club promoted its another notch on his CV...esp with having to deal with Ashley & Co and he probably wants to finish the job if he can. If he goes now he gets aggro from the club, fans and media who will say he couldn't hack the Championship..

  18. Genuinely think I'd fully give up on the club if Rafa were to walk because of Ashley. Last time no one outside the club (and a lot of our supporters, in fairness) bothered to acknowledge Ashley's catastrophic policies- mainly because it was Pardew who was the manager in question- but this time I think it would be extremely obvious to all that the club is poisoned beyond help whilst the current ownership remains.


    Last Championship season during the Jan. window we signed Leon Best for £2m and Fabrice Pancrate on a free. Was there anyone else?


    Clear as day now that all Ashley's intentions consist of are getting us back onto the gravy train for as little as possible, before keeping us on that train for as little as possible. Actually makes me want to top myself thinking about it (the worst part though is knowing the apathy people would/will great Benitez's revolt with). 'We cannit compete man!'

    You won't be alone on giving up on the club if Rafa walks in summer because of limited funds...this is Ashley's LAST chance..

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