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  1. Golfmag here 😊 Could only get a ticket in the away section 😩😩 Anyone know a way of sneaking into the Toon fans???
  2. And however shitty and sanctimonious the PL have been, they WERE going to approve it. Had approved it even, I believe. That’s what I was trying to tell Twitter last night. But as soon as the exclusivity ran out, MA saw the opportunity to pocket the 17 million and an extra 50 million from the American.
  3. I am so, so sorry I put all my info about this on Twitter last night rather than on here. Big mistake ?
  4. Yes you’re right. I thought he was, although he did like himself a lot. Not to self praise but ONLY to try and provide a bit of reassurance seeing as we are all going mad, my other two contact eras were the late great Trevor Bennett who was a dear friend and Patron of NUFC having lent SJH much of his investment into the club. And then, through golf, the one and only Tony Jiminez who told me we were selling Milner the night before a meeting at Forest of Arden to rubber stamp it, a meeting that Keegan wasn’t invited to...
  5. The Governor of PIF is golf mad and they invest heavily in golf tournaments with my previous employers. My ex colleague I got the the info from is also a life Vice President of a football league club but was told about the meetings by the man from PIF himself, who has no reason to lie. I shouldn’t say anything else as was obviously told in confidence. Ps and 10 years on, I still haven’t forgiven the Forum for confusing having a direct line to Pardew with being a Pardew apologist ??
  6. No worries. The abuse that reporting something I’ve been told from a completely trustworthy, first hand source - in here and in Twitter. - is beyond my comprehension. Those of you who know my history on here will hopefully take some hope from what I know. Although, the Governor of PIF having to meet with the government AND premier league (he was also over here for golf meetings) at this stage of the process could just as easily be seen to be worrying as encouraging. But it shows if nothing else high level engagement.
  7. There is no link, this is a private source. I have no news about the outcome of the meeting, will ask the question but want to wait a few hours.
  8. To clarify, I guess he is the Governor or Director of PIF. Anyway the meeting was with Yasir Al-Rumayyan, who is main man and a really good guy. And loves his golf
  9. ‪The Chairman of PIF - who is also involved with golf - met with the government AND the Premier League on Thursday in London, to try and get the deal done‬
  10. Yes it’s not really new news but still useful to get a little reassurance from someone properly within the game
  11. I spoke this morning to the CEO of one of the most important organisations across professional football - same person I mentioned last week - and he said he was sure it was going to go through, once the PL had been seen to go through the piracy concerns. It felt like he was partly expressing an opinion but in his position, he is pretty much at the heart of professional football and it felt, unlike last week, that he was speaking with at least some level of knowledge. Have also posted pretty much same message on True Faith Facebook page but will try and resist twitter. .
  12. Bet he's got really long clubs. He was very polite and chatty, which I could say different but I can't. He did almost trip backwards over some social distancing signs when he got out of his car. It was just a tiny stumble backwards but it took me straight back to Goodison Park....
  13. I should have phrased it that RB speculated that Ashley was hoping this deal would fall through so that he could accept the higher alternative bid. But I repeat that I clearly got the impression that this was simply his opinion, and that he wasn't providing any inside information. That's very interesting... Is it? How can Ashley hold out for anything else if the deal is already done, signed and with the PL?
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