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Posts posted by Mikky

  1. Shambolic ownership and board. Disgraceful.


    We should have 100% kept Leon Best, Danny Guthrie, and Wayne Routledge (I know Guthrie left on his own b/c he wanted first team football).


    But the fact that we've sold squad players and tried to graduate the youth players too early is a disgraceful decision by the club. Best, Guthrie, Forster, and Wayne Routledge could have all been vital to our squad. We haven't had squad depth in ages, and every time something happens to us via injuries or suspensions, we've struggled b/c we've lacked adequate depth. The players listed above aren't exactly world class players who should be commanded first team places, but they'd provide experience and some unique quality/talent.


    I think of today's starting 11 and in that you replace Best for Shola, Routledge for Sammy, Guthrie for Mehdi, and you've got a team that could grind out a result.


    I've always said we should be buying solid Championship players who actually have some talent to fill in some depth for our squads, or decent PL players who would love to play for a club like us and be a member of the squad. You could pick out a player or 2 from each of the "smaller" clubs and see a few that would cost us little and prove to be key squad players. But our board, are just f***ing so incredibly cheap and lack ambition - b/c they love to take gambles on young lads who have only cut their teeth in reserve fixtures or youth matches.


    Funny that we sign a player like Bigi from a lower league who is at the right age and he looks miles ahead of others b/c he's had real first team experience.


    Best and Guthrie played in the equally embarrassing fixture down there last year. Both also had long spells at the club of simply not being up to scratch.


    The jettisoning of average players is not the problem here. In fact we've still got too many of them making up key parts squad; Williamson, Simpson, Perch, Ryan Taylor, Shola, Obertan. Most of that lot wouldn't even get in our Championship starting XI. A decent club would have f***ed them off by now in our 3rd season back in the top flight, not be dishing out new contracts to them like we do and having them play 30 games a season.


    I despair at the situation we find ourselves in, where we're having to accept people like Shola, Perch and Ryan Taylor as 'cult heroes' because of their effort/character instead of having players good enough to match the unfulfilled potential of the club. That's without even touching on people like Sammy, Bigi, Ferguson etc all playing regular games when they should be out on loan.


    We should have a full 18 man squad minimum of players who are good enough to be top 10 Premier League footballers, and I mean actual footballers who like having the f***ing ball. Not have 5 or 6 in the line-up trying to mask the inabilities of others and ultimately dragging their own level down. It will never happen though, because it's obviously too f***ing expensive for a club with 50,000 fans coming through the turnstiles and millions of pounds of revenue to have a squad of competent f***ing players to pick from.




    Very good post that Sewelly: Just looking at our squad again: do we have 18 strong players worthy of a top 10 team...


    Krul, S Taylor, Colocinni, Santon, Jonas, Tiote, Cabaye, Anita, Marveaux, Debuchy, Ben Arfa, Cisse, Ba (Remy) = 13


    So in my opinion, we're a full back, centre back, central midfielder, winger, striker STILL short of completing the squad we need: with the rest of the squad made up of at least R Taylor, Perch, Willamson, Bigirimana, Obertan and Ameobi (possibly Gosling aswell) for the time being: with these guys slowing (except Bigirimana) being eased out.


    Maybe this is the grand plan by the board?..................

  2. Ryan Taylor ‏@TaylorR1984

    2012 wasn't a great year on the pitch with the injuries but it ends on a high as I started my running today, looking forward to 2013 now


    Return in March me thinks. Will be good to have competition for places

  3. A lot of talk of how good the referee was today until the winner went in. Mike Dean had a good game except for the tackle on Anita. Should have been a second yellow. Bit disappointed to see so many comments about how much Manchester United are c***s though rather than praising your own side for attacking like f*** at Old Trafford and almost winning the game.


    That was an incredible match.


    Just log on to RedCafe: never come accross so much arrongance in my life:


    There's a reason I'm not a member there.


    Fair point fella: its like a seige mentality over there

  4. A lot of talk of how good the referee was today until the winner went in. Mike Dean had a good game except for the tackle on Anita. Should have been a second yellow. Bit disappointed to see so many comments about how much Manchester United are c***s though rather than praising your own side for attacking like f*** at Old Trafford and almost winning the game.


    That was an incredible match.


    Just log on to RedCafe: never come accross so much arrongance in my life:

  5. Need RVP to have a stinker and Defoe to get a couple as my captain and I'm back in the mix:

    Going to play: Begovic: J Evans: Rafael: Shawcross: Ivanovic: Santi Caz, Mata: Fellaini: Ba; Defoe ©; Saurez (Bench: Mertezacker, Nolan; Sterling)


    Climbed from 17th from end of September to 8th and 10 points behind 4th in my league

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