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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I'll take total cunts who invest in the club and make it a success over a total cunt who owns the club just to line his own pockets. Anyway, I'm currently sat in a hotel in Jeddah, so I can hardly take the moral high ground here . If I'd happily take Saudi money to keep a roof over my head, it seems silly to get my pants in a knot over Saudis investing in my football club. (Obviously this will - as per the last 472 takeover rumours - come to nothing, so the whole thing is moot anyway)
  2. -Ctrl-C -Ctrl-V -Edit a few names -Submit article -Repeat next window
  3. Chris_R


    More irony in that being his reaction to being called out on reacting over emotionally.
  4. Chris_R


    Suppose they better act quick whilst Poch is still available.
  5. Chris_R


    OK, but my point stands. Why do people talk as if their loss is of any relevance if they've been going straight to Short? Or am I missing something?
  6. Chris_R


    Why do people keep talking about the imminent ending of the parachute payments being a bad thing for them? Weren't they supposedly going straight to Short anyway, so were of no relevance?
  7. "I'm only willing to take a risk on a company if it's made risk-free for me."
  8. I've feel utter apathy. I feel enough for the club to be happy when we score, but getting rid of Ashley is the only important thing and if that takes relegation then bring it on. Accordingly, if West Ham had pegged us back to 3-3 I'd probably just have laughed.
  9. Yep. Rafa's solid defensive foundation and formation, and the players still defending to his drills are the only reason we're doing as well as we are. If Bruce rips that all up, he's screwed.
  10. Watched the Wolves match on my phone, the wife kept asking if I wanted to put it on the big screen but I said no, I'd rather not. I told her I wasn't even interested in turning the commentary up, I was only keeping half an eye out for if any goals went in. When they did, I felt almost nothing for either goal. I wanted to know there'd been goals, but I couldn't celebrate either ours or theirs, I had too many conflicting emotions about both. As soon as Ashley goes, I'll be back to supporting Newcastle fully, but right now I can't wish the club and by proxy him any success at all. I simultaneously love the club but want it to burn. Such a shit way to feel.
  11. CTRL+C, change a few names, CTRL+V. Easiest job in the world.
  12. Chris_R


    He didn't even change the seats. They did.
  13. Chris_R


    It's either on or off. Can't imagine the richest group of potential owners in football would need to haggle over the price of a third tier football club. Be like me going into the local corner shop and trying to get 1p off a Mars Bar.
  14. His problem is that previously he's been the big name (at least on playing rep) brought in to do better than the last bloke, and often because the club he's joined has sacked their manager for being shit, that's not a hard task as the team had been underperforming. The only way is up etc, it's easy for any manager to look good when the last one was dogshit and was fired. The problem now is that he's joined a team that were overperforming, and the previous manager was a bigger and more famous man with a solid reputation and the respect of the fans, and now he's baffled as to why telling the players to go out and have fun isn't really cutting the mustard and so he's lashing out at everyone because he's confused and, quite frankly, a bit stupid. He's not qualified for the job. He has no answers to anything that's being asked of him and he never will because his only way of working is fundamentally incompatible with what we need. Hopefully he stays though, and takes us down. Fuck it all to hell and back.
  15. Where's this "He'll spend if we go down" rhetoric come from? Last time we went down, we made a surplus of over £30m on transfers.
  16. Chris_R


    Forums being taken in by posters claiming to be ITK at takeovers? Only at Sunderland, eh.
  17. Yeah Potter seems like a good manager. Did great things with Östersund in Sweden and I'm not surprised he's got Brighton playing well too.
  18. Chris_R


    Good luck to them. I don't give enough of a fuck about football to even be jealous these days. If I had a football team to support, I might care, but I don't.
  19. Would happily watch the Ring video before I clicked this shit right here. This. Aside from the rage-inducing content which makes it an immediate "no" on the grounds of wishing to preserve my own sanity, like fuck am I monetising any website carrying that prick's words, which he's doubtless getting paid for. Clicking that link is like giving Pardew money.
  20. The Venn diagram of "people who think Bruce deserves some slack" and "people who can't write coherent sentences" really is just a fucking circle.
  21. Chris_R


    Harsh on geordiedean, but probably justified in this case.
  22. Chris_R


    Lyn Spencer. She was a teacher at my secondary school in the late 80's. Married that baldy c*** Roger Thames iirc It was Paddy McDee. Paddy McDee married Roger Thames?
  23. Harsh, he only registered 4 months ago.
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