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Posts posted by Lotus

  1. 4 hours ago, gbandit said:

    Apart from that one really wayward pass I thought he did really well when he came on

     That one serious fuck up is always coming though and that’s really annoying atm.

    Without it he’d be a shoe in.

  2. Just now, r0cafella said:

    Isak is definitely the problem let’s bin him off to someone better than us and have big Willie bully defenders. :lol: 


    It's very possible to have good players who don't fit your style. Happens all the time. We also show no inclination of adapting to him, so..... 

  3. Just now, Kid Icarus said:

    For the first time in 9 attempts. 


    Tbf they played better than us last season until we scored. They looked pretty good until then. They do have (on paper) inferior players tbd.


    Oh well...

  4. 1 minute ago, Ikon said:

    Isolation yes, but he needs to do more to give him self the chance to get more involved. Have seen this version of Isak too many times through the years. Piss poor overall today is mind. 


    I think ultimately we're not really the right team for him. We need a brick sh*t house who can hold the ball up and can close down defenders relentlessly for 90 mins to minimize out pourous midfield. 

  5. Got a lot of time for EH. 

    One things that's bothered me since our good season, it seemed the basis was on over running and over powering teams. With that we frightened them into making mistakes and we capitalised well. 

    I think the whole 'flog yourself til you die - every game' mentality has a limited lifespan. Especially among very good players. Because if you're noticeably better than the average Prem pro you shouldn't have  to kill yourself to win or draw. That's where your talent should pay off. 


    Tactically I'm not sure we've consistentley cute and improving. 

  6. I think he's playing too deep. He's not a good 6 for the way we play. We leave BIG gaps in midfield and he hasn't the pace to get across and close down.

    Our midfield plan in general looks disjointed tbh.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Why would anyone treat Howe like they treated Pardew and Bruce? The job he's doing doesn't compare to those two in any way. 

    Clearly a WUM, would ignore it if I were you.

  8. I feel like JL does most of his good defending when he’s running back and tackling an unsuspecting opponent. He has the desire, engine, pace and strength to do this very effectively. Don’t think he reads the game well to play as a 6 and I don’t think he has the mindset of safety first about his passing either.

    He’s best for us as an attacking midfielder who will absolutely help out in recovering the ball. 
    He can pass well but he has tendency for high risk high reward passes that you would expect from a forward player. Those are best done further from our goal, obvs.

  9. 2 hours ago, nemtizz said:

    Bruno the deepest for me. 

    Think the closer we have Bruno to Isak and Gordon the better. Bruno at the base also means another slow player in a defensive position.

    We would sacrifice Tonali’s attacking instincts but at least he can get back quick enough to cover when we lose it in transition and look all over the place.

  10. He was a weakness today. Not particularly good in defence but wasn’t effective with the ball either. If he’s not a great defender he has to justify his place by playing dangerous passes but that didn’t happen today. Some of that is our players not making the kind of movement that gives him passing options. In matches like that I think I’d prefer to see him moving into midfield instead of Livramento. 
    Think EH was worried about Burns chronic lack of pace. 

  11. If we need a CB and RW who must be ready to go with little adaptation then I guess that’s all one years money on one player and then all the next years money on the other. Unless we sell a star player or some how  massively increase our revenue in just 10 months.

    Therefore seems reasonable to assume project players may be bought in both positions or one at the very least.

    Especially if PM wants to stick to his agenda of signing approx 6 new players every year.

    Brighton just spent £25m on Gruda, a project player. Looks like we can just about afford 2 of those at that price point.

    Or you’re spending £10m and really reaching.

  12. My own experience of working with Saudi companies and Saudi Govt/Private JVs (17 years worth) is that the Saudis make you do everything as quickly as possible, having underlings employed just to harangue you and constantly put a rockets up your arse. You finish everything you were contracted to do ahead of schedule only to realise they even started phase 1 of their side. Sweet F.A. The project then sits about, collecting dust while they’re seemingly distracted like a toddler. Then they call for a big meeting, turn up and talk big. Proceed to sit on their hands after.

    Very interesting culture and much to admire as well as admonish (they’ll feel the same about us..). Delivering projects on time or even the same eon is not a strong point. Especially if you have Saudis in prominent key decision making roles. It’s better when they bankroll it but outsource the project management. 


    Our project may have very capable and decisive Saudis in (what look like) key positions. There’s a whole other politic at play though. Balancing interests of Royals and Clans. All in the shadows. 

  13. Very interesting to read he will be looking to sign 6 players a year for 3 years, totalling 18 new players and that’s how he’ll refresh the squad. One would imagine that’s a lot of project players. Maybe only 1 first team ready players and 5 project players.

    Thats quite a different strategy to what we’ve done up until now.

  14. If we bid somewhere between £65-70M then we had enough for a cheaper CB and a decent RW. 
    I’m also of a mind that Palace would’ve accepted that much.
    But neither Guehi nor the option CB + RW happened. 


    If we were in fact offering considerably less, perhaps led by Nickson (conspicuous by his absence) and PM was just a negotiator at the table. 

    He said he couldn’t steer the direction the transfer committee wanted to go in as he wasn’t here long enough. Just advise/support.


    CP drag it out a bit, they want a bit more than we can afford. Other options less favourable to EH come off the table. CP sell a CB and then another is injured, Guehi deal off.

    We try to scratch around for a late alternative but there hasn’t been sufficient scouting and analysis. 
    Late panic bid for a RW, comes to nothing. Left with nothing. 
    PM now in charge of things.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:




    Clubs bidding £65 million pounds for players they don't want. 


    I’m not picking a fight with you but don’t you think that fee is perhaps wrong? 

    Maybe a deal worth that inc. signing on fee, wages, potential bonus payments to CP if we won the league/qualified for the CL 3 years in a row, etc…


    It just doesn’t add up to me that we had that kind of money lying around.

  16. 5 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:


    I agree that we’ve paid premiums on a lot of our transfers. Some have worked out tremendously like Isak, some are questionable like Tonali or Hall but at the time all where premium fees at best and overpayment at worst as was reported at the time.  


    But you can’t use that argument then bid £70m for Guehi. That would’ve been the worst one to date. 

    I agree. Because of the obvious hypocrisy, if we did in fact bid that much for Guehi, has made me examine that premise. All we have is media sensationalism wrt how much the bid was, I think (correct me if I’m wrong).

    If we then realign that idea with the stated policy and reduce the Guehi fee by £15-20M it starts to make more sense.

    For me, when it doesn’t add up and we have a couple of suppositions there, we need to redefine/reimagine one of those until the logic holds.

    If you get my drift.

  17.                Sandro           Bruno




                   Interchanging front 3

  18. 16 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    Guesses galore again I see. Why don't people wait until the owners come out (looks like it is going to be imminent). The rules will change also, as more and more clubs (including some of the Sky top 6) are affected 

    Because forums are for speculation. None of us work for the club (that I know of) so all we have is supposition. What’s wrong with it?  Because you can’t qualify it? Don’t bother with it then.

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