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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Matias Soule looks the playmaker type to me. Decent pace but not Gordonesque. As a result he seems to have prospered by good decision making and excellent technical execution.
  2. Seem to remember something about that when his contract was signed. Could only be triggered by non PL clubs.
  3. Lotus

    Fabian Schär

    Cruyff would’ve loved Schar. Would’ve had him popping up all over the park. Man has the most complete skill set in our squad.
  4. Lotus

    Lewis Hall

    I just don’t know enough to assess if Hall would be a successful midfielder. As you’ve alluded to, it’s a lot more than being able to pass or tackle. It’s the awareness and speed of thought under pressure. If he stays at FB he will obvs be a playmaking FB and, I think takeover from Trippier in that role. Tino’s strength to me (offensively) seems to be more about running with the ball. His passing is good but not exceptional.
  5. Lotus

    Sean Longstaff

    He can really ping the ball well, from either foot. But he can struggle to make the most basic of passes. That’s less to do with technique and more about him not making a decision early enough. He does seem to 2nd guess himself. I’ve a lot of time for him for his character. I don’t think he offers much more than ‘legs’ and he can only do that if fully fit and injury free. It’s easy to underestimate what effect a Duracell bunny can offer his teammates, especially in midfield. But he doesn’t have many secondary qualities to fall back on if he can’t cover enough grass.
  6. Lotus

    Kieran Trippier

    Think there are some harsh posts here. He’s been out and hasn’t got his sharpness. He had a lapse or 2 one of which cost us. Unless it’s silly money I’d be happy to see him play for us next season. Would think he’s still got 1 good season left in him. Ideally Tino would show enough in training and matches to play at least half the games.
  7. Think it’s very easy for us to underestimate the pressures these managers are under. It really bends some of them out of shape. I used to like Klopp but I think it all really got to him. I’m just guessing Ange is straining under the weight of expectation coupled with what I imagine to be less than exemplary support and stewardship from Levy.
  8. Didn't see how EH 'got it wrong' tbh. Players didn't make the best decisions but that's on them.
  9. Important to protect Isak imo. Wilson unfortunately not reliable this season. Still 6 points to play for.
  10. London is awesome or awful depending on the people you know. Like every other place.
  11. Lotus

    Lewis Hall

    Seems to me, with his very very good technique and range of passing, it’s more likely he’ll be a Trippier type of playmaking fullback. On the other side we can still have Tino. He’s very athletic and can probably play well as RCB in a back 3 shape when Hall moves forward. Hall just has to grow as a player and gain the confidence Trippier has. We’re an excellent team for him to do that.
  12. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Have I missed something or are the media not constantly linking AG to all the usual suspects the way Bruno and Isak have been?
  13. Lotus

    Elliot Anderson

    Well, A Gordon said Anderson shows plenty in training but he’s just got to figure out how to transfer that to match day. I also think it would be good for him to go on loan and find out himself what kind of player he is. He might be a good fit for a lower prem team but he also might not one of the 1st names on the team sheet and he really needs lots of starts. Championship might be a level too low. He’s in a tricky spot.
  14. Lotus

    Sean Longstaff

    Feel very bad for Sean. He’s just been offering anything significant for a while now. We’re out of options for the rest of this season though. I really hope he plays well at home.
  15. Lotus

    Dan Burn

    I felt at the time Burn was directly responsible for their goal. Schar was already there and Burn rushed forward leaving the space behind him for a simple pass. Think he was way too over eager. Haven’t watched it back since.
  16. Amounts to same I suppose but I think contractually you would imagine it's the lack of a CL bonus as opposed to penalising players individual contracts because the best post war Man U manager can't string some results together.
  17. It's a shame because he can strike the ball well (when passing).
  18. is it just that some of them may have performance related contracts and they wouldn't be receiving the bonuses due to them for finishing higher? I mean, there's no way they're voluntarily taking a 25% cut just cause they love the club soooooooo much, like....
  19. Longstaff seeing the pass and then not playing it, messing about, they get more men back then he passes it.... He can make the pass so I guess he's a little low on confidence.
  20. I’m sure I remember ManU fans telling me ETH was the best manager they’d had post WW2…
  21. Lotus

    Lewis Miley

    C’est possible…..
  22. Yep, and for that I’d run a mile. Madness to think he couldn’t improve us though.
  23. Bruno is my favourite player. I think he’s awesome. Gallagher seems a bit weirdly underrated on here. I think he’s better than a lot,of,you are giving him credit for. Fwiw, for my own tastes I’d rather we were looking at players with excellent ball skills and vision over monstrous athleticism but it doesn’t look like the direction we’re going in atm.
  24. Lotus

    Lewis Miley

    Has done owt to look like he could genuinely contribute?
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