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Everything posted by IndonesianToon

  1. and i hope its okey for a toon supporter to not be part of any known or to-be-known religion! Absolutely OK with me mate. I just want to say that : No one should offended with other people's faith. It's a personal choice, and we have to respect that. After all, It's performance/goals that count on the pitch
  2. Somebody please help me out with this one. What do people (other fans) think of us? especially in England and generally in Europe. About our Footie club ? About our Team (current and past) ? About us (the fans) ? About our stadium? And about the city (Newcastle)? I would hear personal experiences also. Do we have someone here who are regular member of other's club forum a la KingDawson ( perhaps KingBramble ) ? I'm one of NUFC International based fans. Have been live in another side of globe and never been in europe before. We don't talk a lot about premierclub other than the top 4 here. We have loads of ManU, Arse and Pool Fans here, and quite alot of chelski's too lately (Glory Hunter) I've met several toon fans too (not many). Thanx Howaythelads
  3. Bye Fat Fred !!! Wish us luck !
  4. I dont think it was anything religous at all what he did. He was shocked he scored I guess cause he has been loosing his confidence over the months he need s more of these he will get better, unluckily he got injured again ... Nope, It's religious indeed. I just impressed he still manage to think of it with that kind of emotional ecstacy (sorry, can't find a better word) seems like a nice person to me. Not every moslem did it actualy.
  5. I'm a moslem too, so I believe he made a thankfull expression to His God. Just like you lot when you make cross sign in certain situation. I hope it doesn't bother anyone there. yes, Ideally we do it towards mecca if we can manage it. No, we're not terrorist (at least 99,99..%) of us. I hope It's Ok for moslem to be a toon supporter. Sorry for my english
  6. Agree, he has done a marvelous job last season as a holding player
  7. Good win and good performance by almost everyone Can't have a complain except for the injury Pros Dyer, Solano, Martins, Taylor shame they had James or else we could banging goals for fun today
  8. My first post here. I've been supporting this club since 1994 Have been folowing this forum since last season I'm sorry for my english. (Native Indonesian) My teams : Martins Dyer Zog Emre Millner Parker/Butt Ramage Shambles Taylor Solano Given or =========================================== Martins Luque Dyer Zog/emre Millner Parker/Butt Ramage Shambles Taylor Solano Given
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