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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. We saw the real Jonas against Man U, he had a team that was playing well with him so he wasn't trying hard to create, and he didn't have to worry about defesive duties either.

  2. Did a predictor today, i honestly think we won't be relegated. I had us to beat Pompey, Fulham and Boro and nick a point at Villa. We finished 15th level on 40 points with Pompey, just better goal difference. The Mackems finshed in 17th with 37 and Hull went down with 35. Hull and Boro have horrible run ins for the rest of the season, and the mackems ain't too special either.

  3. Would play him behind Viduka and Martins when they are fit. I think he'd do a much better job than Owen who is good in that role, but i think Jonas can do better. Jonas did some good passes against Spurs post-substitution and he has intelligent movement a la Stoke when he ran into the channels frequently and caused problems. I think this role would suit him well and i'd even try it out if he was behind Owen and Oba, the pace and movement and skill that particularly Jonas has would have a lot of teams scared.


    He doesn't have much of an end product though. Owen playing in that role is proven to have one.

    He doesn't when it comes to crosses, but remember Villa? He was in the box and on the byline for Martins second. His movement against Stoke got him into those areas and i think he'd have plenty of end product if he played in that position properly. He has all the attributes for it imo and his short passing range is pretty decent a la Spurs with the ball into Martins which should have been a pen.

  4. Would play him behind Viduka and Martins when they are fit. I think he'd do a much better job than Owen who is good in that role, but i think Jonas can do better. Jonas did some good passes against Spurs post-substitution and he has intelligent movement a la Stoke when he ran into the channels frequently and caused problems. I think this role would suit him well and i'd even try it out if he was behind Owen and Oba, the pace and movement and skill that particularly Jonas has would have a lot of teams scared.

  5. Here's Portmouth's team from Saturday




    Kaboul Campbell, Distin, Hreidarsson,


    Johnson, Davis, Mullins, Kranjcar


              Nugent Crouch.



    I'm worried that our CBs won't be able to handle Crouch


    We should dominate midfield if we've got Barton, Jonas, Guthrie and even Smith in there.


    Don't forget that they play Man U on Wednesday - hope they get knackered or get a crucial injury!!

    He like Owen needs good support, and with Krancjar out i can't see them threatening tbh.

  6. Tbh i'd consider dropping Owen and get Colo back in. My team would depend on the fitness of Barton and Enrique but if they're fit.



    Beye  Bassng  Colo  Enrique


        Guthrie  Smith  Barton



          Martins        Viduka   

    If Jose is still out stick Duff LB, and if Barton's out get Jonas in his position and put Owen behind Oba and Duke.

  7. Shearer is turning into the new tinkerman, sort this hit out in training man Al FFS..


    To be fair, the system today might have worked in training. Training isn't really a good indicator of what formations and tactics work best, you have to try them out in a competitive match, unfortunately we don't have too many of them left.

    To be fair it didn't work against Stoke, so why would it work with a team that likes to play it out wide to very fast wingers. It makes that formation extremely ineffective.

  8. Good players can still consistently score in shit teams, Martins (who is considered shite by a proportion of people) while he has been here has scored against 3 of the top 4 in England, Owen hasn't. Look at James Beatty he's scored a lot for a shit team and he did it for Southampton as well.

  9. Ideal as an impact player, however we do not have good enough alternatives to start in place of him


    Has to start either behind the front 2 or on the left

    Disagree, showing against Man U proves that he's best as a starter. Something has obviously happened to Jonas since we saw him against them, he's either been trying to do too much or being told to play in a way that doesn't suit him etc. Obvious to me that we've not being seeing the 'real' Jonas for some time, but he's still played well for Argentina and it doesn't seem a coincidence to me.

  10. I think we would have done better if he'd started tbh we looked very devoid of ideas, he must start, and i think he'll play better because he'll be playing higher up the field instead of covering every blade of grass. Him, Barton and Guthrie is a mouth watering prospect considering the current crop.

  11. Just took it to Stoke, which is what we needed some endeavour, whether it was a tactical decision to run at tired legs which i doubt because Stoke are probably the fittest side in the league or it was just a rest, he proved when he came on he is vital. I'm looking forward to seeing what Al does with him tbh, hope he makes him play in this higher free role more often because we just need that creativity. Our midfield yesterday was just so lacking in anything and Stoke found that far too easy because it played straight into their hands getting numbers behind the ball and closing our options. I wonder if we'd have done better had Jonas started, but he must play every game from now on. A midfield of him, Barton, Guthrie and whoever else is a thousand times better than what we have at the minute, and i'm looking forward to the day they play together.

  12. Made a huge difference yesterday imo. Carroll has got a lot of the plaudits for his goal but we were looking a lot more potent when Jonas came on. Dunno what position he was playing he seemed to have a free role, and it worked well showed us that the best way to beat teams like Stoke is to play real footballers, not cloggers. Remember Al saying last week Jonas needed to play further up the pitch, if he meant by what Jonas did yesterday then i feel much better as he showed great industry with some cracking runs, a couple of balls in the box, some nice balls behind the defence to Butt and Owen. However i do think it was wise to give him a bit of a rest, he has played a lot this season with internationals, but more of the same please Jonas.

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